
1672 Words
Sage POV Telling Zane to be safe as he left was completely out of character for me. Liking him, even in the smallest bit, was dangerous territory. After spending an hour or so alone, I went to the window and opened it carefully. At first, I thought about staying the night when Zane asked, but now that I was developing feelings for him, I needed to leave quickly. I cannot, under any circumstances, develop any type of attachment to him. Things never go well for me when that happens. I hastily went through my bags and found a small bag to hold some clothes and my potions before quickly changing into a new outfit. Luckily, Zane’s Beta grabbed my knives, so I quickly strapped a few of them on to prepare for the streets. Once finished, I made it halfway out the window when I heard a voice behind me. “Where are you going?” I heard as I turned to face Zane’s Beta. “Away,” I muttered, pissed that he caught me. “I can’t allow that. Zane will have my head if you disappear on my watch,” he replied as he came up behind me and pulled me back in. “Fine, but I’m leaving as soon as he returns,” I huffed as I walked back to a chair and sat down. “He should not be long. He is just meeting with another Alpha for a brief discussion,” his Beta informed me. “Which Alpha?” I asked. “Alpha River,” He responded. “f**k,” I hissed as I ran back to the window. “What’s wrong?” He asked. “I’m leaving now,” I snapped. “I can’t allow that,” Alex repeated as he went to grab me again. “Alpha River is dangerous, and I can promise he has no interest in the casino. If we don’t get to the casino now, Zane may be in danger,” I yelled. The idea of Zane being hurt drove me crazy, even though I shouldn't care. Alpha River made sure that they killed the last Alpha who entered the town. He had a coven of witches backing him, and he was determined to be the only wolf in power. It's impossible for anyone, including Zane, to defeat River and his witches without a considerable army behind them, except for me. “Zane can handle him if he causes any problems,” Alex responded. “No, he can’t. I’m going to the casino, and you can either follow or stay here, but I will fight you off to leave if need be,” I snapped. “I’ll get the car and drive you to the casino to check on Zane if that will make you feel better,” Alex relented. “Fine, but hurry.” I snapped as we ran out of the hotel and got in a car Alex had parked outside. “So, you care about Zane?” Alex asked in the car. “I’m just helping to repay my debt to him for pulling me away from Kendric,” I scoffed. “Whatever you say,” Alex laughed. “You don’t seem concerned about your Alpha. I just told you he is most likely in trouble,” I sneered. “He would have mind-linked me if he were in trouble, and Zane is strong enough to take on River,” Alex responded as we pulled up to the casino and jumped out of the car. A loud growl erupted from the casino as I ran towards it. “f**k, you were right,” Alex hissed as he ran in and shifted into his wolf. “No s**t,” I muttered as I ran around the side of the casino and pushed a storm drain cover out of the way, and jumped in. The storm drain led to a hidden tunnel that covered the entire casino. I needed to quickly determine which room Zane was in and catch River and his witches by surprise. Staying undetected would allow me to use some of my power in secret. My goal is to guarantee Alpha Zane's protection, then depart and find the perfect place to conceal myself within the city until Alpha Zane heads back to his pack lands. I can’t allow my emotions to get in the way and fool me; no matter my weird connection with him, he will always be my enemy. I am simply doing this so we are even, and I no longer feel like I owe him. Running through the tunnels, I finally caught the sound of wolves fighting and heard a witch chanting some spell. The power she was releasing … I could feel it in the tunnels, which caused me to worry for Zane slightly. Further down in the tunnels, I could hear several others fighting. Alpha River most likely had the room he was in with Zane blocked off with a protective barrier, making it impossible for Zane’s Beta or guards to help him. Luckily, the barrier was not likely to include what was below the room since almost no one knew about this tunnel, giving me an advantage. While climbing the tunnel steps towards the hidden door to the main conference room in the casino, I heard the witches and wolves inside. I cracked the door slowly to remain hidden and saw a huge black wolf that was bigger than any I had ever seen. Was that Zane? The black wolf was fighting against River, but whatever spell the two witches were chanting was causing him to struggle. I focused on what they were chanting since I studied most of the standard spells they used, and it sounded like they were trying to force him back into his human form. River finally landed a good attack as I concentrated on the spell, and Zane’s wolf faltered slightly. It was time for me to act. I pulled one of my daggers from its strap and stabbed it into one of the binding tattoos on my arm. The only way to activate my full power was to damage the tattoo. I would have to fix it later to seal that portion of my power since I don’t have complete control of it. With my hand against the wall, I allowed fire to release from me into the room, filling the entire conference room with smoke and flames. The witches would have to drop the barrier to escape with River. River snarled as he finally caught sight of me. He ran toward me in wolf form, calling attention to me as I walked out. Zane’s wolf used the distraction to quickly attack him while I ran to the witches, attacking them and getting them to drop the barrier. More people entered the room, including a few wolves from both River and Zane’s pack. I was confident now Zane had the upper hand, so this was my opportunity to slip back into the tunnels and make my escape. As I approached the door, I made it halfway through and heard the distinct sound of a gun being c****d and about to fire. Scanning the room, I saw one of Rivers’ men with a gun directed at Zane. My breath hitched, and my body moved instinctively as I ran towards Zane. As the gun fired, I blocked its path and allowed the bullet to hit me. For a moment, the force made me kneel as it hit my chest. Fortunately, it avoided my heart, but it still caused me to immediately cough up blood. The giant wolf howled and attacked River's wolf aggressively. As I struggled to breathe and endure the pain, I finally reached the tunnel door and left. Everything blurred as I pushed my body against the wall for support and kept moving deeper and deeper into the tunnel until I reached a familiar little room I had used before to hide. With all my strength, I leaned on the door and fell to the floor as I entered the room, and struggled for air as my lungs filled with blood. “Just a scratch,” I mumbled as I coughed up more blood while my body fought to heal itself. Death didn't scare me, and I sensed it approaching. I just needed to make sure that Zane did not find me, or he would learn all my secrets. While I tried to stay awake, a gurgled moan escaped my mouth. I did not know how much time had passed, but soon, I heard frantic footsteps running through the tunnel as Zane yelled my name. He sounded afraid. Why was he so worried about me? Soon, the door to the small room burst open. My eyes closed as I continued to fight to remain conscious. Warm hands touched my skin momentarily, and I felt my shirt being ripped off. “Sage, stay awake,” Zane demanded as his voice quivered, and I felt a sharp pain in my chest. “I need to remove your bra to access the bullet easily,” Zane whispered when I felt him snap it off. “Mmm,” I moaned from the pain as I felt him push into the hole in my chest. “Silver,” I mumbled, trying to warn him. Zane let out a hiss as he pulled the bullet out of my wound and tossed it fast. The silver burned him before he lifted my body so it was directly against his, holding me tight. Despite his efforts to heal me, I felt like I was drowning in my blood as I choked, trying to breathe. “Don’t you dare die on me! Sage? Why would you take a f*****g bullet for me?” He growled. I felt remorse as I heard the desperation in his voice. I wanted to tell him I would be back, but as my heart ceased, darkness took over, and I took my final breath in his tight embrace.
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