Love at first sight

2135 Words
Hello everyone I'm Brianna and this is my first story on here. I love writing and I really hope you all enjoy my story. I promise I will try to update as much as I can but I'm a full time mom of 3 children so I'm very busy and may not be able to update like I would like to. now before we get started I want to give a bit of info about my story if you didn't guess from the cover and such this is a werewolf fantasy story, it's also a love story. So There are werewolf packs all over the world and about half the worlds population is werewolves or half bloods. half blood is a half werewolf, half human. one parent is a werewolf and the other is human. So in Each pack there is the Alpha- the leader of the pack, the Alpha is the strongest member, he is the one everyone looks to for help. every pack member is his to protect, Alphas are rather short tempered and demand the respect of others. the Luna- the Alphas mate, the only one who can truly calm the Alpha, the Luna is the heart of pack and is Treasured by all especially the alpha the Beta- the right hand man/woman to the Alpha the Beta takes over leading the pack with the Luna if the Alpha is unavailable, if the Luna is also unavailable than the Beta mate steps up to help lead and takes on the Luna responsibilities the Delta- the 3rd in command. the delta over sees the all warriors even the head Warrior and the defense of the pack as the Alpha sees for the delta too. the Gamma- the Gamma is the Sworn protector of the Luna. the Luna and Gamma have a special bond, and they love each other as friends do or siblings not like love between mates. the Head warrior- he/she over sees the training of the warriors the omega- the omega are the weakest member of the pack and tend to do jobs like cooking and cleaning. every pack also has the main pack house. the is normally a huge mansion that has multiple levels and large areas for the pack members to spend time together. the pack house is where alot of pack members live along with the Alpha and his family. when someone is talking to their wolf the word will be like this when mindlinking their mate their words will be like this when mindlinking another pack member their words will be like this Now on with the story My name is Josette Elizabeth Lockland and today is my 18th birthday, the day I can finally meet my mate. I'm a member of the Red Wood Pack, I'm a warrior for the pack like my father before me and like my older Jacob. My mother died when I was just 6 months old and Jacob was 7 in a rough attack, dad did the best he could to rise us on his own without his mate. Which was incredibly hard since most werewolves died themselves or go crazy from losing their mates. Dad did go crazy in the end though and he died when he attacked a large group of roughs all on his own last year. I come down the stairs and find Jacob in the kitchen he is the spitting image of our father with his dark brown hair, green eyes. I got my looks from our mother I have blone hair and blue eyes like she did, although I prefer my hair to be long and it goes to my mid back while mom always had her hair in this short and sassy style that she looked incredible with from the pictures I've seen. I tired my hair like that when I was younger and while dad said I looked just like mom it just didn't suit me. "Happy Birthday Josie!" Jacob yells when he sees me, "Thank you Jake" I respond to him. he comes over and gives me a hug, I hug him back just as tight. "Come on breakfast is ready than you got to get to school and me to work" "alright Jake, thanks for breakfast is smells wonderful" I tell him was we go to the table to eat the large breakfast of eggs, pancakes, bacon and sausage. At school classes go by rather quickly it's already after lunch and it's time for my least favorite class Biology, it's not that I'm not good in the class I have an A in biology just like in everything else but it's the only class I have with Phoebe. Phoebe Knightly is the future Alpha Sean McKittrick girlfriend and she says she's the next Luna of the pack. she is also the deltas daughter and is of a very high rank and she uses her rank and position as Sean's girlfriend to torture myself and most of the rest of the students in the school. I'm the daughter of the Previous head Warrior, and the sister of the current one so my rank in the pack is just below hers and I used to stand up to her but that was before she was dating Sean and said she was going to be Luna right in front of him and he didn't say anything to stop her from claiming that, with our future Alpha backing her no one can stand up to her. "Well if it isn't the little Orphan Warrior" Phoebe says as soon as she's standing in front of my desk "What do you want Phoebe" I respond to her Ophan Warrior comment, that's what she and her loyal little minons have been calling me since my dad died. "Well I have a question for you?" she says to be with this evil little smirk on her face "What is it?" i respond quickly the fast she asks the faster I can get done with this conversation. "Did...." "Sit down Miss Knightly and Miss Lockwood, class is started." she didn't get to even ask Mr. M our Bio teacher cut her off, which means I may have to deal with her later as well if she really wants to ask whatever it is. it's probably some insult in a question she has come up with that she thinks