1. Like a Moth to a Flame

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ZURICH I looked up from my food when Gabriel’s phone rang for the third time in a row and like the other two times he declined it. We were in new Orleans for a change and since Summer, Gabriel’s wife, was sitting by his side as we sat around the dining table, it didn’t take a genius to guess why he was ignoring the calls. Summer had made it a rule to make us all sit down around the dining table to have dinner. One would think she shouldn’t include us: Me and my brother— Mac, in her family dinners when we were just considered as two of the many men under Gabriel’s employment, but she told us that before we came to work for her husband we were his best friends first, which was true. And to be honest, Gabriel never made us feel like we were just men in his employee, my brother was his confidant since forever and I could bet my right hand that he trusted him more than me. But it didn’t hurt my feelings, it’s hard to get hurt when you’ve known someone all your life and seen him in his most weakest of moments. To me Gabriel was just another brother that I respected and did my best to protect even though it was my brother’s job. And that’s where the problem was. Because our feelings were something that always blurred the lines between professional and personal life. Since my time in the army I had learned it a hard way how important it was to keep your emotions in check, especially when there’s a life or death situation to deal with. Not to mention, despite our years old bond, Gabriel always gets testy whenever Summer smiles at us. Talk about being p***y whipped. Gabriel’s phone rang again and Summer let out a long suffering sigh as she said, “Answer it.” She had specifically told her husband to not talk about his gruesome business while eating dinner. She hated the talk of violence which was kind of anticlimactic if you ask me considering that his profession was blood and violence as he ruled over the New Orleans with iron fists and controlled the various faction of the mafia world and their operations that happened here. “It might be important if the person is trying to reach you so persistently at this time.” Summer added. Gabriel smiled at her. “Thankyou, little red.” I rolled my eyes, while my brother, Mac, scoffed from the side. Really, it was funny to see Gabriel inside these four walls with his family when he was an insufferable arse outside of it. “What’s your last name again?” Mac taunted, making Summer laugh as Gabriel glared at him. The phone started to ring again and this time Gabriel answered, “Yes, Barsetti.” I paused hearing the last name of the woman who had made it impossible for me to think about anyone else. Katlyn Barsetti. Also known as Kat by her friends and a precious, spoilt princess of her parents. But to me, she was a fûcking pain in the arse and I didn’t know if I wanted to fûck her or strangle her most of the time. Last time we had crossed paths she had called me a snob and I couldn’t help but want to bend her over my lap and s***k some manners into her. And despite how she affected me physically, she was the first woman I truly disliked. She lacked manners like one would expect from a wild cat. She was unruly, ill tempered and everything I hated in a person. “Is she okay?” Gabriel’s voice cut into my thoughts and his question snapped me to attention. And just like me, Summer’s expression turned into concern as the little minx that made my palm twitch was also one of her best friend. “I will be there. I am sure my wife would like to meet her too. Of course.” His one sided conversation made me tense, because if he was going to take Summer to meet her then it meant something has happened. “Yes. I understand. You don’t have to worry about it .” As soon as he hung up the phone, Summer and I asked at the same time, “What happened?” “Is she okay? Tell me it’s her mother?” Summer asked, not wanting the bad news to be about her best friend. But I knew even before Gabe answered that it was Kat herself, the bane of my existence, otherwise he wouldn’t be giving me the expression he was currently directing at me. He turned to his wife and answered, “She will be alright. There was a break-in at the safe house she was staying at and she got hurt.” I felt every muscle in my body tighten up as I asked, “How hurt?” I didn’t know why I cared. I hated her. Gabe turned to me and his brows pulled in a frown at whatever he saw on my face. He replied, “We’ll find out soon enough.” . Half an hour later, we were all striding in the Barsetti mansion because obviously the princess couldn’t go to the hospital like normal people. But apart from my not so kind thoughts toward her, there was still a part of me needing to see her to know if she was really okay. The case of her stalker had always been there like a permanent shadow on the wall, but I never paid it attention thinking that it must be someone she’d pissed off, because that was something that comes naturally to her, and her father already had a small army protecting her. But to think that despite all the precautions her father was taking to keep her safe, she still got hurt. We found Mr Barsetti in the entrance hall, concern etching his features as he shook Gabriel’s hand. He directed Summer to his daughter’s room before he gestured Gabe toward his study. My brother followed them and I told myself that I needed to