The Marking

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Caleb was smiling cunningly, making me start to shiver. Standing before him, he was crazy—this was crazy! We couldn't have offspring, and everyone, I mean everyone, would judge us. This wasn't accepted in the same way as it was a hundred years ago. It was shameful, and he knew! “I have already said that I didn’t care about that. Didn’t I tell you when you shifted? I don't care. I want you; I have been waiting for you since I shifted at eighteen. I am not going to give up my Luna for something like old f*****g politics...." His voice was softer and more convincing when I closed my eyes and shivered; this would end in disaster. I already knew it when he smiled confidently at me. His lips were on my neck again, and I wanted to tell him to stop, push him away, and run, but I just couldn’t. I was a disgrace to my pack. “We are not a disgrace; we are Alpha's meant to be..." Caleb said the words silently into my neck, making me gulp. I heard every word he said, even though he mumbled them against my skin, feeling the tip of his tongue circle my neck; if I didn't smell like him now, I didn't know what it would take. “Good, I want everyone to feel it! The whole f*****g world knows you're mine.” he wrapped his arms around me and nuzzled my face with his nose against mine like we were shifted when I nuzzled back, my head tilted up and smiling at him. He was my everything, my male, my Alpha. I looked at him lovingly when his smile was warm. His eyes were still with the calm that was over both of us now; we were crazy, and there would be consequences, but I would die without him, and he would be more vulnerable when I did. “So… Emilia…” Caleb's deep, dark voice made my heart slam against my chest. I stared up in awe into his charcoal eyes, which stared back at me lovingly. I had no idea what would happen, and all I knew was that I loved him the second I saw him. “Become my Luna.” He said it as if he had asked me to marry him, but it was the same for us. Once you were marked, it was more than being married because there was nothing you could change or get rid of. “Yes!” I said the word breathlessly. I wanted to be his Luna more than anything else and didn't care anymore. Let them come for us, call us crazy and insane for mating. I didn't want anyone else, and neither did Caleb. He snickered from hearing me, taking hold of my shoulders and spinning me around, making me stare into his eyes in the bathroom mirror, his hard-on pushing it against my backside, making me part my legs the slightest. I wanted him to take me, mark me. Do anything he wanted to me! "I love you, Emilia...." Caleb's hands found my breast when I gasped from his fingers moving around over the fabric. I had never been touched like that, making him happy. His hands slipped down, and I inhaled when they were underneath, making my core clench when he grazed my nubs before taking off the same top he had given me, leaving me topless against his muscular chest. I was burning up, feeling him pull down my jeans. I was biting my lip, not knowing what to do against the powerful Alpha, who was pleased to see me naked again, like we hadn't spent the last hours like this. "Mark me Alpha, please..." My eyes were starting to change, and I felt the wolf inside me pushing out when meeting his eyes, which had begun to sparkle yellow. He was beautiful when the growl made me whimper, wanting him even more, pushing myself back at him, feeling the strong male behind me, my mate. "Stand still and.... and trust me..." Caleb's voice was dark and guttural when I made a slight nod, holding my breath, feeling him part my legs more, the small moan escaping my mouth, the slow grinding from his d**k that was making me even more frustrated, staring back at him in the big bathroom mirror, he was so much bigger than me, and still, he fitted me perfectly. I winched when he pushed inside me, making me throb hard from the pain that made him stop and the warm blood running down my thighs. He had taken my virginity in one go, and it hurt more than I ever imagined that it would do. "Relax.... just relax...." Caleb's voice didn't help when I started to cry; he was so big, and I wasn't. I had never met another male before him, not even a kiss, and I had given him everything. "Alpha, please.... please..." I didn't want to do this anymore; my body hurt when everything was aching. To my surprise, he didn't move and pushed me down more, making me cry even harder. What was he doing!? "I said, stand still! Luna, I can't stop, you know that!" Caleb was growling back to my crying when he started to move, and I winced again. He was so big that every time he thrust, my body did a jolt of pain, making me close my eyes, still feeling his hand on my back, holding me down. I just wanted him to be done when I felt him take off his hand and pull me up, still having his d**k inside me, seeing myself pressed against his chest, crying and trying not to fall apart over what was happening. "I promise it will feel better soon, please...." Caleb was begging me as if seeing my upset face in the mirror had made him wake up from whatever trance he was in, and I slightly nodded. I wanted to believe that, but right now, it didn't feel anything like when he was making the hickey on my neck, just the hard throbbing pain that came from between my thighs. He heard me, and before I knew it, his mouth was on the same spot as before, his tongue licking and kissing me, making me relax the slightest, exhaling from the small pleasure of feeling his lips sucking and nipping on the spot