Chapter 68: Possessive

1701 Words

Liviana's POV It's almost the end of the day and I've been constantly trying to reach out to Luan only to be shut out over and over again. I sighed. Finally, we had our class together. I turned to look at Luan behind me. "Luan" I called out but he ignored me. I frowned. This dude really. "Are you really going to do this?" I said bit he kept ignoring me. I huffed. "Fine. You do you. I'll wait until you feel like talking to me but if you keep doing this, we'll end up where we started all over again" I said in defeat before looking in front as the professor came in. Class started and I tried to listen instead of trying to constantly pester Luan to talk to me. If it was any other day, I would've gotten completely pissed at him and just get mad at him. But I know better now. I real

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