Flying North

2394 Words
Harper’s POV      The next morning I wake up to Caleb’s alarm loudly going off. That thing is so obnoxious. I rolled over from facing the bathroom to face his side of the bed as he’s turning his alarm off. He layed back on the bed on his back while sighing out. I ran my hand over his bare chest and it drew his attention to me. He smiled sleepily at me and held my hand in place on his chest. I love it when he does that.      “Good morning, little one,” he said in his deep morning voice.     “Good morning, babe,” I said smiling.     He kissed the palm of my hand before moving and pulling me closer to him to connect our lips. He pushed me back on the bed so I was on my back instead of my side. He started inching closer to start ravaging my body the way he wanted to last night. That’s when we heard tiny feet running through the house like a herd of small elephants. We could hear them talking in the kitchen but I couldn’t make out what they were saying. He broke our kiss and groaned out in displeasure. We always made sure that the kids were never awake when we had s*x. They didn’t need to hear or walk in on that.     “The siege has started in the kitchen and we are late in taking it for ourselves,” I said.     He looked at me with a crooked grin and said, “I guess we better get up and make the kitchen ours then.”    I smiled as he leaned in and kissed me before rolling out of bed. He pulled on some basketball shorts before heading into the kitchen to start the coffee pot. I got up and headed to the bathroom to get dressed for the day. I pulled out my bra and jeans. I was pulling up my jeans when Caleb walked into the bathroom. He came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, kissing my neck making goosebumps pop up all over my skin. He knew what kissing my neck did to me and here he was turning me on.     “That’s not nice,” I breathed heavily out.     He pulled back and unwrapped his arms from me then smacked my butt. I looked at him through squinted eyes. I hated it when he decided he would be the tease. Then if I decided to tease him in anyway I would either get spanked, or he would make sure I only got one orgasm during s*x. Life with him sometimes wasn’t fair but it could be very sweet.     He turned to walk into the closet while saying, “Maybe I don’t feel like being nice today.”    I shook my head and smiled. I knew why he was being like this. He wanted me and I was keeping it from him, so this was his way of throwing a fit. This was new for us. Normally I didn’t hold back, but there was a reason for it right now.      I walked into the closet behind him and pulled on a white tank top and a red long sleeve flannel button up. I eyed him before walking back into the bathroom. He had on a pair of blue jeans already that gave me a great view of his butt. I watched as he pulled a long sleeve maroon shirt off its hanger. I stared at his bare chest before he covered it.     I turned and walked out of the bathroom headed for the kitchen. I got mugs out for us both to have our coffee. Next I got the eggs, ham and bread out to start on everyone's breakfast. I could hear the kids in their rooms messing around. I started cooking and got plates of food done as quickly as possible.     When Caleb walked into the kitchen to get his coffee, I looked up from the pan I was making eggs in. That maroon long sleeve shirt was hugging his body so nicely. You could see every muscle in his upper body because of it. Damn he was a great piece of eye candy today. I took a deep breath so I could resist my need to touch him and have him under control. I keep working to finish up breakfast.     “Can you get the kids to come eat really quick, babe?”     “Yeah,” he says, kissing the top of my head as he walked behind me.     He got his coffee then walked off down the hall to the kids’ rooms. I had the girls’ plates ready and waiting for them and then started on the boys’ plates. The girls ran into the kitchen and sat at the bar in front of their plates to eat. I hurried to get the boys’ plates done before they came running into the kitchen. I had just set them down in their places at the bar as they came running in with Caleb walking behind them. All the kids were now seated in the kitchen eating breakfast as I made out plates.     “So did everyone make sure to pack your thick coats, hats and gloves?” I asked as I got some more eggs going.     “Yep, they’ve got everything they need packed. We will be buying them some snow boots while we are there so they can play in it,” Caleb answers.     “Yay!” Olivia and Ava excitedly say.     I smile at their enthusiasm to play in the snow. Before long I have mine and Caleb’s plates made for breakfast. The kids are finished before Caleb and I can start eating. They put their plates in the sink then scurry off to their rooms to get dressed for the trip. Caleb and I sit down to eat and finish our coffee together.     “I was thinking that on the flight you could sit with the boys in one row and I could sit with the girls in the other,” Caleb says as he chews his food.     “Sounds good to me,” I say with a smile taking a bite of my eggs.     Once we are done eating, we clean the kitchen up then load everything and everyone, including the dog, into Caleb’s truck. It was a tight fit but he didn’t want to take two vehicles. Soon we were off to the airport to catch our nine am flight.     The flight we were taking would be five hours long. Not to mention, we would then need to rent a vehicle to drive an extra hour and a half to our destination. It was going to be a long boring day of moving around in vehicles again for me. I was going to be exhausted by the end of the day.      