New Witch

1408 Words

Camilla How dare he? Who does he think he is. I hate him so much! I groan when we reach outside. “ let me call a taxi,” I tell Eric while taking out my phone from my pocket but he shakes his head. I’m calling it for him, I can just use my vamp speed to go to my apartment. “ I’ll drop you off,” I didn’t know he has a car, I nod looking back at the club, Damien is not there, he has probably gone back to his friends. I wonder what time they'll leave it’s almost 03. “ Camilla,” calls Eric I nod following him at the car park, I open my open mouth when I see his car, it’s like one of those sports cars Damien has. Is he rich too? I look at him before going in, it smells so good with leather seats. “cool car,” “ Thanks,” he says a bit shy. Why is he? Maybe it’s not his, I give him the direct

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