Chapter 65: Andre

1985 Words

Liviana's POV "Andre?" I said again. He gave me a small smile. "Hi, Livi" he said and then groaned in pain. "Damn it, Andre" I said in frustration then turned to El whose wolf looked shocked as well. "El, can you carry us back?" I asked and he gave me a nod before he lowered himself. Some of my men shifted to their human form and helped get Andre on El's back while I did the same as I held him to keep him in place. "This is a n-nice reunion" Andre chuckled then groaned. I glared at him. "Shut up, Andre. You're literally dying you fcking psycho" I hissed at him and he chuckled again making him groan once more. I sighed and El started to ran with us on his back. I kept Andre close to me as I still put pressure on his wound. "T-this feels nice" Andre muttered as his body is close to

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