Chapter 6

1397 Words

6 Older people were already irrelevant and invisible. Winnie didn’t need much of a disguise. Brown contacts, wire-rim glasses, a salt and pepper wig to cover her blonde-white hair. She wouldn’t need makeup. That would only draw attention to her face. She kept a wardrobe of old lady clothes for occasions just like this. Brown and pink paisley blouse, brown knit slacks, thin socks, brown flats with rubber soles to help with her unsteady elderly walk. No cane, that was too memorable. A small brown purse with a handle in the center, just like her own grandmother used to carry. “Whoa,” Selena said when she walked up to meet her. “Am I Gran, Grandma, or Nana?” “Nan,” Selena said. “Walk slowly. Let me take your arm.” The two of them set off at a maddeningly slow pace toward Selena’s fir

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