Chapter 12: Her Confession

1850 Words
Clyver’s POV Taking this marriage seriously would only give him satisfaction. It’s better for me to be labeled as a failure than letting him show me off as someone that I’m not. I caressed the side of my lips and felt the cut made by my father. In his entire left, I never saw him punch Clinton. I go upstairs to talk to Aimee. I still have something to discuss with her. I know I was an asshole for seeing another girl but we already talked about this. ‘Why the hell is she letting this be complicated?!’ She doesn’t even love me! She only wants me to be all for her. And I can’t do that. I hate it whenever people are telling me what to do, what should I feel, and forcing me to be someone that they imagined of me. She married me this way and I have no plans of changing myself to the way she wanted me to be. I remove the first button of my long sleeves. I felt suffocated in this place. Wearing tight clothes is not making it better. Taking the last step to reach the second floor of the mansion, I was halted in my place. My brows furrowed and I tilted my head to the side, confused about what I see. Clinton, with my wife, are inches apart from each other. Clinton’s hand is around Aimee’s waist and his lips are on the side of his cheek. Suddenly, my heart started beating loudly. It is way noisier than when I had a fight with my father a moment ago. It was too wild that I have to take a deep breath to somehow manage it. “What are you two doing here?” I asked when the beating slowed. The shock is evident in my wife’s face but my assh*le brother remained calm. My eyes narrowed at him. He may look formal and casual but I can sense his mockery underneath. Aimee quickly pushed my brother aside and looked at me. Her surprised expression is now gone. All I can see in her is nothing; not angry, not hurt, not distressed. Nothing. ‘Was she here all this time?’ “Get inside the room. We have to talk.” Before I can have another fight with my brother, I walk past them. I went to her and grabbed her by her wrist for us to have a talk inside our room. I have no plans of letting the people inside this house what I and Aimee talked about this marriage. My father, or maybe even the whole of my family knew the situation in our house, but I doubt they are aware of the arrangement we’ve agreed with. “I don’t want to,” she firmly stated. She harshly freed her hand from me and threw me a glare. I sighed. Before I deal with her, I faced my brother first. He’s leaning on the stairs barricade and his hands are on his pocket, languidly watching us. “Care to give us our privacy, brother?” I sarcastically said. He raised his hands in the air and straightened his back. “Fine, brother,” he answered with the same sarcastic tone that I use whenever I address him as my brother. I watch him turn his back and go away. Even my eyes are glued on his back, I can sense Aimee’s stares at him. “Want to go after him?” I blabbered without looking at her. My insides are now rattled. I don’t understand what to feel anymore. I shouldn’t be feeling mad. It’s not that they kissed… and it’s not that I have the right to intervene. “I don’t want another Finnton in my life, Clyver,” she answered and rolled her eyes inwardly. Before I can reply, she walked away and went inside our room, shutting the door. I pushed my tongue to the left inside of my cheek. My eyes gazed at the stairs on the ground floor when I felt someone’s presence. Indeed, below, my mom is staring at us with a worried expression. I sighed. I then turn my back and went to our room. Fortunately, Aimee didn’t lock it. I twist the doorknob and push it open. Aimee is sitting on the edge of the bed—back straight, and eyes started in front of her. Her hands are crossed over her chest and her chin is held up high. “Aimee—” I stopped when my gaze landed on the floor. In her feet is my phone, broken into pieces. My hand went to the side of my neck and I tilted my head to somehow relax my heavy head a bit. “Why did you break my phone?” She faced me with the same emotionless expression she is displaying. “I just want to,” she answered sarcastically. I closed my eyes to calm myself. I have no idea a pissed Aimee is hard to talk to. I never saw her this annoyed and I couldn’t blame her reaction. I know I was the one in the wrong… always is. But I’m doing this for her. She should know she shouldn’t be with me. My family is only using her to show off to the world how perfect ours is. However, that’s not the case. We may look perfect and untouchable outside, but we are a mess. I don’t want to drag anyone into this kind of