keep my eye on Summer as I fell in step beside her. “I am so worried for her. She thinks that she can handle everything on her own but sometimes you need someone stronger by your side,” Summer said, her worry reflecting in her words. “She must’ve really pissed someone off for them to not stop even after all these years, not to mention with all the measures her father is taking.” Summer shook her head. “She might be a little outspoken but I don't think she’d have active haters except one...” She glanced at me as she said the last part. I chose to ignore her meaningful stare as we came up to the landing and I saw three men standing outside a room. That must be princess' bedroom, being protected by guards in her own home. One of them, Theo, stepped forward and nodded at Summer. I had only seen him a handful of times when he had accompanied Katlyn, his main job was to protect her which he was failing at. Figures. When Summer slipped inside the bedroom, Theo came to stand at the threshold, stopping me from entering like I wanted to. I could see her from where I was standing, lying on the bed, surrounded with mountain of pillows and a fluffy blanket and despite the white bandage around wrapped around her head and her pinched excursion, she still looked like a gorgeous spoilt princess of her Daddy. As soon as she saw Summer her expression turned soft and light. I didn’t understand how one could change her entire personality with a blink of an eye but that’s what Katlyn Barsetti does and that’s why I hated her because she never showed everyone her real bitchy personality that I had seen first hand. She was the fakest of them all and I have no idea how she kept up that facade for so long. Her mask never had slipped off, not even once, in front of her friends. But I knew her true colors and I would never accept the act she performed for everyone else. Mrs Barsetti hugged Summer, tears trailing down her cheeks but my attention went back to the bed as if pulled by an outside force and I realised what it was. Katlyn was glaring at me, her hatred clear from the ten feet that separated us. Well, the feeling was mutual. “Close the door, Theo.” She said in a cool voice, even looking as fragile as a porcelain doll she managed to be a bîtch. A talent that only she could excel at. When the door closed, Theo stared at me. He was probably in his late fifties but he had maintained himself pretty well, the reason he was her personal bodyguard. “Seems like you didn’t do your job properly.” I said, keeping my voice cool and collected. His lips flattened in displeasure and he raked his eyes over my six feet and three inches before he said, “Seems like you’re always where you aren’t invited.” I didn’t give him a reaction but my mind went back to the time I had seen the spoilt princess fly off her high horse while she had disgraced a waitress for accidentally spilling on her. “Mrs Wolfe is inside and unlike you, I take my job seriously.” He took a step toward me. He was more than fifteen years my senior but still since I witnessed that accident he had been treating me like I was some kind of nuisance he’d like to get rid of. Pity that, because he can't do anything about it. “Z.” One of our men, Drew, called my name from the bottom of the stairs. “You and Theo are called in the study.” I gestured for the old man to proceed as I followed behind him. I arched my brow at Drew, he shook his head silently telling me that he has no idea why we were being summoned. When we entered the study, the tense atmosphere took me aback but it was more about the expression Gabriel was shooting at me. When he met my gaze, his eyes seemed conflicted. Theo broke the silence as he asked, “What is it?” Mr Barsetti looked at me instead of answering him and said, “I want you to protect my daughter.” “What?!” Theo expressed what I was thinking, down to the tone of disbelief. “You don’t mean that.” Mr Barsetti flicked a hard glance to his most trusted man before his gaze landed back on me. I met his gaze for a second longer before turning to Gabriel and my brother. Gabe said, “You don’t have to do it. Mac will—” “I will do it.” I said, surprising myself and from the looks of it Gabe and Mac didn't expect that. It was true that there was no love lost between Kay and me, and everyone was aware of it, then why the hell did I just agree? Gabriel stood up from the sofa he was sitting on and came toward me. “Think about it first, Z. You don't have to agree,” His voice dropped, “There are strings attached that you might not like.” It was a chance to back out. As a friend he was giving me a chance to choose, instead of ordering me. And I should take it, I didn't want any involvement with that woman, who made me question my own sanity. But instead of taking heed of his warning, like a fool or more like a moth to a flame, I ignored it and said, “I will be okay. I’ll do it if it's alright with you.” . A. Gupta To the new readers, hope you like my work. Thankyou for choosing my book to read. Please heed the warnings mentioned, if you do not like even a hint of darkness in your books then don't read it (though this one will be relatively less dark than my other books) but if you like your books dark and gritty you can also check out my other books. To my girlies, thankyou for not-so-patiently and patiently waiting. I hope this one is worth it. Hugs and love. ♡ ♡
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