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ALICIA It was the afternoon of the next day and the most baffling thing right now was that I was done with my chores for the day. I hadn’t expected that to happen, and it was really surprising to me . Throughout yesterday and even this morning, all my thoughts were filled with the fact that I would have a lot of chores to do today since I didn’t do much yesterday. I was still thinking that that would be the case until I went to the task master’s suite and he gave me the same chore as yesterday, and nothing else. Even when I went back to his suite to ask him for additional chores, he ignored me and told me that was all for today. Why and how is this happening? I asked myself. It really wasn’t that I didn’t like the fact that I was not given many chores to do like before, because I really did like that. What was puzzling me badly was the reason for it. I had thought about the whole thing and I had only one reason for it. Maybe I was getting lesser chores because I had come in contact with the Alpha King and he had singled me out, even going as far as hugging me. That was probably the reason and even if it wasn’t, it was the only one I could think of. Or did the Alpha King say a word to the taskmaster about my chores? I didn’t really think so, though. I knew that he was still in the pack and that he had been going on a daily tour of its grounds to see its progress and development, but I didn’t think he would have gone as far as telling the task master to cut back the amount of my chores, because for one, he was probably disgruntled that I rejected his offer and secondly, because I had rejected him, he wouldn’t even think of helping me. So the conclusion was that I was getting this special treatment because the Alpha King had singled me out and not because he had said a word to the taskmaster about cutting back the amount of my chores. Currently, I was walking to my room to rest for a while before I found something else, which was definitely not a chore to do. I passed by the kitchen, so I decided to peer inside to see what the rest of the maids were presently doing. As I did that, I saw that they were now in the process of preparing lunch for the whole pack. Just before I could turn around and continue heading on my way to the storage space I used as a room, a maid who I knew as Blaire, turned around and saw me watching them. She eyed me contemptuously for about five to ten seconds before she turned back and continued with what she was doing. No one had to tell me to head on my way because I did that immediately before another maid could see me. I knew that Blaire was probably angry because I was not working with them in the kitchen. I just had to try to ignore her so that she wouldn’t unleash her jealousy and very bad temper on me. I didn’t want that at all. Well, I had gotten off work for today and there was nothing I could do about it. I just needed to head back to my room to rest now. *** Few hours later, I had just woken up from a nap in my room, and I knew that I needed to find something to do. I looked around the whole place to discover that I had some dirty clothes to wash. We, the maids, had to hand wash our clothes and only the Alpha and other high ranking members of the pack had their clothes washed by the machine. I gathered up the clothes, together with a bar of soap and quickly made my way to the laundry site, which was outside the pack house, to do my washing. I had to wash these clothes before sundown as there wouldn’t be any natural light outside after then. Once I was at the laundry site, I got the water I needed to use to wash my clothes and began my washing in earnest. I was a very skillful worker, and I was also very experienced in washing clothes, so in no time, I was done. I rinsed the clothes off twice before I hung them out on the line to dry. My clothes may not have been anything fancy and some of them may have had patches on them, but I still treated them with care because they were the only ones I had. Before I could clear up the washing pails and clean up the whole area I had washed in, I suddenly felt the urge to urinate. It was a very pressing urge, so I left the pails there and entered the pack house as soon as possible so that I could come back quickly to clear everything up before sundown. As soon as I was done urinating, I quickly headed out of the toilet that all the maids used and stepped out of the pack house too. As I got to the laundry site, what I saw there sent a wave of rage through me. I could see that my cleanly washed clothes which had been on the line about five minutes ago were no longer there. I looked all over the entire place only to find almost all my clothes scattered around in the mud, and the rest were inside the open waste bin which was kept in the corner of the laundry site for outdoor waste. I was completely shocked as I wondered who on earth had done this to my clothes which I had taken a great deal of care to wash neatly. I was really baffled, but I tried to focus on what I could do now. So the first thing I did was to walk over to the waste bin to fish out my clothes one after the other, and I was careful not to pick the dirt out with it. They were stained badly but the ones which had been thrown into the mud were even worse. Those ones had been stained really badly and they were not even salvageable at this point. At least I could try to wash the stains off the ones I fished out from the waste bin, but not from the ones that had been dumped into the mud. I put all my clothes in the pails as I thought of how I would even start washing them all over again. At least, these clothes were mine so I wouldn’t get into trouble even as some of them had been damaged beyond repair. I was thankful that they didn’t belong to someone else like the task master because I knew that I would definitely have gotten into a great deal of trouble if they had been his. Before I could start cleaning the clothes and even try to get the mud off the muddy ones, I saw Blaire, the maid from earlier, and two of her minions emerge from somewhere in the laundry site, and they began to head for the exit. They couldn’t be the ones who destroyed my clothes, or could they?
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