Chapter 3

1119 Words
Samantha yawned for the umpteenth time, she was exhausted. Doing laundry all night does that to a person. She sat by his side checking his temperature, it was normal, there was no sign of fever or whatsoever, he just needed to rest. She took off the wet clothe she had placed on his head earlier then shoved it inside a bowl by her side. Feeling tired, she decided to rest her eyes a little and she drifted off to dream land. Samantha opened her eyes feeling more refreshed than before. Rolling over, her eyes landed on the huge frame of a shirtless man standing by the side of the bed with his hands resting lazily on his waist. Her mouth opened to scream but the memories of last night all flooded back. She let out a sigh of relief. "I guess you're fine."She said getting up from bed trying her best to arrange her bird nest of a hair. "I can't say."His voice was smooth and it rolled out of his throat effortlessly. For a moment she was stunned. "I understand."She picked up the blankets that had fallen over and began to make the bed. "Who are you?"He asked. There was an edge in his voice. She paused. "I am Samantha Hendrix."He kept on staring at her trying to figure when and where they cross paths. "I know you don't know me, can you tell me who you are instead so I can perhaps link you up with your loved ones?"She asked understanding the look in his eyes. "I am.."His voice trailed off as he scratched his head looking confused. "Yes?"She probed him to go further. "Do you know me?"He asked staring at her cluelessly. "Don't tell me that you don't recall who you are."Her eyes were wide and the sheets fell off her hands. "I should, I ought to know who I am."His hand moved back to his waist again and he began to wander around the room. "Tell me at least, what's my name?"He asked standing above her. "I don't have any idea, I found you at the sea when I went for swimming. You were almost dead but I felt a beat so I decided to bring you here."She explained staring at him with very worried eyes. Nothing sucks more than not knowing who you are. As she mentioned sea, his head began to throb painfully. He was back at the sea, his friends, fellow soldiers calling out to him with their hands stretched out asking for help. He could hear their voices as they cried out in pain and fear of losing their lives. He could see the bodies of his subordinate floating above the waters. He had been helpless, they wanted help but he couldn't save them. Their voices kept on resounding in his ears and the tide was not helping. The more he saw them, the greater the pain in his head grew. "Are you alright?"A tiny voice asked breaking him out of memory lane. He raised up his head glancing at her. Those eyes were filled with worry as they stared up at him. He nodded. "Do you recall anything?"She asked. He shook his head. "Try to think, what is your name?"She asked. "I have no idea."His voice was barely a whisper. "Let me try to make a few guesses, anyone that feel familiar might be your name."She suggested with a small smile. He nodded. "How does Ben sounds?" He shook his head in grimace. "Andrew?"She asked and he replied with a short. "I guess that's not It."She shook her head. "I'm so bad at guessing."She mumbled feeling disheartened that she couldn't be of help. "If only you have something like a card or your wallet, it might be able to help."She said standing up, she was done dressing the bed. Suddenly some thing clicked in her head. "Hold on, I'll be right back."With that she hurried to the laundry room and returned almost immediately with something in her hand. "While I was washing your clothes last night, I found this among your possessions. I don't know if it might be of help in.. You know, triggering your memories."She said handling the emblem to him. He took it and his finger grazed the writing on the emblem. There was a X and a D. It felt like it was an initial for something. A cool voice whispered in his head. Xander. That's it, that is his name. His eyes blurred for a moment and he swayed but she was quick to catch him. "You're still recovering, don't work yourself out."She said leading him to sit on the bed. "You don't have to recall everything at once, we'll go to the doctor and you'll receive proper treatment till you recover then you can be reunited to your family."She explained as though she was talking to a sick kid. He remained silent not saying a word in reply. He knew his name, and from what he recalled he used to be in the military. But what happened to him? What caused his men to lose their lives? What happened that night? "Would you like to watch Tv?"She asked picking up the remote from the top of the drawer. He nodded. She chose the channel and headed to the kitchen. He leaned back and watched the images on the screen. "It been 24 hours and the body of the top military commander still haven't been found. Families of the deceased are still in mourning."The news reporter on Tv said. Xander jerked up. It all came flooding back. "Commander!" That fateful day, they were on a mission and his fianceé had insisted on going with him. Being the world top commander, he was in charge of the battle and he was confident that they were going to bring home victory but that fateful morning, after taking the food prepared by the woman he thought loved him, he became very weak and he couldn't function properly. She had poisoned him and the poison had slowly eaten through his insides causing him to fall into the sea during the battle. The betrayal came back eating his insides even more than the poison. Why did they do it? Why did she together with her family try to kill him? "You still don't remember who you are?"Samantha said walking into the room with pity in her eyes. He shook his head. It was for the best, he would stick with her pretending he still had amnesia. In order to find out why her influential family wanted him dead. "That's okay, I will help you."She sent him a reassuring smile. He nodded watching in silence as the Nation announce his death.
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