Chapter 7: The Family

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Aimee's POV I felt a heavy weight on my top. As I opened my eyes, Clyver's arms are wrapped around me and his hairy legs sends a shiver down my warm body. I lifted his arm and slowly put it down on the bed. As my feet touched the cold tiles of the floor, I felt a sudden movement from my behind. I turned to it and saw Clyver on his back, staring at me. "Are you still not going to talk to me?" he said in a sleepy voice. "We don't have something to talk about," I responded and stand on the bed. My eyes widened when I realized it was a wrong move. Before the blanket slid down my body, I immediately catch it and pulled it up to my chest. I heard a soft chuckle from him. I shut my eyes tightly and covered my eyes. Even I am facing my back, I can imagine his messy hair and the small smirk on his face. I clutch on my blanket tightly, making sure it won't slip out of my body. I forgot that I am naked underneath. D*mn it! "So you're only going to talk to me when we're in bed?" he asked while I jog towards my silk bathrobe to replace my blanket. As I finish tying my robe in my body, I faced him.  "Just like what you said, we are still a couple. Isn't it normal for us to have s*x?" I rolled my eyes and was about to leave our room.  "Not when we're mad at each other..." "I was not mad." "Uhuh..." After the fight last night at the bar, I didn't expect what happened next. Instead of talking it out, we ended up in bed.  "Not because we had s*x it does not mean we're fine. S*x is not the answer," I stated in a cold tone and walked out of our room.  I went downstairs to prepare our breakfast. I decided to prepare a tuna sandwich and a coffee. It's been half an hour when I heard Clyver's footsteps approaching.  "We have to go to our house," he said in an irritated tone. I furrowed my brows as I placed the bun at the top of the lettuce before turning to him. My gaze dropped at his body when I saw him on his boxer shorts and nothing more. My eyes blinked uncontrollably and when I met his sight, he shot his brow up.  "What are we going to do there?" I asked innocently and turn my back to pick up our plates. I pass through him and placed our food at the dining table. We have a three storey house and has a minimalistic design. The color palette that I used here is beige, maroon, and white. At first, I thought he's going to complain since he is more of a gray and black color type of person. But I forgot that he doesn't care about what our house would look like. To be honest, I want it white and gold. It looked more refreshing and relaxing in the eye. I didn't do it tho because it looked the exact opposite of Clyver's personality. If I have known he would be this passive, I should have continued it. "Clinton went home from States. My parents want to have dinner with us." He sat across me and pulled the plate towards him. I tried o catch his gaze but he didn't let me. He took a bite of his sandwich and nodded his head, confirming that I did great. I sighed and sat in front of him. The annoyance that I had a while ago quickly faded as I watch him act unbothered. "Wear your wedding ring. They will notice it."  I glance at my finger and the mark of the ring that I removed last night is still there. I almost throw it away due to my frustration. "I didn't know where I put it," I answered. As far as I remember, amidst our fight, I tossed it somewhere. "I put it on the bedside table." I almost choke in my food. Clyver stand on his seat and went to our refrigerator to grab a pitcher of water and poured it into my glass.  "Here," he said. I quickly shove it in my throat and let the water do its job. I harshly put down my glass after a big chunk of my sandwich successfully found its way through my stomach. "I didn't notice that you found it." "It was in our bed. I feel it on my back when you pushed to kiss me--" I glared at him which made him shut his mouth. However, the grin on his face flashed. "What? You did the first move last night. I was pretty shocked." I rolled my eyes at him. Last night, we were supposed to talk about what happened but... it didn't go well. "But seriously..." he said in a calm and earnest manner. "What were you doing at the bar last night?" I took a bite of my sandwich to give me some time to think of any excuses, but before I can do so, Clyver seems to notice it. "Don't try to lie, Aimee. I know you." 'No, you don't.' I wanted to say. "I went to the bar to check if you were really there. You didn't leave any messages." I ended up telling him the truth. Besides, he knows the answer so what's the point of lying. But of course, I didn't tell him the fact that I was worried. Why would I? After what he showed to me at the bar? He's still a total arse. The dining went silent and the sound of our teeth grinding against each other as we chew our food is the only minimal sound you can hear between us. "I'll leave a message next time," he said, breaking the silence. I don't know what's the underlying context behind what he said. Will he leave a message to update me or he will do it so I won't find myself driving towards where he is and interrupting whatever he's doing. No matter what the answer would be, it's none of my business.  "Will my parents be there?" I asked, diverting the topic. I don't think I can talk about our life as a couple in a casual way. I know he still doesn't want to settle. Unlike me, he was forced into this kind of relationship. "Father told me they invited them. Your mom responded that they will look into it. They aren't sure if they can. Your business is booming and they are busy." I took a sip of my coffee. I don't know but I feel awkward. I know it didn't mean much to him but for me, it was obvious that our employment agency became known because of them. When our engagement was released to the public, investors flocked to our company. The first month we were married, our income from the last three years if not doubled, almost tripled.  *** "This is fine," I whispered to myself after doing a spin in front of the mirror to take a look at my overall outfit. I turn my direction to Clyver whose having a hard time tying his tie. I went to him and gently remove his hands so I can do it myself. He didn't say anything and lifted his chin to give me more access.  We are preparing for lunch at their mansion. I look up to him after brushing my palms on his shoulders to straighten some part of his clothes. He went to our full-length mirror and took one last look at himself. He made an extra effort to look presentable today. I understand him well. It's his brother and parents we are talking about here. Even I will prepare thoroughly.  I went to my vanity mirror and put on a final touch of my makeup. One last look in the mirror and I'm done. I almost bumped into Clyver when I turn my back and he was standing there. My eyes scrutinized him from head to toe. He's wearing a coat and tie which always compliment his manly look.  He reached for my hand and inserted the ring on me. "No matter how annoyed you are. Don't remove this," he said after turning his back and picking up his car keys.  "Next time, remove your ring whenever you're meeting with Pearl. I don't want people staring at me with their pity eyes whenever I used to walk outside," I bluntly said. The door was left open and his hand is still holding the knob as it was halted by my response. "Everyone knows we're married, Aimee," he said. "And everyone knows you're cheating," I shot a brow up before aggressively pushing the door wider to walk down the room. The satisfying sound of my heels clicking against the floor of our house while walking away from my assh*le husband made me relax a bit.  "You know I'm not..." his sound faded from the background as I went to the parking lot where his cars are parked. He got three cars in here. A black Ford Ranger pickup truck. His Red Ferrari 458 Italia. And his white Toyota gt86. My car, the red Honda Civic X is on the left part of the garage, resting peacefully with my husband's luxurious cars. The last car is my dream car. I know I couldn't afford to buy one but at the very least, I hope I can drive it.  "What car are we going to use?" I asked when I heard the door from the living room open and closed and my husband's footsteps approaching.  "The white." He pressed his car keys, making the car open. I almost jump in joy when he chose my dream car.  "I'll drive," I suggested in a casual tone so he won't notice my excitement.  Clyver furrowed his brows and opened his car door. "No," he said before entering.  Yeah right. I almost forgot that he knows nothing about me. I hopped inside the car with a smug face. Good thing that he's an insensitive ass who didn't notice my sudden change of mood. ----- Unedited. Expect typo, spelling, and grammatical errors. ----- The Unwanted Marriage by: Joanne Cristel ©2021 -----
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