~ Chapter One ~ Happy Birthday My Love!

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Dexter POV            When we returned to Morocco from Washington D.C. after the Black’s trial, Adaline begged me to come stay with her at the mansion. She wasn’t doing too well with both Daniel and me gone. Margarita, her maid and caretaker, told me that she was depressed and hardly came out of her room. I hated what Daniel had done but I didn’t blame Adaline, she was still my little sister, well technically, little cousin and I hated seeing her suffering. I didn’t like it so I told Angel that I was going to go to the mansion for a few days every week until Daniel’s trial to keep Adaline company, and I did.            A month after the Black’s trial, Director Vance informed me that Daniel’s trial would be postponed to a date after my eighteenth birthday because I was still considered a minor and they wouldn’t be able to grant me all my rights to my father’s kingdom until after I turned eighteen years old. Daniel’s trial date is scheduled for two weeks from now and, to be honest, I really just want it over already. I haven’t seen Daniel since his arrest and Adaline has asked me multiple times to have her sent closer to her father so she can see him. I asked Director Vance and he told me they could transfer her to the state under protective custody, but not until a trial date had been set. Adaline was transferred four days ago, and I secured the mansion two days ago and returned the Palace. ‘Are you ever going to wake up?’ A voice I didn’t recognize said and my eyes snapped open, but I didn’t see anybody. I was lying in bed with Angel wrapped in my arms, asleep. I missed her so much, I couldn’t wait to get back to her when I was at the mansion this last visit to Adaline.            “Who are you?” I asked aloud and the voice started to chuckle, but I still didn’t see anybody, so I sat up in the bed and began to look around the room. From what I could see it was only me and Angel in the room as she was still asleep.            ‘My name is Thomas and I’m your wolf spirit. Happy Eighteenth Birthday Dexter atlas we finally meet.’ The voice said and I stopped looking around and laid my head back down on my pillow and smiled.            A few weeks ago, King Caelan and I talked about what would happen when I got my wolf spirit, if I got a wolf spirit, but I was sure I would get a wolf spirit.            ‘Hello Thomas, am I doing this mind link thing correctly?’ I said in my thoughts and Thomas chuckled again.            ‘Yes, I hear you loud and clearly.’ Thomas said, and this time I chuckled.            ‘What is that amazing smell? I have never smelled anything so delicious.’ I asked Thomas and he lifted his nose in the air and sniffed in my head.            ‘That is most definitely our mate’s scent. She does smell amazing. Can we wake her now?’ Thomas asked and as if Angel heard him, she began to stir in her sleep and as soon as she laid her head on my chest and wrapped her arms around my abdomen, I felt an electric spark on my skin and her eyes popped open.            “Good morning.” She said and peeked up at me.            “Good morning Beautiful. How did you sleep?” I asked her and she smiled.            “I always sleep great when you are here.” She said and snuggled a little closer to me.            “You feel a lot warmer this morning, are you not feeling well?” She asked, but before I could answer her, her head popped up and she looked into my eyes and smiled brightly before softly placing her lips onto mine.            “I’m sorry, Happy Birthday My Love.” She said and I smiled at her.            “Thank you, Beautiful.” I said and she smiled again.            “So…?” She said with a raised eyebrow, but before I could ask, Thomas took over me.            "MINES." Thomas growled in a low tone and Angel’s eyes went wide with surprise.            “Yeah, and who are you?” Angel asked, looking into my eyes or should I say Thomas' eyes.            “Thomas.” He said, and she smiled.            “Hello Thomas, your eyes are…familiar.” She said and brought her hand to cup my face.            “What do you mean? How are his eyes familiar?” I asked her as soon as he gave me back control.            “They’re umm Red. The same shade I saw when your eyes changed after I was kidnapped. So that means your red eyes does not represent anger, they represent your wolf and his protectiveness of your mate.” Angel said softly, and I nodded, then kissed her forehead.            “Hmm I see. I wonder what color his coat will be.” I said and she smiled.            “You’re a royal white Dragon and hybrid wolf, so my guess would be white.” She said with a giggle and my body reacted to her giggle in a way that I had never felt. I wanted her in ways I knew I couldn’t have her yet.            “I think we should get out of this bed because I don’t want my body to get me into trouble and right now… well never mind, let’s just get up.” I said and she laughed, and I had never heard anything as sexy as her laugh, so I quickly let her go and we both sat up at the same time as I quickly climbed out of the bed and ran into the bathroom.            It didn’t take us long to get ready for breakfast. Once I finished in the bathroom, she went in and came out fifteen minutes later. I don’t know why, but for some reason there is a glow around her, and she is so f*****g sexy this morning that just one glance at her and my body starts to react in a way I’m not sure I can control myself. I guess it’s the mate bond. She isn’t doing anything different, but her scent and s*x appeal is making me think inappropriate thoughts. Just as we reached the door to exit the room, there was a light knock at the door. I opened the door and was pushed back into our suite by Christian and Hope.            “Good Morning, Dex, Happy Birthday Man! I’m sorry, but my mom told me to keep you two occupied until 10 am.” Christian said, and Angel raised an eyebrow at him.            “Thanks man, but what’s going on?” I asked, and Christian started to grin, as Hope smiled.            “I don’t know, I’m just doing what I was told to do.” Christian said with a chuckle, and I looked at him with a raised eyebrow.            A few minutes later, there was another light knock on the door and Christian opened the door. I froze in place and looked at Angel when King Caelan walked into the room.            “Good Morning… Happy Eighteenth Birthday, Son!” King Caelan said and looked at me with a smile.            “Umm, Thank you.” I said with slight hesitation and a stutter.            “Relax, my wife just wants to celebrate with you this morning. She’s setting up a birthday breakfast buffet. It should be ready in about thirty minutes. Meanwhile, I would like to speak to your wolf.” King Caelan said, and my eyes went wide.            “My wolf… umm my wolf is umm.” I started to say, and Thomas took over without my permission.            “Alpha, my name is Thomas, what would you like to talk with me about?” Thomas said and I couldn’t take back the control, it was like I was watching this conversation from the back of my mind.            “Thomas, how old are you?” King Caelan asked, and Thomas tilted his head to the side for a brief second.            “That’s an odd question, Alpha. I’m nearly a thousand years old.” Thomas said, and King Caelan nodded his head.            “That would make you an ancient Beta, correct?” King Caelan asked, and Thomas chuckled.            “Indeed, it would, but no worries, I understand the sensitive nature of this situation and I know my mate hasn’t crossed the age of spirit. I won’t touch her until my mate arrives within her.” Thomas said, and I exhaled through him.            “Thank you, please give Dexter back control.” King Caelan said, and Thomas nodded with a smile, then retreated back into my mind.            “Can he always do that?” I asked King Caelan and he smiled.            “Unfortunately, yes, but your hybrid spirits had to be on the same level in order to be in harmony with each other. A normal wolf can’t take control without the permission of the host. Your wolf is not normal, he is an ancient and said rules didn’t exist during his time. I knew he wasn’t of this time when he took over while you were in the middle of responding to my request for him. Has he taken over before now?” King Caelan asked me, and I nodded.            “Yes, earlier this morning. He took over and talked with Angel for a minute.” I said, and King Caelan looked deeply in my eyes and smiled.            “Thomas, she’s your mate, not your possession. Please do remember that.” King Caelan said, and I could see Thomas nodding in the back of my mind, so I nodded outwardly.            “Can we go eat now, dad? I’m hungry.” Angel asked, and King Caelan's eyes clouded for a second.            “Yes, mom said you guys can meet her in the dining hall.” King Caelan said, and we all walked out of our suite and towards the dining hall. I was shocked when we entered the dining hall and saw all the decorations and the mass layout of the buffet, Queen Crystal really outdid herself. All of mine and Angel’s favorite breakfast dishes were spread out on the buffet tables and there was a large banner hanging on the far east wall that simply said, ‘Happy Eighteenth Birthday Dexter King – We Love You! ~ Parks Family.’ After I looked completely around the room, I smiled and nodded at Christopher and Cyir when I noticed them sitting at a table to the right of the table set up exclusively for Angel and me.            “Happy Birthday Unco Deter” Little Caelan shouted, and he jumped down from the table and ran over to hug my leg.            “Yes, Happy Birthday Bro, don’t look so surprised. We told you Parks family take care of their own and you are officially one of ours.” Christopher said with a smirk, and I smiled.            “Mom has been planning this for the last week and this is just the beginning. She has things planned for the entire day. So, buckle your seat belt, this is about to be an exciting ride.” Cyir said, and as soon as he finished, all eyes snapped in the direction of the door behind me when we all heard Queen Crystal’s voice and I turned around to face her.            “Happy Birthday Son, you have been through a lot, and I wanted to make sure that you had the happiest of all birthdays today. Please take your seat at the two seated thrones over to the right. Angel, please sit down with your mate.” Queen Crystal said with a smile, and I took my seat and Angel sat next to me in her seat.            “Why a throne right?” Christopher said in the form of a question, but looking at me and paused.            “Because Mom has honored each of us and our mates on our eighteenth birthdays with our own custom thrones. Soon you will inherit the Valarian Kingdom as the Last Dragon King and my beautiful little sister will inherit the Moroccan Kingdom as the next Queen.” Christopher said, and I looked at Angel and she nodded with the most beautiful smile I had ever seen.            “Last week, I received a visit from Selene, and I was told that in a short time, you would receive your dragon fire. That means in a short time you will fall into hibernation. She told me to be sure that we crown you as the last dragon king and celebrate you before that time because your hibernation is going to last for a short time. After her visit, I started planning today. I hope you are okay with me doing this for you. In the last year that we have gotten to know you, Caelan and I are proud to call you son and we have no doubt that you will make our Angel very happy.” Queen Crystal said a bright smile and took her seat next to King Caelan as Christian and Hope took their seats at the table with Amir, Colton, Amie, and Colt. “Thank you, Queen Crystal. This is the first time I remember my birthday being celebrated ever.” I said to her feeling a bit overwhelmed by everything.            “You’re very welcome, son, but may I ask you something?” Queen Crystal said, and I looked at her and nodded.            “Yes, anything.” I said and she smiled with a slight nod.            “How does Thomas feel about Angel?” She asked and my eyes went wide in shock for a second because I wasn’t expecting her to know my wolf’s name.            “He loves her already and claims her as his, but he’s an umm.” I said and paused, then looked at Angel.            “Ancient Beta? Yeah, I know. My point is he has confirmed that she is your mate and, although the two of you have six months before you will be able to officially claim her and mate with her, his confirmation is all that I need to tell you, my children are not allowed to call me Queen Crystal.” Queen Crystal said with a light chuckle and smile as the rest of the room burst into laughter.            “Umm… I umm.” I started to say but couldn't form a response.            “Hey bro, don’t feel bad. She said the same thing to me when Amir and I were confirmed. Just get used to calling her mom and the king dad.” Colton said and Amir smiled.            “Exactly! By the way, Happy Birthday bro.” Amir said, and I smiled and nodded at them.            “Now that all the formalities are out of the way, can we eat now, mom?” Cyir said with a smirk and Queen Crystal nodded.
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