Chapter 6: Upset

2009 Words
Aimee's POV The cold tiled floor made me get back to my consciousness. I woke up with heavy lids and a headache. My hand went to the side of my head, putting pressure on it.  I gently massaged the sides of it in a circular motion to relieve the throbbing pain. I slowly opened my eyes only to be welcomed by our dark bedroom. I immediately got up and ran towards the switch beside the door to turn on the lights. When the room brightened, I took a deep breath. I really hate dark places. The only time I am letting our room without light is if I'm with Clyver. I closed my eyes and pressed the bridge of my nose. My sudden movement of getting up blackened my sight.  Gratefully, I managed to compose myself. I roamed my eyes at the empty bedroom and realized that I am alone. I went downstairs to check at any signs of my husband. My heart thumped loudly after not seeing any signs of him. He usually gets home late during weekdays due to his work. But today's Saturday and we had a fight earlier. No matter how angry I am, I am still his wife.  I quickly ran back to our room and grabbed my phone. There's no single message from him. I sat at the edge of my bed, thinking where else he could be. I once again stared at my phone and my eyes caught an app. My eyes widened. From the first month of our marriage, I know he won't take this seriously so I sneak and downloaded a tracker. I know this is wrong but what options do I have left? When I opened the app, I saw him at one of the night bars. 'I knew it.'  I bit my lower lip and my eyes landed in my closet. Without a second thought, I pulled out a black glittery dress that I used only once and put it on. I let my hair falls down to my waist and combed them with my fingers. I quickly brushed my teeth on the bathroom sink and put on my red bold lipstick.  One last look in the mirror and I'm settled. I rushed downstairs and hopped in my car. I know I don't have the right to do such a thing but I don't think I can sleep at night if he won't be able to come home. I said things without thinking clearly. I was hurt. But I realized how wrong it was for me to say those hurtful words... especially it is my fault I'm in this situation.  As I drove to the night bar that he's in, I reminisce the excuse that I made just to get married to him. "You know you have a choice, right?" My mom asked and gently squeezed my hand.  I tapped her shoulder and smiled. "I know, mom. This is my choice and I'm happy with it," I assured her. Today, we are heading to Finnson's mansion. My parents told me a month ago about their suggestion regarding our marriage. "You can always blackout," my father added. But of course, I didn't. Why would I? I like him. This is why I didn't entertain any of my suitors before. I am aware Janine and he was pretty close. I don't want him to think that I had a lot of boyfriends. I stepped on the gas to speed up. Luckily, I memorized how to go to this bar. This is the same night-out place he usually goes to whenever he doesn't want to stay in our house. I expertly parked my car and stepped out from it. I took a deep breath before moving my feet towards the entrance.  The guard looked at me from head to toe with a smirk on his face before removing the red barrier to let me pass. I ignored his glances and walked inside. My dress falls just above my knees. It emphasizes my breasts and my butt. I paired it with my gladiator sandals with 4 inches heels. Clyver was never conservative when it come to my dresses, actually, he doesn't comment at all.  The darkroom filled with neon lights and echoed by booming music welcomed me. I traveled my eyes with the hope of finding my husband.  "Hi..." I flinched when a hand brushed on my bareback. I aggressively turned to whoever touched me. But my annoyance slightly died down when I saw who it was. "Tyron?" I said in an amused voice.  "Long time no see," he greeted and spread his arms. Without hesitation, I accepted his hug.  Tyron was one of my suitors-- a self-proclaimed one. I don't consider him as my suitor because he never courted me. I did entertain him, but that was before. We used to fool around; cutting classes to hang out with him and sometimes sneaking out of our house to meet him. He was the one who made me realize I'm a normal college girl who dates guys.  "How are you doing?" I asked after we pulled from each other's embrace. It's been a while since we last met. After college, I kind of lost contact with him, tho, not totally since he has an active social life and we have a lot of mutual friends. "Doing great and living the best of my life. How about you? How's the married life?" he asked while scrutinizing me from head to toes. His eyes darted back at my chest which I am aware was a bit exposed. "Woah, it gets bigger than-- Ouch! I'm just kidding!" he chuckled after I pinched his arm. When his laughter died down, he look at me seriously with his hands on his sides. "I was surprised to see you at this place. Are you with your husband? I often see him here..." he stated. I can sense he wanted to add something but he didn't.  