Sioux Falls to Marshall

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Caleb’s POV     Waking up with Harper next to me was always the best thing in the world. I couldn’t wait to have her in the same bed with me every night. It still blew my mind that a year later we still hadn’t moved in together. What was holding up our progress? These kids loved each other and us both, so why were we dragging our feet?    Harper was a master in the kitchen when it came to cooking for all six of us. I loved watching her cook and I loved helping her in the kitchen. What I wouldn’t give to have her with me all the time.     Getting to the airport this morning was interesting with all of us shoved into my truck like sardines in a can. We would definitely need a bigger vehicle soon, especially if this trip ended the way I wanted it to. Using two vehicles like we had in the past wouldn’t continue to work in the future.     When we got to the airport and were checking our bags I was taken a little by surprise.      The clerk said to Harper and me, “Y’all have beautiful children Mr. and Mrs. Harrison. Might I say you look amazing for being a mom of four.”    We were used to people saying she looked good for having two sets of twins, but that was the first time anyone had called her my wife out right. I was a little bit surprised that she didn’t correct her but I was also happy she didn’t. We had stopped correcting people about the kids at least six months ago. It was overwhelming to try and correct everyone all the time.     Going through security was easy and then when we got to the gate we sat there waiting to board. I had to take my jab at her about what the lady at check-in had said. When she didn’t mention that she had called her Mrs. Harrison I wondered if she even heard her, but she had to have heard it.     During the plane ride everyone was doing great. Everything seemed relaxed and going well. When Harper got up to go to the back of the plane I noticed she looked pale and wondered if she had gotten sick. I stood up to stand in the aisle to watch all four of the kids until she got back. Mainly I needed to make sure Reese wouldn’t have a meltdown on the plane without Harper right there. Some days she was better with him than I was. That’s mainly why I stuck her with him on the plane.      When she got back she still looked a little pale. She had never mentioned having issues with air sickness. Was it the altitude along with the nerves of meeting my family?     When they brought lunch out not long after that I wasn’t sure she would be able to eat. She did and kept it down. Was it nerves or was something else going on with her that I didn’t know about?     I watched her with Reese through the crack of the seats as they shared a sweet moment. She was the perfect mother. Part of me wished all four of the kids were really ours together instead of with other people, but that would change who the kids were and they were perfect the way they are.      Maybe we would get that chance to have a baby together one day. Though I know in vitro fertilization is expensive it might be an option for us in the future. I needed to stop thinking about having babies with her. Man did I have baby fever. At least I would get to play with my new niece from my younger brother during Christmas. That might help satisfy my baby fever for a while.    Right now though I needed to focus on getting us where we needed to be. Then I needed to work on not blowing my surprise for Harper that I have planned for Christmas Day. I had held that surprise for this long. I could hold it for four more days.  ------------ Harper’s POV     We finally touched down at two in the afternoon. The six of us got up, grabbed our carry on bags and I handed Caleb Daisy’s leash. We walked off the plane to get our bags from baggage claim. I held Reese’s hand the whole way while the girls held each other’s hands and Archer stayed close to Caleb. We walked through the gates to see a sign that said, “Welcome to Sioux Falls.”     At baggage claim we stood watching the luggage carousel, waiting to see our things. While waiting, the kids started getting anxious to leave the airport.     I decide to start a conversation with Caleb to occupy myself, “so what all will we be doing on this Christmas vacation?”     Caleb gives me a mischievous grin and says, “First we’ll make snow angels for two hours, then we’ll go ice skating. We’ll eat a whole roll of toll-house cookie dough as fast as we can, and we’ll snuggle.”     I laugh and say, “so we will be acting out Elf during this trip?”     “Why not? It’s better than acting out Bad Santa,” he answers.     “True,” I say laughing a little more.     A little while after our conversation. Olivia and Archer see their bags and grab them from the carousel. I saw Caleb’s and grabbed it for him. Ava grabbed hers next along with Reese’s. Mine was last and I grabbed it so we could leave baggage claim and get out of the airport.     We walked out of the airport doors to a cold gust of wind I wasn’t ready for. The weather was colder here. There was no snow on the ground yet, but we knew that it would happen in the next couple of days.     We found a shuttle to the car rental shop and climbed in. The shuttle ride was short and sweet. We all got out and went inside the car rental shop with all of our things. Caleb walked up to the counter while the kids and me sat in the waiting area chairs. There wasn’t anyone in the shop other than the employees and us.     Caleb was done with the rental company quickly and was handed keys to a vehicle. We got up and went outside to load up in a Ford Excursion with our things, the kids and the dog. I really inspected the vehicle thinking it might be a great upgrade for all the kids and their things in the future.     Caleb and I climbed in the front seats. I looked around at what all the vehicle had as Caleb adjusted the seat so he could drive properly. He must have noticed me looking at everything because his voice brought me out of my inspection.     “Are you thinking you need to upgrade your vehicle to one like this, little one?”     “I was thinking about it,” I answered honestly while looking over at him.      “I think it would be a waste of a lot of space. Do you really need something this big?”    “Maybe,” I answer while shrugging my shoulder.     “Alright,” he draws out slowly with a raised eyebrow.     “Well, let’s go get a snack for everyone and then head to Marshall,” I say changing the subject.     “Ok. We will get fuel and then get food,” he says starting up the vehicle.     We drive to a gas station and Caleb fills up the tank while I take all the kids to the bathroom. Everyone does their business and then we walk back out to the truck. We all loaded back up and settled into our seats.     “How much was in the tank when you rented it,” I asked.     “There was a quarter tank of fuel in it.”     “How much was it to fill it?”    “About sixty dollars,” he answers me with a raised eyebrow.     “I wonder what type of fuel mileage this thing gets,” I say as we get out on the road.     “You’re really considering getting one of these things aren’t you?”     “Yeah. Why is that a problem?” I ask.     “It’s not. It’s just surprising,” he tells me.      I hummed out as we continued to drive to find food. The kids started getting rowdy in the back seats, getting loud with their talking and laughing while we drove around.     Caleb leaned over on the consuel while driving and said, “Kids in the backseat cause accidents with their loudness.”    “Accidents in the backseat cause kids,” I answer while giggling.     He looks at me with a smile and chuckles softly. I would love to know what was running through his head right now. Did he really want more kids? I know several months ago he had hinted that he did. But was it just my imagination that he was hinting or was he really hinting?     We stopped at an Arby’s to get everyone something to eat. I ordered a Corned Beef Reuben while Caleb got a Loaded Italian sandwich and the kids all got Pizza Sliders. We hit the road after we get our food. I start handing out the food and everyone starts eating in happy silence. After eating, I collect trash so I can throw it away when we get too the Airbnb.     It’s an hour and a half drive to Marshall and our Airbnb. Marshall doesn’t have an airport and the closest one is in Sioux Falls. The Airbnb I rented for this trip is a three bedroom house that will fit all of us nicely for the week.     Along the way I’m just sitting there enjoying the view and the quiet. I hear Caleb open his dip can and then the sound of spitting in a bottle fills my ears. The smell of his Copenhagen tickles my nose. Caleb grabs my hand to hold it. While keeping his eyes on the road he leans on the center console towards me. I smile and lean in placing a kiss to his cheek.     “I love you,” I say softly.     “I love you too, little one,” he says smiling brightly.     I settle back into my seat still holding his hand. He continues to drive and spit in his dip bottle until we hit Marshall and pull up to the Airbnb at four thirty in the afternoon. The owners decorated it so nicely for Christmas. They had lights and all kinds of other decorations up. I knew the kids would appreciate it because I know I did.     I found a lock box and typed in the code I was given to get the key out. I unlock the door and open the house to the warm smell of cinnamon and vanilla. We all walked inside with Daisy to look around. The first thing we all noticed was the Christmas tree in the living room. That made me happy to see. I would need to put the Christmas Eve presents under it.     I saw the kitchen next. It had a bar and a small table in the corner. It wasn’t very big but it would work for what we needed to do while we were here. I walked over to the door that led from the kitchen to the backyard and opened it. Daisy ran outside wagging her tail happily. I was impressed by the backyard. It was larger than the pictures made it look.    I closed the back door leaving Daisy to do her business and run around while we get our bags and unpack. Caleb and I both walk back out to the vehicle to grab the kids bags and see which room they picked. We walked down the hall to find the girls in the room to the right and the boys on the left. We ask them to hang up their clothes and use the drawers in the rooms. Each of the kids rooms had two small comfortable beds, a dresser and a closet along with a night stand inbetween the beds.     After giving the kids their things, Caleb and I went back out to the truck to grab our own bags. We walked to the other side of the house to find the master bedroom and bathroom. As soon as we got into the room Caleb wrapped his arms around me, bringing me close.     I smiled up at him and asked, “Yes? Can I help you?”    “Yes, you can. I need those lips,” he says smiling down at me before he connects our lips together eagerly.     If we were alone right now I’m sure we would both be naked in a matter of minutes sprawled out on the bed, but we couldn’t do that with the kids awake. Maybe I would give in tonight and have s*x with him. Though I’m already tired, so his chances are slim.     He pulls back from our kiss and connects our foreheads to catch our breath but he didn’t want to let go of me yet. His phone text tone goes off in his pocket. He lifts his head from mine but keeps me close as he pulls his phone out. I put my head on his chest as he reads his text message.        “My mom would like us at the house now so she can meet everyone before dinner,” he says.     “Alright. Does she like it when people offer to help her in the kitchen?”    “Yep. How do you think I learned how to cook?”    “Makes sense,” I said nodding my head.     I hope this goes well. I felt my nerves start to rise in my stomach big time. I hope I don’t get sick from being nervous. That would definitely give away what I’m trying to hide right now. It was time to meet the parents and make a good impression.  
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