life. My father won’ agree if I will be the one whose going to issue a divorce. He will do everything and by any means just to stop me. But if Aimee does it, he can’t do anything about it. “Aimee, let’s talk—” “HOW MANY TIMED DO WE HAVE TO TALK ABOUT THIS?!” My brows almost meet each other by her sudden outbreak. Her chest is rising up and down and I only notice by now that she’s sweating hard. Bullets of sweat are crawling down at the side of her head even the room’s AC is on. “Aimee are you okay?” I asked out of worriedness. She hissed—as if I’d said something unimaginable. “You’re asking me if I’m fine right after you make out with someone?” Her voice seems hopeless and frustrated. “You are indeed insane!” I took a deep breath, trying to have control over the situation because my wife obviously can’t. I went to her and sat beside her on the bed. She made a step sideways, keeping our distance inches away from each other. I gave her a couple of minutes before speaking. When I felt she’s breathing normally, I started. “May I know what pissed you off?” I asked gently. I want this conversation to be calm as possible. I am too exhausted from all the happenings today and the last thing I want is to argue with her. She harshly turned her face in my direction. “Are you really asking me that?!” she hissed. “If you’re talking about my make-out session—” “Your make-out session?!” she reiterated disgustingly. “I can’t believe you, Clyver!” “No one saw us, Aimee. Isn’t it what we talked about?” She looked at me, dumbfounded. I notice her lips slightly quivering before she leaked them and bit inwardly. “I already told you to respect this marriage. How many times do we have to talk about this and how many times do you want me to repeat it?” she said in a low yet frustrated tone. “You agreed, Aimee,” I reminded her. “I swear, no one saw us. Erica knows what I want from her and she’s the same. No feelings attached, just like what we have—” The pang of pain in my left cheek felt hot when her hand landed on it. Out of surprise, I wasn’t able to move. “I don’t think this will work.” I lifted my head and stared back at her. Her eyes are full of hopelessness. When a tear escaped from her eye, I felt like someone stabbed me in my chest. I don’t want to hurt her more so it’s better for us to not be attached to each other. “I know…” I agreed. “You don’t have to issue a divorce. We can continue this contractual marriage for the benefit of both of us.” True enough, I don’t want to give my father what he wanted but I also don’t want to deal with his outburst for now. We have been married for three months and I think it’s too early for us to get a divorce. After all, the Mortens need our company—the same exact reason why Aimee married me. “Stupid son of a b*tch…” Aimee said in a low voice. Her tone quivered and her eyes are bloodshot—leaving me speechless. “What—” “I like you since college, Clyver! I love you! I didn’t marry you for your f*cking name and company. I chose to marry you even I have the option not to. You’re a f*cking i***t for not realizing it and I f*cking hate you!” My lips were zipped and with no specific reason, the beating of my heart went fast. I never thought she’s… I am not aware of this. I thought as a rising agency, she only wants my name. All this time, her tantrums, her secret tailing of me, her selfishness of not wanting me to meet other girls, are only because she wanted me all by herself—which is obviously senseless because we didn’t sign up for that. I was stunned in my seat. I knew girls chase after me for money and fame, but never for love. And to be honest, I doubt her statements. None will love me for the man that I am. They only like me for the image of me that they built for themselves, but never the true me. And I bet, she’s no different from other girls. I am an assh*le to her. Who would love me? She covered her face with her palms as she wailed. I couldn’t stand the sight of her crying, so I stand in my seat and turned my back. “Call me if you calmed down,” I said before leaving the room. She’s just mad so she said it. I never saw her any affection except when we were in bed, and she’s the same with me. She was tight, almost cold. And we never had any interaction in college. I only knew her because of Janine. For me, it’s impossible to love someone you know nothing about. She’s just infatuated. Just like other girls, she doesn’t love me. She only wants the idea of me. ----- Unedited. Expect typo, spelling, and grammatical errors. ----- The Unwanted Marriage by: Joanne Cristel ©2021 -----
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