again, making a slight moan from the warmness that was finally starting to overcome the pain. "I'm sorry, Luna...I'm so sorry..." I made a slight sob again, arching back, hearing him apologizing. My eyes closed, and my lips parted; the pain was getting duller, thank goddess. "Alpha.... oh...." I was saying it out loud when his hand was on my breast again, rubbing me carefully with one hand at my core, finding my sensitive bud, feeling myself clench around him to the grunts coming back. He was still kissing my neck when he looked up, smiling, seeing that I wasn't in pain anymore; the worst part was over. "I'm sorry, Luna. The worst part isn't over." His smile disappeared when I stared back at him, surprised; it wasn't? Oh no, oh no. I knew what he meant. He hadn't marked me, and it would hurt, wouldn’t it? "Yes, from what I have been told, you will not like it...." I gulped; I bet I wasn't.... oh... goddess...." my voice was scared again, at least he told me this time. Nobody had said to me that it was going to hurt when he penetrated me, nobody. "I'm going to tell you everything from now on, Luna. I swear you are my mate, and I will never leave you in the dark..." Caleb's eyes sparkled when I nodded, grateful for how much I loved him; I trusted him with my life. "Okay... just... don't stop... get it over with...." I made a small inhale when Caleb frowned. I know that's not what he wanted to hear, but he wasn't the one who was going to have to suffer again! "I feel everything, don't ever say that I can't feel your pain! You are my mate, Emilia; when will you understand that?!" He didn't sound accusing, more hurt when I did a sigh and nodded. He was right again. "I don't want to do it like this, with you behind me..." my voice was small, but if he were my mate, he would listen to me. I didn't want him to take me from behind. I wasn't a wolf right now. I was a human, and I wanted to see his face, feel him against me, and hold me when we did this, like before in the shower. "Oh fuck.... yes, yes, of course... I'm so sorry...." Caleb pulled out, whimpering when he turned me around and made me smile seeing his handsome face; that was more like it. "Pick me up, Alpha...." I made a purr, feeling him lift me up, having my legs clasp around his hips again, only to stop when he was kissing me, forgetting I ever was in pain, holding my arms around his neck, moaning the slightest from his tongue when I felt the water over my body, sighing from the pleasure of the warmth, washing away the fear and blood that had covered us. "Do you forgive me for being so selfish?" Caleb whispered when the water still rushed over us, making me giggle from nowhere. I forgave him, and I loved him. "Good.... I would never forgive myself for hurting you. I love you, Emilia... and..." he stopped when I kissed him. I knew what he felt; the tiny yellow sparks in his eyes and the warm feeling inside my chest had already told me. "Take me to your bed, make me your mate, Caleb..." I was linking it, still kissing him, when he stepped out from the shower, still having me in his arms, and walked out from the bathroom, making me giggle more seeing the bed. I wanted him so bad. My moans were drowning me when he was putting me down, feeling his weight between my hips, right on my core, which was aching for him mixed with soreness from before. "Caleb.... please...." I was begging him when he was kissing me, coming up from my neck, taking my mouth with his big hands over my body, caressing every part of me when I was bucking against him, hissing when his tongue was on my n****e, my core clenching, I wanted him. "I'm going to mark you, and it's going to hurt, but I will try to make it feel good as possible, okay?" he said, panting coming up from my breast when I made a nod, still trying to catch mine. I trusted him. "I trust you, Alpha...." I made another purr, making him smile, happy again when I felt him grinding me, feeling hot and wet before looking into my eyes; the yellow sparks came back when he slid inside. I was holding my breath, waiting for the sharp pain that never came. He thrust me slow and steady, making me open my legs more, relaxing my tense body. Oh, goddess, this didn't feel like when he did that the first time. "Luna." I opened my eyes, which were closed when he was thrusting me faster, making me lose my breath every time his entire length was pushed inside; moaning when I saw the dark yellow eyes that were staring down at me, stopping to meet my golden-green, there he was, my mate, the Alpha wolf. "Alpha." I said back in my head, same as him, longing when he made a small smile before leaning down, making me push my legs around his naked hard body, feeling the intense pressure that was building up from his thrusting, lying on my back in the big bed underneath us. I felt the hard, sharp fangs that were impaling my skin when the hard throbbing from my core released over my body, my voice mixing together with the intense pain from my neck with the incredible power of my body shaking from coming over my mate that was still holding me down, his jaws in my neck, making growls when he released inside. I was still gasping from the air when he fell down, his big body burning me, still clutching hard around him with my arms and legs, never wanting to let go. "Oh... oh godesss...." I was still panting, same as him, when he looked up from my neck, grinning, making me laugh at his satisfied face. He had marked me, and yeah, it did hurt, but it felt so good, more than I could have imagined! "Good, that's all I wanted... I love you, Emilia, no matter what anyone says, I