Chapter Five

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"Harder!"  "Faster!"  "Hit it more!"  Mireya blindly obeyed her guardian's orders.  She moved her already bruised arms and feet faster and quicker.  They are already screaming that she should stop moving and if they could only talk, she's sure her body will curse at her. Pull ups, push ups, Overhead Presses, deadlifts, Squat and Burpees. Her everyday routine changed in the past year that she's been under Reina's care.  All the training of various sorts of sports that she only sees before on television.  Taekwondo, karate, boxing and even sword fighting. Reina will work her to death every day until she cannot move any longer.  'It is to protect yourself from maniacs,' Reina told her when she asked why she's doing this.  She is but a simple woman and because of her appearance, who is going to try and touch her?  Even those who were ordered by her sister back then demanded a double payment just to do her harm.  "Nearly there, Mireya. You're almost where I want you to be. Like I said, as long as you can beat me, we won't stop." Reina told her, attempting to give her courage but it only added to the pressure Mireya was feeling.  Defeat? She can't even take her sword from her whenever they have a fight! How will she win?  "If you can't beat me, you can't beat them."  There she is again with her figurative words.  Who are they?  Why does it appear like there is always a danger by the way Reina kills her in training? Mireya doubled over and harshly breathed in and out.  Sweat dribbled down her forehead due to the heat and fatigue, her limp body gradually became accustomed to the pain.  But that does not mean she is not tired and gives up.  "I still don't get.... why we have to—hah do this," she stated in the middle of chasing her breath.  "I already told you that it is—whew—pointless. Nobody ever notices me, no men will ever want this kind of face and body."  Mireya's body shifted immediately when Reina swung her sword in her direction.  She bent backwards and watched how her nose barely escaped it.  She twisted her body around and stood up once more. This time, Reina went straight to her heart, but her hands moved automatically, she blocked the sword with her two hands and twisted her body away from it.  With her fingers' strength this time, she traced her fingers to the hilt before quickly holding Reina's hand holding the tip of the blade, and positioned herself behind her guardian to place it against her neck, not enough to do damage. As if Mireya is holding Reina as her hostage. Her eyes widened when she realized what she did and her heart leaped in delight.   Oh my god, she did it!  She finally got close enough to hold her sword!  But she celebrated early because the next thing she felt was pain in her side, and the impact of her elbow on her face causing Mireya to faint and fall.  She touched her bruised side and nose before moaning in pain.  "Very good. But you became overly confident and celebrated early. Remember---"  She cut off what she's about to say and continued Reina's mastered line.  "---that as long as your opponent is moving or gave up you will not win."  Reina smiled a little, but inside, she is proud of what the young woman she was caring for had done. The fact that she is teaching Mireya the things she has learned and mastered for thousands of years in just a year is not easy.  But there should be no more time to waste for them. Reina does not know when they will be discovered and when the demons will attack them.  Reina is sure that she is not that important to the Source and they will not save her.  After all, a Seer is made and chosen just like the King of Ozryn.  If they did not save King Janos, whom they themselves had picked, why should she hope? All she wanted was for Mireya to be able to take care of herself when Reina disappeared.  Because over the past year she has become close to her heart.  She already considered Mireya a sister, daughter, friend and granddaughter. Reina's mate Apollo died hundred of years ago.  He perished as a consequence of a mission and they never had a chance to have children.  And Reina just couldn't bear to love another man other than her mate.  She swore that she would only love him until the Source takes her back in their arms to serve next to them.  Perhaps they will grant her wish of being with her mate once again.  Just a little more.  Reina thought.  Little by little, Mireya will be able to defend herself against the creature who will harm her. Mireya does not possess the same power as they have, but she can at least fight the mortals who want to hurt her.  Reina's plan is ready.  When Mireya turns seventeen, she will tell the young woman about her world. And after that, just before she lets her go, she will tell Mireya what she knows about her real parents and what is destined to occur in her life. And when Mireya finally reaches the age of eighteen, she will help her get to know her mate, the current Alpha King Hannibal Thanatos.  And she will lift the spell she used to hide Mireya's out of this world beauty.    But Reina also wishes that the Alpha King would love her mortal mate and accept her.  Because having a human mate is considered as a treason and taboo in Ozryn.  Hannibal may remove it, but Reina's request is that he will fight for the throne and her future Queen.  And Reina believes that the Source will not pair the King of the weres to a human if they will not allow it.  Because they are the ones who are destined to rule Ozryn someday.  Reina held out her hand to help Mireya stand up.  "That's it for today, Mireya. Get up or you might be late for school."  When Mireya's hand touched hers, time slowed and Reina's eyes glowed.  Her heart stopped when she saw her own death before her eyes.  She saw a blurred figure thrusting his sword through her and dying in Mireya's arms. As fast as it came, it was also gone within a minute without Mireya noticing anything.  Reina is left speechless and she isn't sure what to think or feel that moment.  But one thing is for sure, Reina needs to change her plan and finish things faster. Because of her appearance and because most people know the story of her life, and who her current guardian is, Mireya has been the target of bullying.  She is often bullied and laughed at by people around her.  She also often cleans her locker because either her belongings are wet or there is garbage inside, sometimes, there is an obscene anatomy drawn in her locker. Mireya just wondered what was going on in the heads of the men and why were they drawing like that?  