Checking out guilds

1949 Words

I took a walk around the whole Academy. In a while, I came upon the staff room which Stephany had mentioned about. Why did I have to come here? I don’t have any business here, do I? I should stop poking my nose into others' business very much soon. I’ll get into trouble because of this someday. As I was about to walk past that place, I heard the voice of Miss Stephany talking. I tiptoed myself towards the door and hid there. Why did I stop here to listen to their conversations? “How long have your family had been studying at this academy? Do you know? For over generations over generations,” Stephany shouted. “ You know how many problems you Raven’s cause to us. Still, we accept you because we have no choice left. Why don’t you learn something from your big brother? He’s one o

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