Chapter Four

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"Don't!"  Mireya exclaimed as she woke up and abruptly sat up. Her chest rose and fell fast as if she had just run a mile.  But it slowly slowed down without seeing the surroundings Jessica had brought her to, where there were men who were about to touch her. Men destined to do something bad to her.  "Where am I?" she whispered into the air and took a deep breath.  She doesn't care where she is as long as she is far from danger.  "Wait, where is Jessica? Where are the bad guys?"   She bent down and ran down her hands over her face.  She did not expect her step-sister to do that to her.  Yes they are not close, they are not actually blood relatives, but they grew up together.  Their Mom raised them at the same time, fed them her cooking while smiling in content.   And despite her cold treatment to her, she still considers Jessica a sister.  Mireya roams her eyes again to look around.  The house is built of wood, the furniture is old.  The house is small but it can be said to be clean. "Whose house is this?"  she asked herself again and stood up.  She put her feet down and put on her slippers. She's not tied and her slippers are here for her to wear. When she peeked outside, she could see only tall trees.  The branches and leaves dance gently with the gentle wind. It's… calming. According to the surroundings, it's already afternoon.  How long has she been unconscious?  What truly happened? But oddly enough, Mireya does not feel warned or terrified.  She feels at ease and safe.  This is what she felt when she was still with her Mommy.  Truth is, the place feels awfully familiar to her.  But Mireya is sure that she has not been here yet.  "Hello?"  Mireya called out, her eyes darting around, waiting for someone to pop out of nowhere.  She discovered some food on the table that seemed to be prepared for her but Mireya did not want to impose. She walked towards the small door through which the afternoon sunlight entered. Her forehead creased slightly as her eyes dazzled, so she automatically raised her hand to block the sunlight hitting her eyes. But as her eyes widened, Mireya sighed softly at the sight that greeted her. Her mouth dropped open and her jaw nearly dropped at what she saw. The place was a ravine and from where she stood, Mireya could see the site below, the vast forest, the tree's branches. And the high waterfall she horizons. With the beautiful scenery, it looks and feel like a dream. It was like a place she could only see on the internet or on wallpapers.  "Beautiful." she whispered in awe.  But how did she get here? Mireya breathed in the clean smell of the air and exclaimed. And in the corner of her right eye, she saw a seated form. From a distance Mireya is certain that it is a woman. Her long golden hair is dancing with the wind freely. She is sitting with her legs crossed and both hands resting on top of her thighs.  Perhaps it was she who saved her?  But why would she bring her to this place?  Far from the city where she lives.  Jessica?  What happened to her sister?  Mireya walked closer to the woman, every step of her feet on the grass calmed her mind.  It seems so nice to lie down here, unlike in the cemetery. With each approach, Mireya could see the terrifying height of the cliff so she felt dizzy. Her pace slowed and she nearly ran away in fright.  How can she sit near the end where she can fall by just one wrong move?  "Excuse me?"  she gently called the attention of the woman and stopped a few inches away from behind her.  Mireya did not want to startle her, afraid that she'll fall.  "Are you the one who brought me here?"  "Sit."  Her only answer without even looking at her.   Mireya shook her head at the lady's offer. "Uh, thanks, but no thanks."  Mireya let out a nervous laugh and remained standing.  "I'm sorry if I'm being rude but may I know who you are?"  "Me? I will be with you in the years to come. I will be your cook, your nurse when you are ill and I will teach you things."  "H-ha?"  Mireya shook her head in astonishment.  "What?!" she exclaimed in shock when her words registered in her mind.  "You're slow. I'll be the one to raise you—scratch that, I will be your guardian from now on."  She lifted her shoulders and shrugged before standing up as if she is not a few steps from the edge where if she fell, no one would be able to recognize her remains.  "Hello, Mireya Pericles." The woman greeted her and her body stiffened. How did she know her name?  "B-But what about my sister? My Father?"  Despite what they had done to her, she still had not forgotten what she had promised her beloved Mother. "Please, like your Father did not simply desert you and blamed you for what happened to his miserable life. And don't even get me started with your b**** of a sister. Because of her, I hurt God's beloved children."  she shook her head and Mireya did not understand every word that came out of her mouth.  Because she's now seeing her up close, Mireya can see her free more clearly.  Why does she look like a mannequin with her beauty and fair skin?  She can not even spot a small acne scar on her face.  "Let me properly introduce myself, I am Reina of Ozryn." She held out her hand and Mireya stared at her like she's grown another head.  Ozryn?  Is there such a place in America?  Why does she only hear it now? But surely enough, Mireya is also not certain. Perhaps she is a foreigner? But more importantly, why does she know her family?!  "Why do you know me and where am I?"  Mireya demanded before taking a step back. Her aura does not scare her, but she will not be fooled by her beauty.  Instead of answering, the woman—Reina  raised her right palm over the right side of her face. And Mireya's eyes almost bulged out of her head when Reina removed her hand and she's now looking at a head with two different faces?  