Chapter 52: Space

1872 Words

Liviana's POV *kriiing kriiing I slowly opened up my eyes and pushed myself to sit up my bed. I couldn't even sleep properly. I looked out of the balcony then sighed before getting off my bed. Why am I even acting like a miserable teenager? I took a shower then got dressed into my school clothes. I went down and grabbed an apple before sitting down the kitchen stool. "Good morning, Alpha" Theresa greeted me as she gave me a plate of food. "Good morning" I said and started eating breakfast knowing that if I didn't, Dante will pop out somewhere to make me eat. I finished my food and was about to leave when Dante came in from the front door. "Good morning, princess. Heading off to school?" he said with a smile as he planted a kiss on the top of my head. "Yeah" I said. "Do

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