I licked my lips and raked my hair, scooping them on my left shoulder. I was about to reply when I felt a warm and rough hand snaking around my waist. I looked up to Clyver. His eyes were hooked, contrary to his usual friendly atmosphere. His lips aren't smiling and the movement of his jaw due to gritted teeth made visible in my point of view.  "Yes, she's with me," he answered in a cold tone. "Really? I saw you earlier with girls." Tyron answered with equal intensity. I immediately remove Clyvers hand from me and placed myself between them. "I often see you here, most of the time, you and your friend are with a couple of girls. I sometimes forgot you're already married," he added. "Tyron..." I warned. I knew him for so long. I know whether he is mocking someone and testing their patience or he's genuinely talking. "We should go. Clyver..." I said. I tried to pull him away yet he's way stronger and taller than me. Not to mention his stubbornness. Their eyes were glued to each other, weighing the atmosphere. "That's enough. Let's go, Clyver. Tyron..." I slightly nodded at Tyron before completely pulling my husband away. "Why are you here?" he asked after we made it through the parking lot. He freed himself from my hold to loosen his thigh. I notice his chest turned red and he is somewhat breathing heavily. He placed his hands at the side of his waist and look at me straight in the eye, waiting for my response.  I hissed. I couldn't believe this. He have the guts to ask me the question I was supposed to ask. "What are YOU doing here?" I asked. This time, I crossed my arms over my chest. I saw his gaze dart on my low neckline dress down to the hem of my fitted dress.  "Why? Am I not allowed to hang out with my friends?" he responded. "Exactly! Why? Am I not allowed to get out of our house and have fun in a bar?!" "You're not here because you want to have fun, Aimee! You're here because you're following me!" His line made me shut up. "I am not following you--" "Don't make me a fool. I know there's a tracker on my phone," he cut me off and pulled out his phone from his pocket to wave it to me. I was stunned for a second but I did not dare show it to him.  "Then why you didn't remove it? Are you letting me know where you are so I can witness how you cheat on me? Is that it?!" My chest rises up and down. I can feel the heat in my face and I am certain I looked red as a tomato. He took a deep breath and craned his neck. He pushed his tongue at the right side of his inner cheek, carefully thinking how he will respond. "I did not remove it because I want you to know that you still have access to my life. Whatever setup we are in, we are still a married couple. All I want is for you to respect what we've agreed before entering this marriage. Stop crossing the line, Aimee." In order to stop my quivering lips, I bit it. I can taste the blood from it due to my excessive biting. The lump forming in my throat is getting larger and harder to control. I can sense the pool of tears blurring my vision and hurting my eyes. Before they completely fall down, I harshly wipe them and glared at my husband. "So you want me to know where you are, but you don't want me to talk about the people you are with. You want to share with me a part of your life but you don't want it if I started voicing out the things I like and dislike. In short, you want me to be a wife but you have no plans of being a husband..." I shook my head before continuing. Tears are started to fall down my cheeks no matter how hard I attempted to hold them. "You want all of me but you give little to no part of yourself." He didn't speak and remained looking at me. Due to my tears, I couldn't explain his expression. It looks like a mixture of confused, stunned, and surprised expressions but a fake facade of toughness. In a couple of minutes, we stood there. No one's talking nor moving aside from me who's trying to stop my tears from running down.  "We should talk about this in our house, let's go," he said after shifting on his place and looking around. "No thanks. I can handle myself." However, he didn't listen to me. Instead, he grabbed my wrist tight so I can't let go of his hold but gentle enough to not hurt me.  "Get in," he commanded after passing through my car and going straight to his.  "I have my car," I argued and tried to shove his hand but he is firm. My average type of body looked so small and fragile standing after him.  "I will let my guards handle it. Get in the car. I won't let you drive at that state and at this hour." He opened the door and motioned me to get in but I stubbornly refused. He sighed. "Don't make me carry you inside." I threw a glare at him, aware that he won't hesitate to do it. With no other choice, I hopped inside. I made sure that I make a loud stomping foot, attempting to damage his car. Before he shut the door between us, I reached for the handle and slammed the door. I don't care if this is one of his luxurious collections of cars. He's f*cking rich and none of it is excused and can make me calm at this moment.  ----- Unedited. Expect typo, spelling, and grammatical errors. ----- The Unwanted Marriage by: Joanne Cristel ©2021 -----
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