His life

1225 Words
Nathan I am outside the police station, looking around for anyone who can lend me their phone when a black suv speeds in and stops right in front of me. “Sir,” Brian greets worriedly before getting out and rushing towards me. I am used to him wearing formal in suits, he looks different in a hiking gear. His attire tells me what happened, but I still tease. “Nice of you to finally show up,” I say with a straight face and he literally shakes. “I…I went hiking and my battery died. I only saw your message now when I got to charge my phone. I am so sorry,” he stammers while I wave my hand and laugh before getting to the point and tell him about my missing wife. He is supposed to give me his phone, but his whole body is still shaking. I forgot that Brain is his worst critic, I should not have teased him. “This is all my fault. She would not have risked her life had I been here. I failed you when you needed me,” Brian is now freaking out, which is not helping my situation. “This is not your fault. Give me the phone,” I say firmly, snapping him out of his guilty well. He frantically nods his head, pulls his phone from the charger and hands it to me. I am holding on for the defence minister when the Captain Swart runs out of the building towards us. “They… found her, they found her,” he reports, breathlessly. “She is being taken to Live hospital for a checkup, but she is safe,” he adds and lets out a loud sigh. He genuinely looks relieved. I guess he cares. I let out a sigh of relief and utter a thankful prayer. “I have asked the doctor there to examine you too and note your injuries. That’s evidence of police brutality,” he proceeds while I nod. I quickly shoot Brian a warning stare when he opens his mouth. The captain is too consumed by what is going on in his department to make a connection between me and Brian right now and I want to keep it that way. “She is special, your wife. Treasure her,” the captain says before handing me a memory stick. “Evidence has a way of disappearing right under my nose. I don’t know whom to trust anymore around here. This is backup of all the evidence I have, just in case.” I take the stick and thank him. I suddenly feel sorry for him. It can’t be easy to head a department with crooked subordinates. “I am sorry for snapping at you earlier. You are a good man,” I say in earnest and he flashes me a weak smile before leaving. That’s when I turn to my friend who has no clue how to keep a low profile. “They beat you up?” he asks, perplexed. This is why I did not mention the part of those idiots beating me when I told him what happened. “Let’s go to the hospital,” I command before anyone else sees us together. With Amari found and safe, I can continue with my original plan. “I have the best people looking at the car for clues on whom could have tampered with your brakes and how everything unfolded. They can’t explain it,” Brian tells me what I already know. “Get other experts. Someone will figure it out,” I instruct and he nods. I refuse to believe that a top of the range car with the best computer software could not pick up that my brakes were nonfunctional before I took off that day. An unforeseen accident is what the manufacturer and everyone else calls it, but it can’t be. It is too much of a coincidence that my airbags were also nonfunctional at the same time as the brakes and the inbuilt computer system. Not only that, someone was so certain that I will die and impersonated me at the bank and transferred over fifty million from my account at the exact same time I was in that accident. “Live hospital is now yours, the housing development and the mall construction are due to start next week,” Brian updates me and changes the subject. My accident is one of those things he finds too depressing. “Good, add a training college to the plans.” He looks questioningly at me. “My wife thinks it will benefit the youth to have a higher institution close by and accessible,” I explain. “You told her?” His eyes sparkle and I know what he is thinking. “No. I listen when she talks.” That is actually how I get the inspiration for the neighbourhood’s development plans. The place should be a state of the art upmarket place by the time I am done with it. It’s the only way I can keep Amari amongst her family when my poor man time is over. I laugh at Brian’s dejected expression. “Hey, I will be back soon and everyone who stabbed me will pay,” I reassure. “If you say so. It looks like you like being like this. Idiots are disrespecting and abusing you, it’s sickening.” “I love the people here, but you know why I am doing this,” I say and he sighs before giving me Amari’s ring. “Keep your distance from me but make sure that my and Amari’s medical records are backed up,” I tell him when we get to the hospital. It should not be hard for him to backup the records since I own the hospital and he has assess to everything. My heart leaps when my eyes land on my wife in the emergency department. I say another prayer. My gorgeous wife is okay. “My love.” She gets off the bed, sits on my lap and embraces me. “Nathan.” “I prefer husband.” She laughs and kisses me. I can feel my manhood rising when I break off the kiss. “We need to take this home, my brave Mrs Lord,” I say and she blushes. It is after nine in the evening when we get back to our apartment. I hold her hand when she walks past me in the lounge. “I love you…” “But?” she questions. “Never put yourself in danger for me. I forbid it,” I say firmly and she looks at me like I have grown horns. “You forbid it? You expected me to just sit by while you are wrongfully imprisoned? Are you crazy?” I shake my head. My wife can be stubborn. It doesn’t help that she’s so hot while contradicting me. “You are my life, Amari. I don’t think I have ever been so scared in my entire life,” I explain, but I can’t convince her. “You are mine too, Nathan. I’m never standing by when you are in trouble. Ever.” I realise that we are never going to agree on this and focus on loving and protecting her better.
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