Chapter 25: Uncle

1119 Words

Liviana's POV I stared at Dante for a moment still taking it all in. We're currently in my office and Ellie is back home safely and taking a rest in her room. Thankfully, she wasn't harmed but I feared that she might be traumatized. The poor little one. I kept analyzing Dante's features. He really did resemble my father. Only Dante wasn't a werewolf. Atleast not fully. Now that I'm fully focused on him, I have realized that he's only half werewolf blood. I didn't even think it was possible. Yet, here he is. And even claiming to be my uncle. "Done studying me now, Liviana? You haven't even formally welcomed your uncle yet. That's not very nice. I guess Dimitri only taught you about being a strong leader but not a welcoming one" he chuckled. I crossed my arms in front of my chest.

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