
1180 Words
Her mouth fell open as she watched both men walk towards her almost menacingly. She snatched her hands away from the man's body. "Samantha Hendrix! What on earth are you doing?" Her father barked angrily. "I.. I.. I can ex.. expla-" "What sort of explanations will you give that will excuse you being with a n***d man all alone, just few days to your wedding?" Her uncle sneered with a mocking look in his eyes cutting off her stutter. "It's not like that." She managed to say struggling to her feet ready to defend her honour, she wasn't any s**t and she wouldn't let anyone label her as one. Her father held his head with both hands in exasperation. "You've done nothing but disgrace me Samantha, why would you be alone with a n***d man few days to your wedding?" His eyes were red with anger and her heart began to pound almost painfully. She knew that look, it was a combination of disappointment and anger and it was directed at her but she was used to it. That didn't mean it still doesn't hurt when he looked at her like that. "Father, please let me explain." She said in a small tone hoping he listens to her. He kept quiet for sometime then spoke. "Who is he?" He asked gesturing to the man laying on the bed unaware of what was happening around him. "Hmm.. I don't know who he is actually, but I found him unconscious so I decided to help hi-" "You mean, you let in a stranger and you're hooking up with someone you barely know?" Her uncle snorted before turning to her father. "You did a very poor job raising up your kid, I'm highly disappointed in you Michael, I expected better." He shook his head spitting at her father's feet. Michael, Samantha's father eyes twitched in anger. "Samantha, I ask again who. is. he.?" This time his voice came hard. She trembled. "I know what you're thinking, but believe me, we didn't do anything, I just helped him father, that's all." Tears were beginning to sting her eyes. "Help him huh? Then why on earth is he barely clothed? Or does he need help getting satisfied?" Trust her uncle to make matters worse. "No, that's not it." She was getting fed up with his nasty assumptions. Ignoring her, her uncle turned to her father. "You might have raised a s**t and a liar too." With that he shook his head moving away from where the duo stood. "You.. You b***h!" Michael was livid and his hand raised in the air ready to connect with her face. Samantha closed her eyes waiting for the impact. Everything happened so fast, she felt hands grab her by the waist and pulled her away nearly sweeping her off her feet. Slowly, her eyes peeled open and she gasped. The man she had saved was standing front of her with his hands on her waist, standing between her and her father, shielding her from him and holding his hand mid air. "What the heck is this?" Michael asked attempting to hit the man with his free hand but the man caught it without stress, holding Michael's hands captive above his head with just one of his hand while the other held her behind him. Several thoughts ran through her mind. When did he gain consciousness? Was he listening al this time? Did he hear all that happened? "L.. Let go of me at once!" Michael stammered trying to free himself. Using his free leg, he kicked the man's leg. That seemed to enrage the man, he swiftly lets go of Michael's hands and pinned his hand on his neck cutting his airflow. Michael choked slapping feebly at his captor's hands but all to no avail. Seeing her father was choking and the man was no ready to let go of him, she tugged at his hand. "Please, let him go." Her heart was racing. But the man paid no attention. He was bent on dealing with the person who attempted to hurt his saviour. "Please I beg you, he might die. Please let him go." She pleaded desperately. The man shoved Michael away from him making him land butt first on the ground. "Guard!" Her uncle was furious. "Why the f**k am I paying you?" He screamed. "Kill that man!" He added pointing at him. The sound of running footsteps soon filled her ears as the family guards matched in. Her eyes widened. There were about five men, they would kill him. She panicked. She turned to the man but his eyes held no fear, no anger, no emotion. She couldn't tell what he was thinking. It was one against five trained bodyguards. "Please, it hasn't gotten to this, there's no need to do this uncle." She pleaded but no one was listening to her. The first two attacked him at once but the man was quick. She didn't see what he did, but both guards were soon flying across the room holding their necks with their palms. Another one rushed towards him and he gripped him by the neck till he turned purple and could barely breathe. The last two seeing what he had done to their comrades pulled out knives and attacked him. Grabbing one of them by the scuff of his neck, he used him as a shield. The knife sent by his accomplice logged deep into his back. Pushing away the injured guard, he grabbed the man who attacked him by the neck with a swift turn, he twisted his neck. Samantha watched everything before her in shock. "You shameless b***h!" Her uncle spat. "You have let the family down. We are ashamed of you!" With that he turned away and walked out of the room. Her father stared at her with very sad eyes as he held his neck. "You ungrateful child." He was angry. "If you don't rectify this situation, don't call yourself my child." With that he followed her uncle leaving the room. Her heart broke. She didn't want any of this, she just wanted to clear her head and not marry that bastard. Getting disowned wasn't part of the plan. The guards scrambled to their feet picking up their injured colleague and hurried out of the house. She heard the sound of their cars leaving before turning to face him ready to blame him for all her misfortunes. "You went too far, you shouldn't have done-" his eyes went white and he fell on her cutting her off. "Hey! Wake up." She shook him but there was no response. He must have tire himself out. Her mind drifted to how he fought for her, he was weak but he tried to help her. Her heart melted for him. She laid him on the bed then covered him with a blanket. Picking up his clothes, something fell out of his breast pocket. It was an emblem with strange writings on it. Unaware of what it was, she shrugged, then cast it aside.
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