Club Scene

1418 Words

Camilla Pov Standing in front of me is Damien, of course! Looking down at the plate of food in my hands. He is even more handsome than I remember, how can he be human? looking flawless standing here. He’s standing here, hands in his pockets, wearing a white shirt and black pants. “what are you doing here?” I ask in an exhausted tone, can’t he just go. “came to congratulate you,” I look at him, drinking him “Oh cool, now leave,” I say flatly, his intense gaze makes my lady parts twitch, I put my plate down walking away. “ still angry I see,” suddenly heat goes to my cheek remembering our last encounter, how he pleasured me in the bathroom, my hand goes to play with my very weird hair. “what are you doing here anyway?” I ask curiously. I don’t know why I even what to know he’s a d**k.

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