The right face is the familiar face of the crazy old woman whom she became friends with, and the left side is her beautiful and young face.  "G-grandma?"  She backed off again and covered her mouth in disbelief.  And within a minute, Mireya found herself blacking out once again.   Reina watched when Mireya fainted for the second time.  She sighed before waving her hand in front of her face to bring it back to normal.  Why does she faint so easily? Is it low blood?  She shook her head and clapped her hands.  Also for the second time that day Mireya woke up with a puff of air.  Only this time, she immediately remembers what occurred earlier.    "W-what are you?"  she crawled backwards to try and keep the distance between them.  Reina leaned over her and Mireya just hugged her knees.  "I am a Seer, or for your little head to understand, I am a fortune teller. I am Reina of Ozryn and I am here on Earth for a mission."  she explained at first, but Mireya could not understand what she was saying.  "I'll explain it to you in time, Mireya of Earth. But for now, I am going to be your guardian. You will live under my roof and care. As for your Father and Sister, I am sorry but they are the ones who changed their path. It is not your fault that they lost their way. You made your promise and trust me, even when you are old and worn out they will still not change. People don't change just 'coz you show them kindness."  "But I promise---"  "And she heard you, believe me. But even she knows that Bobby and Jessica are already far too gone to change."  She approached her and tapped her on the shoulder.  "Now, let's eat."  "Wait, you're not actually crazy?"  Mireya asked in astonishment when it finally hit her.  Reina stared at her with an indifferent expression on her face.  "You literally just discovered how I changed my appearance, and yet you are curious if I'm actually crazy?" she asked, voice full of sarcasm.  "Oh, you're something." Reina told her and laughed as she left.  And Mireya wonders, as well.  Why is she not terrified by what she witnessed?  Shouldn't she be running in fear and running away from Reina?  But why are her feet moving back into the hut?  Why is she sitting?  And why did she accept the food she offers?  Probably because Mireya also knows that she has nowhere else to go. Her Mommy's family is far away.  Her Daddy was kicked out so she did not know his relatives.  She has a friend, but she does not want to disturb Irish.  While eating she could not help but sigh in sorrow.  Even if her family is like that, this is the only family she can call her own.  To say she is not alone in this world.  Her conscience still bothered her, believing that perhaps it was really because of her.  If Martha hadn't adopted her, would she still be alive?  Will Bobby and Jessica change?  She stopped thinking because of a sudden smack of a wooden spoon on the wooden table.  She saw annoyance on the face of the woman who introduced herself as Reina.  Mireya did not know if she would get used to seeing her face not as old as she grew up to see.  "Quit blaming yourself. Just stop. It's not your fault why things happened the way it did. You are not God who created the world. Oh, this is what I hate about humans. They thought it is because of them why things happen."  She lifted the spoon she was holding towards the roof.  "He is the one who made you, he will dictate what will happen in your life. He will decide when a person will die. But just as he said, mercy is in him and the deed is in you."  Mireya's about to answer, but Reina raised her hand.  "Just eat. We'll talk later."  "Sorry."  she apologized and ate again.  She avoided thinking of things, afraid that Reina can read her mind as well.   After eating, Mireya volunteered to wash the dishes.  While washing, she thought about the possibility that she would live here.  Mireya loves the surroundings, the place is windy and peaceful, far from the polluted city. The person claiming to be her guardian is a little snob though. What about School?  Will she go back to his old school or will she move?  How about her only friend Irish?  "Are you done? Just a few pieces and it's taking you half an hour?"  Mireya heard from behind her so she hastened what she is doing.  Then she walked closer to the small living room.  Come to think of it, Mireya sees no modern things in the hut.  No tv, no refrigerator, washing machine and so on.  Mireya sat in the chair opposite Reina's seat.  "I thought you'll never finish."  Reina says sarcastically.  "Unfortunately, there is nothing left of your good Mother Martha's savings because your father and sister stole it. You will not be able to return to the house because your kind Father lost it in a bet."  Mireya's stomach sank at what she heard.  The house she grew up in, the house her Mother decorated and cleaned everyday. The house that witnessed her every cry whenever things are too much for her to take.  Mireya gently clasped her hands in front of her.  "What happened to Jessica? How… How did you even manage to save me? I remember the guys... there are so many of them."  "And they are weaklings, don't worry. About your sister, she's where she'll hopefully re-think about her life."  Mireya closes her eyes and grabs the shorts she's wearing. "And like I said, I'll tell you everything in time. Preferably when you're at least seventeen, alright? For now, you will stay with me. Don't worry because you will still study at the same School and you will still see your friend. I will not separate you from that because I know that is the only thing that makes you happy. "  She bowed slightly, grateful that she knows her that much.  "Thank you."  "In exchange, I will teach you everything I know. You will become a better version of yourself once I am done with you, Mireya."
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