Do they feel that their manhood is increasing and or it will make them appear cool? Mireya often cleans her locker with the help of her only friend Irish. Just like now with garbage in her locker.  She was just about to take the book she would use for that day, but the sight of the garbage inside her locker made her halt.  "God, are these people that stupid? Can't you tell what is a locker and what is a trash can?"  her friend said out loud, enough for her bullies to hear.  Mireya stopped her gently, afraid that something would happen to her friend.  She did not want Irish to experience this because of her. "What? I'm merely asking. This is why they keep on thinking they can step all over you, Mi. Because you're just letting them."    Mireya sighed and tied the plastic before standing up with her books and plastic.  "Because arguing with people who see no sense is pointless, Rish."  she whispered but someone is unfortunately eavesdropping.  "Ooh, guys this fugly just said you guys have zero brains."  Rick, the School's known leech to the bullies yelled out.  "Why don't you actually write an actual story?"  Irish asked Rick for changing what Mireya said.  Before Mireya could speak, a hand slammed into her locker.  She saw the round face of her biggest bully, Tristan, who by the way looks like a regular in the kitchen. "Why don't you repeat that on my face, fugly?"  Tristan sneered and Mireya actually took a step back to prevent his spit from landing on her.  Instead of answering him, she just tugged Irish.  "Come on, Rish. We might get a late pass." Mireya grabbed her by the arm and they began to walk away from the scene. "Yeah, run like a coward. Exactly like what you did to your family. I bet you will do the same to your crazy guardian." Tristan taunted her and Mireya stopped in her tracks. Reina warned her not to fight anyone.  Her guardian told her not to be affected by words.  But what Mireya does not want is for her family to be involved, and Reina is also her family.  She clenched her fists before turning around.  She hears screams and taunts around them, the intention is to further heat up the situation, but Mireya is in control, and she would not let the words of others in her mind.  She stood in front of Tristan and stared into his blue eyes.  "Why don't we meet later after School? Just you and me." she whispered so that only he could hear what she said.  "Oh, am I supposed to be scared?" was his loud answer.  "See you later then, fugly."  Mireya let Irish pull her away from them. The ugly smirks plastered on their faces was the last thing she saw before she turned around. She never once uttered words when they are hurting her by simply hitting or pushing her.  But now that her family is involved, she will not be silent anymore.  "What did you tell him, Mi?"  Irish asked her as they walked away.  "I told him I wish we were still wearing a face shield like back when we did in 2020. To protect ourselves from his flying spits."  They both laughed at each other because of what she said.  And just like what she told Tristan, after class she saw him waiting for her outside.  When he saw her, his lips stretched into a grin before walking ahead.  Mireya waited until Irish got on her bus before she followed Tristan.  They stopped at an old playground and as Mireya expected, she saw his friends already waiting there.  Mireya just knew that Tristan is nothing but a coward who is not true to his words.   Tristan is nothing but a big bully who wants to look tough, but he's nothing but.  "Oh, don't worry. They are just here to watch. Or maybe record how you will beg me not to hurt you."  True enough, one of his friends picked up his cell phone and focused it on her.  And that is when Mireya hesitated, because Reina firmly told her not to show her skills to multiple eyes.  And when they record what happens, it will circulate across the country or the whole world.  "What, you're scared now?"  Tristan teased.  Mireya was stuck in her position and could not move.  What is she going to do?  She could not disobey her guardian's order.  But will she embarrass her?  Will she just let him ruin her name and her family?  What is the use of her training that she almost dies, if she can not use it?  "Don't do it, don't do it."  Reina whispered from where she's standing under a tree a few meters away from the scene.  Reina always trusts her gut feeling and when she senses something is wrong, she teleports outside the School and sees how Mireya followed the big bully.  The reason why she warned Mireya not to show her skills in front of many eyes is also because the demons are already scattered on Earth.  There are celebrities, politicians or rich personalities.  Ever since Abacia ruled, he has permitted some of the demons to rule the Earth.  And when they see Mireya's skills, they will recognize her.  "Oh, she'll do it."  she said in dismay when she saw how Mireya's eyes change.   In a year that she's trained her, Reina has already memorized what emotion will be seen in her eyes when she is ready. Reina snapped her hands quickly and time stopped.  She flashed before them and made sure that the one taking a video did not capture anything.  Reina is aware of the risk by using her powers and knew the demons around her would feel it, but they would not know where it took place.  But because she also wanted to punish the boy somehow, she yanked the young bully's pants and pressed play on the cell phone.  At least she knows the basic uses of it.  Then she grabbed Mireya by the arm.  As soon as they vanished, the clock moved again.  And Tristan with his batman underwear was left to be videotaped by his friends.  Mireya gasped in surprise when she found herself standing outside the hut. "W-what happened?"  she asked curiously. One minute, she's standing in the playground and now she's on the cliff?  "I told you not to use your skills in front of naked eyes and you were about to do it."  she heard her guardian say while shaking her head, disappointment could be heard in her voice.  And it saddens Mireya.  "Because they badmouthed my family! And I won't let anyone slander you, or even my step-father and step-sister!"  she defended before crying helplessly.  "What is the use of this so-called skill if I can't even use it?"   Reina's eyes softened before she took her in her arms.  "In time you'll know, my dear. In time."
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