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ALICIA It was a new day and I was doing my chores for the day. Just like the last two days, I was given just little to do and I was currently doing it diligently and efficiently. I was in front of the pack house watering the flowers in the garden as usual and suddenly, I heard the sound of footsteps so I immediately turned around, only to see Blaire and two of her minions who were the same ones from yesterday. She had a very murderous looking expression on her face towards me and she eyed me with open contempt before she began to speak. “You, Alicia, why are you being singled out and given little chores to do for three days now while the rest of us have to work tirelessly? What’s it that’s so special about you, eh?” The pitch of her voice rose with each word she said, and I looked at her without saying anything. Then I suddenly realized something. She was jealous of me. I wondered what exactly she was jealous about, except for the fact that I was doing less chores lately. Apart from that, I didn’t think she had anything else to be jealous about regarding me. As she kept ranting and I didn't give her a single reply, she flared up. “Why aren’t you saying anything, girl? Have you instantly gone deaf or why else are you acting like you cannot hear what I’m saying?” I still didn’t say anything to her so she continued with her rants. “I’m the one that destroyed your clothes yesterday,” she informed me casually with a sickly sweet smile and a smug expression on her face. “I did it just because I could, and also because I wanted to see the reaction on your face when you found out. In fact, I still want to see it now.” I had kind of figured out that she was the one who destroyed my clothes when I saw her yesterday, so it didn’t come as a surprise to me as she said it now. Again, I still didn’t say anything to her and the expression on my face was as neutral and controlled as it could possibly be. Yesterday, I was disheartened by the state of my clothes, but that emotion had passed, and it was no longer in me. So, I didn’t give her the satisfaction of seeing any expression of pain or hurt on my face and that was because I didn’t feel it. Instead, I wanted to see the expression on her own face. I wanted to see how she would react to not getting an expression from me. As I looked at her, I could tell that she was surprised and angry because she did not see what she wanted in my face. And I knew that now, she was about to lash out at me even more. “So you think that because you’re the Alpha King’s mate, you’re suddenly better than everybody? You think that we cannot talk to you anymore because he singled you out? Who do you even think you are?” she ranted. Well, I didn’t know that she knew that I was the Alpha King’s mate. And since she knew that, the rest of the pack definitely knew it too. But I didn’t allow her to see the surprise I felt towards that piece of information. My face was still as neutral as it had been before she said that. Blaire turned around and signaled for the minion on her left side to hand her a bag of something and she held it in her hand before she came closer to me. Before I even knew what was happening, the entire bag was emptied on my head. Flour was now covering my whole body, and I didn’t like it one bit, but there was nothing I could do about it. I just had to reign in my temper and act controlled. I couldn’t give Blaire any satisfaction by reacting the way she wanted me to and acting like her. So, I moved further away from them and started dusting the flour off my body bit by bit. I actually needed to take a shower very soon but I had to do this first because I didn’t want to go into the pack house with flour dripping all over the floor and trailing every of my steps. If I did that, I would have had to clean any path I passed through, and that wasn’t something I wanted to do at all. I might also get punished, and I didn’t want that either. Blaire and her two minions were still standing where I left them, and they were currently watching me as I continued to dust the flour off my body. Before I was done with it, Blaire started to walk closer to where I was, and of course, her minions followed behind her just as they always did. “What are you doing? Why are you cleaning the flour off your body? You can’t do that unless I order you to do so,” Blaire raved. The fact that I still didn’t respond to her rants must have been getting to her more than it should have, because she suddenly moved closer to me in an attempt to look menacing. “You are such a dirty and ugly person, and you do not even deserve to be the Alpha King’s mate. He deserves someone like me who is beautiful and can take care of him properly. Both of you are not even in the same category and watch how he will soon reject you and you will have to come back to working in the kitchen. I’m sure he doesn’t like the fact that you’re his fated mate because you’re not worthy of him. You will soon be back to where you belong.” By this time, Blaire’s raised voice had attracted some of the other maids as they all trooped outside to watch the event that was presently unfolding. When they saw that I was covered in flour with Blaire almost towering menacingly above me, they all burst into laughter, as they mocked me and my predicament. They didn’t even try to stop or caution her as she continued spitting a lot of hateful words at me, though I expect them to. They even started saying some hateful words of their own to me and Blaire smiled victoriously when she heard them. She was clearly happy that the rest of the maids present were supporting her actions. To me, it seemed like all of them didn’t like the fact that I was the Alpha King’s mate and the fact that I had gotten lesser chores ever since he singled me out, so they had now seen an opportunity to pour all their anger on me. All of them were still calling me hateful names but still, I didn't show any reaction or feel disheartened about it. I just kept a calm expression on my face as I continued to look at them. Blaire was completely livid at this point because of the still calm expression I had on my face, so she came even closer to me, closing the last of the distance between us before she suddenly pushed me to the ground.
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