When we got to the airport, we parked and unloaded the vehicle. Sticking close together, we walked into the airport to board our flight with Caleb holding onto Daisy’s leash. While, walking through the airport I decide I’m going to poke some fun at Caleb just to be a brat. Since he’s a federal agent he gets to travel with his gun and badge. I think he does it to make himself feel special.     “Oh, look at me I'm so special, I can travel with my gun,” I say waving my arms around.     “Damn right I’m special and don’t you forget it,” he says in a deep voice as he boops my nose.    I go quiet with nothing more to say. Sometimes he gets me and I have nothing to come back with. Other times I get him and he has nothing more to say. I would gracefully let him win this one.      We walk up to the counter to check in all our luggage so they can load it on the plane. We handed over our luggage and Caleb gave his name. The lady at the counter brought up Caleb’s information. The kids stayed close by us while we got everything going.      “Y’all have beautiful children Mr. and Mrs. Harrison. Might I say you look amazing for being a mom of four,” the clerk said to me and Caleb.     I smiled without missing a beat and said, “thank you. A little makeup and a lot of weightlifting goes a long way.”    Caleb looked at me a little surprised by my answer or was it because I didn’t correct her when she called me Mrs. Harrison. I had gotten so used to people thinking we were married for years already and all the kids were ours, it was no use in correcting everyone all the time anymore.     Once our luggage is checked, it’s time to check in to security. I was holding Reese’s hand the whole time and I could feel his emotions start to rise quickly as he started getting anxious. I opened my bag and got out the noise canceling headphones I had for him. I placed them on his ears and grabbed his hand again. I placed a kiss to the back of his hand that drew his attention to my face. I smiled at him and he smiled back.     We moved on to the security check where Caleb showed his badge and ID before walking through the metal detectors with Daisy. The girls then ran through the security check followed by Archer. I sent Reese through security to Caleb and then followed him.     We all walk through the airport to our boarding gate. They weren’t boarding yet so we sat down in the waiting area together. Daisy sat at Caleb’s feet wanting his attention. She was staring up at him and placed her head in his lap. He patted her head lightly.     “You know, for giving birth to two sets of twins from me you do look damn good, little one,” he jabs at me with a smile.     “Did you want me to correct her?” I asked looking at him.      “No, I didn’t say that,” he answers in a low voice.     “Then what is your point Mr. Harrison?” I ask with a mischievous smile.     “My point is that this has become normal for us, people thinking that the kids are from both of us,” he says.     “Yeah, it has and it doesn’t bug me. You know that. I see Ava and Reese as mine even if they aren’t.”    “And I see Archer and Olivia as mine,” he says as he leans over the armrest dividing us to kiss my lips softly.     Moments later the flight attendant calls for our plane to start boarding. We all get up and move towards the gate. As we get on the plane, Caleb takes the girls to sit in the row behind me and the boys. I take Daisy to help keep Reese calm during the long ride. After about thirty minutes of boarding the rest of the passengers, we take off. The kids are all well behaved and calm during the flight. There were several trips to the bathroom taken by everyone.     While in the air, I started to feel nauseous and got up having Daisy sit in my seat as I moved quickly to the bathroom. I ended up bringing up my breakfast while standing in the bathroom. I rinsed my mouth out and took a few deep breaths before heading back to my seat. When I got back I was met with a worried Caleb standing in the aisle looking over all four of the kids.     “Are you alright, little one?” he asked softly.     “Yeah, just a little air sick,” I answered, taking another deep breath.     “Ok,” he said kissing my forehead and rubbing my back.     I never got air sick but he didn’t know that. This was the first time we had been on a plane together so how would he know any different. The only ones that knew I didn’t get airsick was  Archer and Olivia. I hope they don’t say anything about it. I don’t need Caleb worried or asking ten million questions yet. I just needed to make it to Christmas Day.     We both moved back to our seats. As I moved back to my seat between the boys ,Daisy jumped down and sat in front of Reese. I sat down taking another deep breath.     “Are you really ok, mom?” Archer asked with a worried look.     “Yeah, I’m fine,” I said with a weak smile.     A flight attendant walks by and asks if I would like a bottle of water. I tell her yes and take it from her. I open it and take a few small sips to settle my stomach. It wasn’t long and it was lunch time. They served everyone fruit cups and turkey sandwiches. I grumbled internally wondering if I would be able to eat anything and keep it down while on the plane.     Caleb leans forward to talk to me, “are you good to eat, little one?”     “Yeah, I should be ok. I might just snack on this.”     “We will still stop when we get into Sioux Falls and get something to eat while we drive,” he says back.     “Ok, sounds good,” I say, sighing out softly.     I watch as the boys eat and then Archer continues to play games on his phone with his headphones on. Reese leans against my shoulder with his head. I leaned over and kissed the top of his head before resting my head on his. When he was done he lifted his head making me move mine and went back to his phone. These kids were so awesome. How did we get so lucky? 
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