Chapter 20: Wrong Timing

1049 Words

Liviana's POV It's been two weeks since I left the hospital and a week since I told Blake and Katie about my true identity as a werewolf and an Alpha. Katie asked a lot of questions about our culture but Blake on the other hand was being distant with me. It was quite upsetting. But I tried to understand him. I have yet to tell anyone about my true parents. The only one who knew was Luan. I've been spending a lot of time with him too. Well, I didn't have much of a choice. Amaris liked his presence. As for me, I didn't mind it. You can say I'm still in denial. With all of this going on, I'm impressed I haven't lose my mind, really. I put down the paperwork in my desk Then I heard footsteps followed by a knock. Luan comes in with Ellie on her hand. "Livi!" she squealed excitedl

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