is just great based on the smirk on her face before. the rest of the day goes by quickly as well and thankfully it's Friday so the last day of week B at school which means 7 full days of no classes with Phoebe and all my classes next week are with my best friend Tara. we have 8 classes in our 10 week long semesters and they slit it up to 4 classes every day each week for me week A is English, Math, Art and phyical Training while week B is History, Economics, Biology and Physical training again. Warriors have physical training every week while the rest of the pack higher ranking and lower have other classes fitting there jobs later on. so warriors have 7 difernt classes and everyone else 8. if you didn't realize I got to an all werewolves school no humans or anyone of any other species allowed. "Hey Birthday Girl!" Tara my best friend yells when she sees me walking towards the front gate. "Hey Tar" I respond when she gets up to me "so how's your birthday been?" she asks me "It's been spent at school so far and I had class with you know who so not great so far" I tell her. "speak of the devil and here she comes" Tara says and I look where she is and here comes Phoebe. "What Pheobe" we both say when she gets close. "You really should show more respect! she's your future Luna!" Emma, Pheobe most loyal minon snaps at us. ignoring Emma Pheobe finally speaks again "so my question" she pauses for a moment, knowing her probably thinks her pause is dramatic effect. "Did your dad go crazy because he lost his mate or is that what your just telling everyone and in reality he just went crazy from having you as a daughter." I stand there shocked I don't even know what to say that was really low of her and she knows it. that one actually hurt Let me out so I can rip her apart! Lyra my wolf growls in my head as she fights me for control. "What no answer?" Phoebe remarks the smirk on her face and the way she says it all i nnocent like it's all it takes for Lyra to take control. My eyes glow golded yellow and my bones start to break, grow longer and some shorten while rearranging as I turn from human into my wolf's form, ripping my clothes to shreds while I'm at it. Phoebe and her little minons jump back from me and before Lyra or I can even look at them the most amazing smell of warm apple pie distracts us and Lyra yells to me a word I had hoped to hear today MATE! Our Mate! she yells with so much excitement in her voice, forgetting Phoebe she turns and runs into the woods to find our mate. Lyra is running so much faster than I thought was our top actually getting dizzy from the speed and that I'm not in control of our body "Lyra slow down! I'm getting dizzy" I yelled to her. Sorry Jo she answered and slowed down a little bit I was going to ask her how much farther she thought he was from us I was a naked man from behind shift into his wolf. He had a nice back side that's for sure i could see all the muscles in his back and the back of his legs. The wolf turned to me immediately when he smelled my scent. he came to me immediately and than hugged me with his head like wolves do and Lyra and I both hummed in content as we snuggled into him more as spark went over my body where we touched. shift so I can see you. my mate said to me through the pack mindlink and I knew right away who he was. Lyra! don't our life is just going to get harder. I yelled to my wolf. Hes our mate he wouldn't let anything happen to us and besides you know he can just command us to shift and we would have to she said to me happily and I knew she was right but before I could answer she forced me forward and into control as our body shifted back into a human and I was again in control. Josette he said my name through the pack link Mind if I put your shirt on Future Alpha? i asked him and his head nodded so I walked past him to his pile of clothes and put his shirt on. it went down just below my butt and smelled amazing. are you going to shift yourself or no? I asked him and when I looked I saw his eyes flashing from a deep wine red to his normal human eye color a clear sign he was fighting for control with his wolf. Alpha wolves have red eyes. a bright fire red when they are the Alpha and a deep wine red when they are a future Alpha for the pack, once they take over as Alpha they will change to the fire red as soon as they shift which is why it's traditional for the Alpha to shift right away after taking over. the pervious Alphas eyes change from the fire red to a dark red that's a mix of the deep wine red and the fire red. I should have known the moment I saw his wolf eyes who he was but I was distracted looking at all of him to think about his eye color and distracted by the contact between us. finally his wolf gained complete control and they shifted back but his wolf didn't give up control so his eyes remained red. "Your so beautiful" he said to me "what's your name?" I asked my mate the wolf in control of his humans body "Mitchell" he answered "Mitchell" I repeated "My name is like music when it comes from your beautiful lips my mate" he said and I blushed so red I think my cheeks matches the Alphas eyes. "Tell me my wolf mates name" Lyra took control when he asked for her name and I know my eyes were glowing blue. "Lyra my name is Lyra" she told him. than went up to him and kissed him
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