love you, and I want everyone to see you, mate, perfect mate." He was still beaming that gorgeous smile when I nodded yes. I wanted that, too. No matter what, he was my mate, and nothing would change that. "I love you, Caleb... I love you so much..." My hands found his face, caressing it before making a small sigh, feeling him still inside me and smiling, so that was it then. He was my mate, and our offspring would be the disgrace of this pack, goddess. He made a snicker, pulling out, taking me along, feeling the warm liquid making me wetter, mixing with my own juices. He didn't care, did he? I bet he never cared, not since he saw me with my mother. "Honestly, no." Caleb made another grin when I was sighing, still in his arms, feeling the small kisses on my head and neck. He wasn't sorry, and I knew that I could feel him, all of him, now that we were linked. "You call it a disgrace, and I call it envy, my pretty mate. You don't know what an Alpha would do to have you as their mate, cousin or not...." he stopped when my mood dropped. That part wasn't good, but he was right. I didn't know much about this part of the world, and I had lived in human society all my life with few Deltas, and what my mother had told me. "Your mother has told you nothing... Emilia, just trust me. Nobody will judge us, and I will kill them if they do. Simple." he got up like that was all there was to it. Kill them, okay? My eyes followed his naked body, walking over and making me bite my lip. He was so attractive, all muscle, and mine, making me want to have him again, even if we just stopped. Caleb looked back, giving me a full view of his hard abs and chiseled chest, the big d**k that was starting to rise again, feeling me want him like we didn't just have s*x. "Luna, you can't look at me like that; it makes me hard for you..." he made a low chuckle, going into the bathroom before returning with a moist towel, sitting down, and making me bend my neck. I was hissing from the wound that was still bleeding, only to feel slightly better when he was cleaning up the blood carefully, having his eyes on my neck; he was thoughtful and sweet; who knew? "Nobody, and that's how I like to keep it, Luna." Caleb stopped and looked up at me seriously, causing me to lose the warm feeling in my chest. What? "Listen, Emilia... I don't think you are my cousin...." he made a worried frown that made me feel even worse. Wasn't I? "Your blood, it tastes.... different..." He stopped cleaning the wound when I made another hiss, taking my hand on his; what did that mean anyway? Was I some kind of freak or what?! "Freak? No, no, you are not a freak... you are a miracle, my miracle...." he made a genuine smile, taking hold of my hand and kissing it gently. I loved him. No matter what happened and what that meant, I did. "I love you more than anything, my Luna. I never thought I even wanted my real mate before I saw you, and....yes... I need to tell my father what just happened. You stay here and rest...." he was getting up when I stopped him; tell the head Alpha we just got mated. Why? There was time for that, wasn't there? I wanted him here with me in the bed, or at least come along. I was his mate, not some girlfriend he could tell to stay put! "I said I wouldn't keep things from you, Luna, so listen to me when I tell you. My father does not let a thing like being related stop him from doing whatever he wants. I'm trying to protect you." Caleb's voice was raw and harsh, making me scared. He wasn't kidding me, was he? What would the head Alpha do then, exile me, kill me? I wasn't the perfect-bred Beta he had hoped for as a mate for his son and heir. "I don't care... I don't care, Caleb... just don't leave me..." I was still clutching his hand when he made a bright smile hearing me say that, his whole being changing from the stern Alpha to my loving mate; I knew he was underneath the hard surface. "Fine.... just... stay quiet, I mean it, Emilia, don't speak, only answer when you have to and... stay behind me...." he made a sigh like he was having the world on his broad shoulders when I looked up at his face, I wanted him to let me in, make me understand him more, he was my mate after all. "Alpha, before we leave, take me...." I made an innocent smile, feeling the intense ache in my core when he made a darker chuckle; his hard-on pushing down in my stomach when we kissed made me forget whatever he had said. I only wanted him and nothing more. This time, we didn't speak, just the sounds of moans and grunts when he was inside of me, pushing harder to my pleasure, feeling him hold my hand this time when we were staring into each other wolf eyes. I wanted him to give me everything, all his seed that belonged to me and me alone. My body shook when the wave of my pressure, and he followed, making me cry out this time, feeling the o****m of my mate that made my own one a thousand times better. Holy goddess! "That was.... amazing, mate...." I was still panting, my body trembling from the aftershocks, making me move my hips the slightest against his. "Told you it would get better..." Caleb snickered when I followed. Yeah, he did, and oh, it was so much better than I had ever imagined. "Yes, you did, Alpha, yes you did...." I was still snuggled into his neck when he pulled out, rolling on the bed, taking me along, and leaving me resting on his chest; it was the best feeling in the world. "Sleep now, Luna, and then we will face the head Alpha..." He sounded more serious when I slightly nodded, pushing away the heavy feelings. Together.
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