Chapter 4

479 Words
The next morning Regina woke to find Kaidence had finally come home, but she was sleeping after her late night. Her mother still had not arrived home and it looked as if her bed had not been slept in. Dialing her mother's cell, a man's voice picked up, "Hello?" "Yes, I was calling for a Robyn Crimson?" Regina said confused. "Just a moment," the man said, handing the phone to Regina's mother. " Mom, where are you?" Regina asked concerned. "Oh, Regina, honey, it was late so I decided to sleep at the office," She covered winking at her supervisor. "Oh, okay," Regina said. "Well when you do get home, I won't be home after work. I'm heading to the beach after work." "Okay, dear, have fun!" Regina's mother told her. After hanging up, Regina's mother went back to kissing her supervisor, Tom. Kaidence was still sleeping when Regina left for work. She couldn't wait for her shift to end so she could get to the beach. If she had to be alone, the beach was the place to be, drinking some strawberry wine. When she arrived at her favorite spot on the beach, Jaden was already waiting for her, "Hello!" He said when he saw her and helped her to the blanket that was already spread out on the beach. "I wondered if I would see you, Jaden?" Regina said happily. "Well, it's my favorite spot to come to after work," he said, somehow knowing it was Regina's too. "Do you have a picnic or a smorgasbord?" Regina inquired after seeing the different foods spread out on the table. "I thought we could have dinner after a swim!" Jaden replied as Regina approved. Regina and Jaden frolicked in the surf. After a talk and some swimming, Regina was beginning to get famished, so they walked back to their spot for some sustenance. Noticing how to late it was getting, Regina made the decision to end the night, "I had a great time, and I'm sorry to see it end, Jaden, but I must get home." "There's always tomorrow!" Jaden said, as they picked up the leftover food and blanket, and Jaden walked Regina back to her VW bug. By the time Regina arrived back home, she was having a great time with Jaden, she failed to notice a call from Parker. She called Parker back, Parker, I'm sorry I missed your call. I was working." Regina lied, feeling guilty for spending time with another guy. "Hey babe!" Parker said, "How are you?" "I'm good. Missing you!" Regina said keeping the time spent with Jaden a secret. "I miss you too!" Parker replied. "The Sarge is making us turn off the lights. TTYL." Parker said, abruptly ending the call before Regina could say another word. Despite feeling guilty for spending time with Jaden, Regina was unaware of Parker's surprise.
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