Chapter 13: Persuading Her

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Clyver’s POV I caressed my cheek. I can still feel the pain on it and it feels heavy and a bit hot. Last night was another fight with her. I walked out of the room to give her privacy and space. I told her to call me after she calmed down, but hours passed and she didn’t. It ended up with me sleeping in my own bedroom, all alone. I wanted her to think of her decisions in life. It was the first time she ever landed her palm on mine. I can still remember how she quivered as she confessed that she genuinely liked me since college. Now, I am standing in front of our door room, contemplating whether I’ll get in or stay outside. I still haven’t unpacked our things and we have to go home today. I raised my hand in the air to knock when the door in the other room opened. My mood suddenly changes. ‘Why does he have to be the first one I see in the morning?’ Clinton, wearing only his sweat shorts, went out of his room. He’s combing his messy hair but was halted when he saw me. Slowly, his annoying grin appeared on his lips. “What are you doing?” “Knocking. Obviously.” I did not wait for his answer and twisted the doorknob instead. However, it was locked. I heard a soft chuckle from behind. I did not dare look at him because if I do, I won’t be able to control myself for punching him. Since then, he has never failed to annoy me. “Did you two fight again? Where did you sleep then?” he asked, still laughing. “I am respecting her privacy, Clinton,” I answered and knocked on the door. This time, Clinton laughed hard. My brows furrowed for his insulting laughs. “You respect her privacy but not her?” He laughed again. I turn to face him, but before I can kick his ass, our room’s door opened. “It’s too early to fight. Don’t give me a headache,” Aimee said. She’s in her trousers and vintage top. I also notice that she already has her makeup on. She opened the door wider, motioning me to get in. I quickly stepped inside before she changes her mind. “Be quick. I want to go home already,” she added after shutting the door behind us. The room smells vanilla, just like her usual perfume. I notice our luggage on the bed. It seems like she already packed our clothes. “Thank you,” I said. My attempt to start a conversation failed I hear no response from her. “You didn’t call me last night…” I said, hoping for her to answer me. “What time have you fallen asleep—” “Clyver, I have no time to talk nonsense things with you. Stop acting as if we’re fine.” I zipped my mouth and nods my head. She’s really pissed. I don’t know how to deal with her. She never acted this way before. She’s always composed and understanding but today, I have to be the one who should adjust in her behavior. Breakfast came and she still ignoring me. I can already sense my parent’s side glances and Clinton’s smirk all throughout the breakfast. I don’t care about what they think of our marriage. They are the ones who pushed us to go this way. One of the reasons why I don’t want to settle with Aimee is because of them. My father doesn’t really care if our marriage works out. All he wants is for me to be displayed as good for his colleagues and his image. Of course, according to him, an unmarried man is mostly seen as someone “who failed in life”. But that is not applicable to my brother because he has a successful business with him. Once again, according to my father, girls will flock on his feet and he doesn’t have to worry about not being able to marry. We already finished eating breakfast but Aimee is still silent. Aside from saying “Thank you for having us”, and “Good luck in your business”, to my parents and Clinton, we left the mansion without talking to each other. I opened the car door for her. She hopped in without looking at me and buckled her belt. She closed her eyes and rested her head at the backrest of the chair—indirectly telling me to shut my mouth throughout the drive and never bother her. Fortunately, I got an idea. “I’m kind of tired. I don’t think I can drive,” I said while faking massaging my shoulder. I am still standing outside the car, hoping for her to notice it. “What do you want me to do then?” she languidly asked without opening her eyes. “Well—” “There’s no way I will spend another day here in your mansion,” she added, cutting me off. “No, it’s not that,” I sighed. She’s indeed pissed. I don’t remember the time where she acted this way. “I just want to ask if you want to drive the car?” Before we go here, I remember her asking if she can drive my car. Of course, I refused. I know she can drive well but I don’t trust any of my cars to anyone. However, during these desperate times, I need to do a little sacrificing. I’m not good at persuading someone. This is my first time doing it. I am aware I am an assh*le and a pain in the butt but I don’t want any negativity and fight in our own home. That is why every time we fight and we couldn’t bring it through discussion, it’s either I leave or I will try more to talk it out with her. She suddenly opened her eyes and fixed her stance in her seat. The tiny string of hope inside of me gave me joy when she straightened her back, looking interested. “Are you sure you can’t drive?” she raised a brow at me. “Yeah, I slept on the sofa last night. I couldn’t sleep in my room because it wasn’t clean,” I lied. I was extremely comfortable in my bed last night. To be honest, my room reminds me of my single self with no responsibilities of being a husband and a pressure to be a father. My heart beats faster when she furrowed her brows. I hope she won’t notice my obvious lie. But of course, she’s Aimee Mortens, she definitely knew about it. “Your maids won’t let a single room in your mansion go unclean. You were never good at lying.” I sighed. I rested my arms at the roof of my car and the other one on her car’s door. I leaned forward to her ear. I notice her eyes gazed at my arms but soon she darted her sight in front. “I honestly can’t drive today, Aimee. Please do me a favor.” I waited a couple of seconds to hear a response from her. She sighed. Her eyes roamed inside my sports car before landing on me. She then laid her hands with an open palm. “Keys.” I almost wanted to jump in joy. I quickly pulled out the keys from my pocket and handed them to her. I gave way to her by stepping back. She then unbuckled her belt and stepped out of the car. “Thank you for—” “Get in or I’m going to leave you here,” she snobbishly said. I grinned. My eyes dropped at her lower back as she sways her hips towards the driver’s seat. Her butt cheeks are protruding behind his black trousers. “What are you waiting for? Do you really want me to leave you?” My eyes crawled up back to her face. Her fleek eyebrow raised at me. She didn’t want my response and opened the car door to hop in. Before she ran with my car and do what she threatened me, I quickly get inside and buckled my belt. “Why would I want you to leave me?” I replied which made her brows crumpled to what I responded. ----- Unedited. Expect typo, spelling, and grammatical errors. ----- The Unwanted Marriage by: Joanne Cristel ©2021 -----
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