
1187 Words
Amari I wake up disoriented and my head spinning. It takes a minute for everything to come back to me. I don’t know how long I have been out for, but James is still driving when I wake up. The car is flying to Lord knows where. I tell myself that it does not matter what his destination is, I am not getting there. With my mind made up, I take off my scarf and hook it around his neck and pull for dear life. “Amar…” he is really shocked by my actions. I guess he did not expect me to be awake. Dummy should have never put me on the backseat behind him. I use all my energy to strangle him until he is forced to let go of the stirring wheel to try and free himself. I don’t stop pulling at the scarf even when the car wheels squeak and a loud boom sound fills the air. We must have hit a curb or something because the car veers off the road before rolling twice and stopping at the nearby park. I don’t waste any time checking on James, but get out and scream for help. “Ma’am, are you okay?” a man probably in his late forties asks. I point to the car. “That man tried to abduct me. Help me,” I plead and pray that he believes me. With all the lies about me on the media, I am not as pessimistic and trusting as before when dealing with people. “Don’t worry, Ma’am, we will sort him out,” the man says while his partner offers me her water, which I gladly gulp down. That’s when I find out that we in Lilly town, a small town an hour away from home. I wonder where the i***t was taking me. It takes a moment for me to realise just how many people have gathered around. They all look like an angry mob and charging towards the car. I’ve never been to this town, but hear about it on television. The recent news reported how the citizens were fed up of crime and taking matters in their own hands. I don’t approve of mob justice, but this time I hope they teach that bastard a lesson. I am disappointed when a police vehicle shows up and everyone disperses. The officers who take me to the hospital are at least kind. I am at ease when they inform me that Nathan has been released and promise to stay with me until he arrives. The predatory i***t is taken to the hospital by an ambulance. The steering wheel must have hit him hard against his chest because he needed to be resuscitated. The paramedics suspect that he had broken ribs, which punctured his lung. I feel guilty and unchristian like for wishing that he was dead. “You are Mrs Lord,” the nurse who takes my vitals says and I brace myself for being judged and insulted. According to the staff here, I am the w***e who seduced their nursing manager and got him fired. I nod and shrug. It’s not like I can deny my identity when it’s written on my medical records. “Thank you for standing up to that bigot. You are my hero,” she says, her expression turning to disgust when saying bigot. I frown, taken aback before it occurs to me that the man could have done the same to many others and succeeded. I don’t ask but flash her a smile instead. Today was a bad day, but it could have been much worse. My heart flutters when Nathan shows up. I literally run to kiss him. It’s only when he makes his usual witty comments that I realise that we have an audience. I’m starting to think he likes seeing me blush. He is all serious when we get home and not happy that I agreed to wear the wire. I am irritated with him for even forbidding me from doing anything like that in the future. I am happy that he cares, but he can’t possibly have expected me to standby and watch him get imprisoned. That’s not me, it can never be. “Don’t be mad at your man. It is my responsibility to protect you and don’t forget that I was in prison,” he says with that charming voice. I roll my eyes at his manipulation, but I can never be angry at him. He laughs and pulls me to sit on his lap. “I have something for you.” I watch him take out an exquisite velvet box from his pocket and opens it. My jaw drops at the diamond ring in front of me. “I cannot afford the real thing. Would you wear this as a symbol of my love?” he asks, his alluring eyes on me. I frantically nod and watch him slip the ring on my finger. The diamond glimmers when I move my hand to admire the ring. It fits perfectly and feels just right. “This is perfect!” I beam while he chuckles. “It is fake,” he reminds me, but that does not matter to me. “I don’t care. I love it.” “No, woman, you love me,” he objects proudly. This man is becoming too cocky. I am about to respond when he covers my lips with his. Electric bolts spread through my body as his hands roam all over my body. A few minutes later, I am moaning and screaming my husband’s name over and over again. Life might be full of hardships, but it’s better when shared with this man, who makes my heart sing. “Like I said, my gorgeous wife, you love me,” he declares when our hearts starts slowing down. “Good night, Mr Lord,” I say with a yawn while he grins at me, clearly content with his victory. It is midnight when I am woken up by repeated kicks on my legs. I knock his side to no avail until I sit up and shake the fast asleep man next to me. “Nathan!” “Mmh?” “Stop kicking me!” I snap, sleepy and irritated. “You are dreaming, go back to sleep,” he mumbles and pulls the blanket to cover his head. I pull the blanket back, irritated with him for dismissing me when he woke me up with his kicks. “I am not dreaming, stop kicking…” I pause, my heart racing. Nathan’s legs were too weak to kick me before, not anymore. “Nathan…” “Sleep Amari,” he instructs. He really thinks that I am dreaming. “Your legs are working,” I insist, all the sleepiness suddenly gone. I uncover his whole body, forcing him to wake up. “Amari…” “Your legs are healing! They are healing!” I exclaim excitedly while he looks at me with sleepy eyes. He rubs his eyes and tries to move his legs.
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