2022 Words

CHAPTER FOURWhen morning came, Ursa hurried down for breakfast. She found that the Marquis had finished and had gone out to the stables. It did not surprise her. She was certain that he would be as efficient in regard to his horses as her father had always been. She had just finished eating when she heard the Dowager talking to her maid as she led her downstairs. She had breakfasted in her own room and Ursa ran out to greet her in the hall. As she did so, the Marquis came in through the front door. “Good morning, Grandmama!” he greeted her. “I do hope it’s not too tiring for you to get up so early.” “Not at all!” the Dowager replied. “I am looking forward to the drive and being at Charnwood Court again.” The Marquis kissed her cheek. “You are wonderful,” he said, “and you know ho

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