the Alpha

1273 Words
hey just a heads up this chapter includes erotic and s*x, if your not comfortable with reading it than please skip from -a month before i mark my mate as my luna.- to -After f**king the girls- aright now please enjoy! ~Sean~ My name is Sean McKittrick and I am the next Alpha of my father's pack, The Red Wood Pack. the Alpha spot is passed from father to son always, and if an Alpha doesn't have a son or the son is not fit to be Alpha than the Position will be fought for between the son of the Beta, Delta, and Gamma. For my father and pack that isn't a problem I am fit to be an Alpha, and I will be the strongest Alpha my pack has had because I am not going to be with my moon given mate. I will be mates with my father delta daughter, her name is Pheobe Knightly and of course she isn't my moon given mate. Phoebe and I have been dating since sophomore year and I wanted her to be my Luna and she has always said she would be but I didn't tell her till 2 months ago when she turned 18 that I did want her as my Luna. You see I have been 18 for 6 months and Pheobe was so excited when I didn't find my mate hoping that she would be my mate, I didn't tell her than that I didn't want my mate and that I wouldn't make her my Luna if she was my mate. I had her friend Jessica my father's Gamma daughter as a back up if Pheobe was my mate. When Pheobe birthday hit and she turned 18 she was devastated when we found out she wasn't my mate but I told her I wanted her as my Luna regardless of her being my mate. Which of course she expected right away now here we are a month before school gets out and a month before I mark my mate as my Luna. "Oh Alpha!" Jessica screamed as i f**ked her from behind. Yes im sleeping with who i want im an Alpha after all, and Jessica is just one of the many ladies willing to open their legs for me. I shove her face into the mattress by the fist full of her hair while I grip her hip harder. "Not a sound or you dont get to c*m!" I said to her in a hard tone. If they start to speak my wolf gets angry and makes me stop he only wants to f**k our mate. I look up at the little omega thats sitting in a chair n***d watching me f**k Jessica, play with h**self. And a erotic thought came to mind. I pulled Jessica up by her hair so her back was to my chest. The hand gripping her hip is now on her Breast squeezing her n*pple, and the one i her hair now around her throat. She was so close i could tell by the was she was squeezing my c**k till i stopped and pulled her up. "Do you want to c*m?" i asked her which she whimpered a response "than your going to eat her p**sy like the good little wh**e you are." i told her. she whimpered another response and i motion for the little omega to come here. once she did i switched from one p**sy to the other while whoever i didnt have my c**k in got their p**sy eaten by the one i did have my d**k in. Both girls c*m and so did i all over their faces. After F**king the girls i kicked them out and got myself ready for school, only to find out i had f**ked the whole school day away. oh well, going for a run would be good. i walked by the school seeing my luna talking to 2 other girls with her group including Jessica with her, ignoring them and going into the woods from there. i walked till i reached the clearing and than started to strip off my clothes, my wolf coming to the surface so we can shift. Once the shift is completed Mitchell is in control and turns immediately seeing a beautiful blonde wolf. Mate!!!! he yells to me... No No No we cant meet our mate we need a strong Luna. Mitchell went to her right away and put his head over the back of her neck bringing her in for a wolf hug. she snuggled more into my wolf and i could feel how happy Mitchell was that we have her here. Shift so i can see you he said to her through the pack mind link that was closed from everyone but this wolf in front of us. With that its like she realized exactly who we are we watched her eyes shift from a glowing wolf blue to a normal blue Josette Mitchell said through the pack mind link, even with the wall up I could still see and hear everything. Mind if I put your shirt on Future Alpha? she asked and i could feel how much Mitchell liked the idea of her wearing just our shirt. Even I liked the idea but no I cant! I Have a luna! She walked passed us and Mitchell turned to look at her a** My My what a sexy body our mate has and a sexy wolf! Mitchell said to me i wanted to respond but there was no point with the wall up he wouldnt hear me i can just hear everything and him. Are you going to shift yourself or no? Josette asked in the mind link. Mitchell was distracted by her putting on our shirt and seeing her in it so i was able to start to push through the wall fighting to take control and get this to end. I failed and Mitchell strengthed the wall so now there was no way for me to break it down. We shifted than but Mitchell remained in control "Your so beautiful" came Mitchell deep voice out of my mouth after put on my pants. "Whats your name?" she asked "Mitchell" he told her "Mitchell" she repeated like she was seeing how it felt to say "My name sounds like music when it comes from your beautiful lips my mate" he told her and she blushed so red. "Tell me my wolf mates name" he asked her, and her eyes glowed blue with her wolf taking over "Lyra my name is Lyra" she said than she came up and kissed me it felt amazing to kiss her. But no we can't do this we have a Luna and its not her! Mitchell was completely overwhelmed by the kiss that the wall came down and i took control putting one up between us with him not able to break it i hope. i broke the kiss took a step back. "Sean?" she said my name confused like she didnt understand why i broke the kiss and stepped away from her. "Dont tell anyone about this especially Pheobe." i told her in a stern tone "What?" she said even more confused i didnt know what to say but Mitchell started to fight the wall so i needed to come up with something "im not ready for everyone to know and ill tell Pheobe myself so she isnt angry at you" i told her "i understand" Josette said sounding some what upset. "I must go now" i told her and took off running before she could say anything
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