Chapter : Thirteen

899 Words

Elise's POV  "Come on baby, get out of bed" I heard Kai say soothingly down my ear.  "My legs hurt too much from last night" I told him whining like a baby, but to my defense that man went crazy last night. My legs were in absolute agony, I wasn't complaining about what happened because he sure knows what to do but Id rather not deal with the pain after wards.  "Fine, I will run you a quick bath and then when you're done, I will take you to college." He said, walking away from me to turn on the water. Ughh, I really didn't want to go in today but I knew I couldn't miss a day at all. It would help me get into university and if I missed even one day I knew that there wouldn't be a chance of that happening. It was strange since most colleges weren't all that bothered if you missed one day.

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