Chapter 33: Meeting

2187 Words

Liviana's POV The doors opened and everyone's head turned to look at us. To look at me. The Alphas present in the ceremony stood up and slightly bowed at my presence but the ones who weren't there only looked at me curiously. I didn't mind them and gave an acknowledging nod to the welcoming Alphas and made my way in front. I stood in front of my sit and motioned everyone to sit down before I did. They sat down and so did I. "Where's Alpha Dimitri? Shouldn't he be he here at such an important meeting" one of the clueless Alpha asked. I slightly tilted my head to the side as I raised my eyebrow. Did the news not travel far? Or is he simply playing dumb? Because if it's the latter, I simply want to rip his throat out by bringing up such a sensitive topic. "We regret to inform you

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