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Nathan I can’t help but chuckle at my wife’s expression. “Your…,” she halts and drops her eyes to my bulging pants. “You are not impotent!” she exclaims, but I am too aroused to explain myself. I capture her lips and pull her closer. I feel like I am going to explode by the time I break off the kiss and wheel us to our bedroom. “Nathan,” she calls to me softly when I unzip her dress. “Make love to me, wife,” I say and burry my head on her neck, kissing her hard until she is moaning. A few minutes later, we are completely naked and tangled up in bed. “I love you,” I murmur before positioning my stone-hard manhood into her tight wet core. “I am sorry,” I say and cover her lips with mine when her body tenses. My heart is now beating like a drum. It’s taking everything in me to slowly penetrate her. I am constantly reminding myself that this is her first time. I would have loved to make this day special, but doing that would make her suspicious and I can’t wait any longer. I am completely aware of her breathing picking up as I slowly thrust in and out of her. “Na…Nathan,” she calls out my name before her whole body trembles and her eyes roll back. Sweet! That’s when I let loose the beast I have been suppressing since our wedding night. “I love you,” I declare before spilling my seeds inside her. Lord, this is pure bliss! I pull her to my arms and gaze at her confused ones. “You said…” “I thought I was. It looks like you are my cure,” I say and she blushes. So beautiful! She recollects herself and narrows her alluring eyes at me. “Were you ever really impotent, Mr Lord?” Opps, this woman is on me. I can’t help but laugh. I contemplate coming out clean, but she is very smart. She will start questioning everything else about me and I can’t afford to tell her the truth right now. “That’s what the doctors told me. I had no reason to doubt that because I did not feel aroused before, but then again, I did not have an entrailing wife,” I lie my way through. “Maybe your nerves have healed and rejuvenated. We should increase the exercises on your legs. Maybe they will also get stronger,” she suggests with so much excitement, I can only nod. She has been insisting that I do the exercises on daily basis. “Walking again would be great, but I am not so sure if my wife would still love me,” I tease and burst out into laughter when she rolls her eyes at me before also laughing. “You are happy,” she points out and it hits me that I have not been this happy in like forever. A year ago, I would have never believed it if someone told me that I would be this happy as a poor, cripple. “I am ecstatic. My wife is pretty special,” I say in earnest. “I am sorry, I should have been gentle for your first time,” I add. “I am fine. It was perfect.” I raise my eyebrows and she blushes. “Say it,” I demand and she looks innocently at me. “You know exactly what I mean,” I insist and she laughs. “Babe, I really have to hear it.” I have never been an insecure lover, until now. I know how serious she takes our vows. She has just given herself to me, yet I need to hear that I own her heart. Just the thought of losing this woman sends chills down my spine. “I love you too, Husband.” The way she says it makes my inside all goey and pump up my heart that was beginning to slow down. I must have my wife again. “Wow, my wife needs a reward.” “Nathan!” she cries when I slip under the blanket and settle between her legs. I should let her rest, but the past month of suppressing my desires is now catching up with me. She moans when my tongue makes contact with her clit. Her hips writhe as I hold her in place and completely saturate her senses. She screams my name over and over again. I slide my body over hers and make love to her until we are both exhausted. “You are a beast!” she declares with heavy eyes before trailing off to sleep. I chuckle and plant a kiss on her forehead before closing my eyes. “Sweet dreams, Gorgeous.” We are attending the church service the following day, and find the church upside down and the older members at odds. The youth is grouped up in the corner entertained and taking videos. “What’s going on?” Amari asks and everyone turns to look at us. “It’s him. He is the reason she is doing this,” sister Harvey accuses while glaring at me. I have made peace with her not liking me. I did steal her ideal daughter-in-law and I have no remorse. Amari steps between the old woman and me. “Excuse me?” she asks. “You would not be prostituting yourself had you not been tricked into marrying and taking care of him,” sister White, I think, says and the group on the left nods in agreement. “How can you believe that nonsense about Amari? You are all filthy. You need repentance!” Mrs Gail shouts out from the group on the right and everyone starts talking at once. I guess I was partly wrong into thinking that all the people here will not believe the allegations about my wife. “Is this the reason the house of the Lord is in this state? Old members like you, did this?” Amari is now yelling at the old woman and men like they are children. My wife has a very interesting personality. Someone else would be embarrassed by this, but she is the one screaming. The members all shrink and cast their eyes down, clearly ashamed, but my wife is fuming. “We…we were defending you, sister Brown. We do not believe that filth about you,” brother Malcom in the right group announces. I am not surprised by this. He visits me a lot during the week. “We did not either, but I know what I heard,” another woman in her late thirties from the left group, responds defensively before the argument goes back and forth. What is clear to me is that all these people truly adore my wife. The group on the left does not believe anything Ella said, but for some reason believe the Campbell guy because someone heard Amari having s*x last night. The fact that I am impotent is the reason they believe that she was sleeping with someone else. They are suggesting that Amari was pushed to a limit because she now has to provide for me. “Filthy with dirty minds. Thats your problem right there, and you think everyone is like you!” Mrs Gail hits back. I have not seen her this pumped up. Her sleeves are even folded up as if ready to attack “I don’t care what you believe about me. The Lord knows my heart. I am here to worship. If you came here for something else, there is the door, match out!” Amari roars. This woman is something else when angry. I hope I am never on the receiving end of that anger. I study her, suppressing my laughter as everyone rushes around sorting out the church before taking their seats. It’s all quiet by the time the priest and his wife walk in. The following day, Amari returns from the shop with a bruise on her arm. “What happened to you?” “Mrs Gail hit me with a stick,” she tells me and I am shocked. “But Mrs Gail was on the right side. She was ready to strangle the other group yesterday.” “That was before she heard me screaming last night and that was your fault,” she explains and accuses. Now, I get it and I can’t help but laugh. We completely lost control last night. That old woman has my back. Amari shoots me a sharp stare, but this is funny. “Why did you not just tell her the truth?” She looks at me like I have grown horns. “So I can have everyone discussing our s*x life?” she asks, still not impressed with me. “I don’t owe anyone any explanation,” she adds defiantly. “You would rather have them thinking you are cheating on your irresistible husband then?” “Keep up with this and you will sleep on the couch,” she warns while I c***k up. I love this community.
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