
1367 Words
Prince Mason Landon Ashlyn fell asleep on the couch before the movie ended, with her ass snuggled into my hip. I wanted to be her big spoon. Liam shut it off when the movie ended, and they both turned their attention to me. “So,” Brandon started. “Are you going to tell us who Ashlyn is and why she is staying with us?” “She was the future Alpha of the Emerald Lake Pack.” “The pack that disappeared over nine years ago?” Liam asked. “Yeah, that’s the one. I guess our parents were friends. My father thought she was lost as well. That’s why the front desk alerted him about her last name. I didn’t know anything about it.” “That’s insane!” Liam exclaimed. “How did she survive?” “She wasn’t there. She was visiting her aunt in the Blue Moon pack. And her aunt has been raising her ever since.” I explained. “So, have you met her before?” Brandon asked. “Actually, I have. I guess our mothers were best friends, and we spent many of our toddler years together, but I do not remember that. But I do remember a BBQ that we went to at her pack. It was about a month before it vanished. I had just turned eleven, and she was still eight. We were playing at the lake together.” I passed them the photo Ashlyn showed me. “This is all too crazy.” Brandon exhaled,” Is that why your father asked us to protect her?” “I’m not sure about that, but I’m sure he’s worried about her safety. He believed that his best friends were gone, and so was their daughter. I think it would make him feel better if one of us was always with her. For how long, I’m not sure. From my father’s perspective, it’s better to be safe.” “That makes sense.” Liam chimed in. “Alright, let’s get to bed. We have lots to do tomorrow,” I told them. I stood up and bent over to pick up Ashlyn and take her to her bed. She slept peacefully and snuggled into me when I held her against my chest. She fit perfectly in my arms. I could feel the sparks where my hands touched her bare skin, and her scent of floral rain was intoxicating. I laid her on her bed and struggled to leave her room. I wanted to feel more of her against me. “Thor, what is going on?” I kept my eyes on her as I backed up to the door. “Mason, I’m not sure. I’ve been trying to talk to her wolf but can’t. It’s like a wall is up. I can see her, but she can’t see or hear me.” Leaving her room, I closed the door behind me before entering my room. I stripped off my clothes and lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling. “Maybe it’s because of her mate bond with someone else?” I grumbled as my heart twisted painfully at the thought of her being someone else’s. “I don’t think that’s the case. I can talk to other wolves. The bond is mostly about emotions. If she were our mate, we would feel her emotions, and she would have a unique scent. One that everyone could identify, but then there would be an underlying scent that only her mate could smell.” “So, what do you think is going on?” “I’m not sure. Maybe ask Brandon and Liam how she smells to them. If it’s different, we’ll have to talk to father about it.” “Okay, I’ll ask them in the morning.” I lay in bed, thinking about the last time I saw Ashlyn. It was a long time ago, but after seeing her today and the photo, I started to put the memory together. It was a hot summer's day, and all the grown-ups were sitting on the patio. Ashlyn wanted to go swimming, but no one else wanted to, so I went with her. She was funny and goofy; I remember having a lot of fun that day with her. Even after we were done swimming, we still spent the rest of the day together. Remembering her, it didn't take long before I fell asleep. It was early morning when my alarm went off. Groaning, I shut it off and headed into my bathroom to shower. After getting ready, I found Brandon and Liam in the kitchen. “Alpha.” They nodded. “Morning, guys. Is Ashlyn not up yet?” “Not yet,” Brandon answered. I sat at the table with Liam, and Brandon brought me a mug of coffee before he sat down with his. “How does Ashlyn smell to you?” I took a sip of coffee. I needed an answer. This whole thing wasn’t normal. Mates usually smell and claim each other in a matter of minutes after meeting. “She smells like flowers, floral. I think there’s like an earthy smell there, too.” Liam answered, not looking up from his phone. Brandon was staring at me from over his mug, “Why?” I’m glad Liam was playing on his phone and not paying attention. “Nothing.” I exhaled before taking another sip. He gave me a pointed look but didn’t say anything. I hate how much that man knows me sometimes. I finished my coffee and put the mug in the sink. “Liam?” “Yeah, boss?” He looked up from his phone. “Brandon and I are going to all the meetings this morning. You can stay with Ashlyn. Bring her to training in the afternoon.” “Yes!” Liam hissed. “You two can switch out every other morning.” “And what about you? Don’t you want a turn, Mason?” Brandon asked, wiggling his eyebrows, and I mind linked him. “Shut the f**k up and get in the fuckin' elevator!” He saluted me and cleared away his mug. We both walked over to the elevator. “Liam, remember about class?” I called to him. “Yeah, boss. We’ll be there.” The elevator dinged, and the doors opened. Brandon and I entered, and he hit the ‘M’ button. “So, are you going to tell me what that was all about?” He asked. I sighed and leaned against the wall. I crossed my arms. I mind linked him since I wanted to make sure no one else was listening. We had cameras in the elevators; all I needed was someone to read my lips about the future king having found his mate. “Ashlyn doesn’t smell the same to me as she does to you guys.” “And what does that mean?” I shrugged. “You don’t think?” He asked out loud. “I’m going to have to ask my father,” I told him while shushing him. I didn’t want it to get out that I could have a mate. The elevator dinged, and the doors opened to the main foyer. I couldn’t shake the feeling that I should be the one that stayed with her. I can’t just abandon my duties as Alpha Prince, but I felt this need to be with her. Walking away from where she was, my heart screamed to go back. I felt like I was missing a part of me. “Mason, I think she is our mate. She doesn’t smell the same to us. And I also feel this pull, this need to be with her and her wolf. I need to protect her.” Thor chimed in. “We’ll figure it out. I’ll ask Father about it. We can also go to the library to research the subject. We have to get through these meetings first.” “That’s all you, buddy. It’s nap time!” He wagged his tail and roamed to the back of my mind. Great. Now, to get this morning over with.
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