Chapter 20

556 Words
The reception is heavenly. It is held in a venue with white orchids all around. The motif is all white with gold linings everywhere. The tables and chairs are decorated with gold linings so with the huge stage in the middle. Charles and Eleanor are in the centre of the hall. The guests are all around them. In the centre of the stage is a giant cake. Everyone who sees the cake surely stops, not just because of its size but because of its unique design tailored in Eleanor’s gown. The guests are happy, at least all manifest a face of contentment and joy, Eleanor thought. He looked at Charles. This man is now her husband, the love of her life. His happiness is so obvious as he is all smiles from the start to the end of the program. Just like the old days, Eleanor remember seeing him smile like this a lot especially when they watch football together on the school grounds. Everytime they watch, she makes a banner of their favorite team and they raise it together. She shouts and dances and Charles just watches her do this with smiling face. Yes, she can remember him smile like this, with his white teeth all showing up. Football? She remembers something? Is her memory coming back? Suddenly, Eleanor felt her head throb. “Ah!” Eleanor shouted in pain while holding her head. Charles was surprised. He automatically turned towards his wife. “Eleanor? Are you alright? What’s going on with you?” Charles looks worried. “My head, my head…it’s so painful” Eleanor struggled while explaining. Suddenly, she saw her world turn black. “Eleanor!” Charles panicked. “Wake up! Eleanor!” Charles held her shoulders. The people around were surprised. What’s happened to Eleanor? They immediately gathered around her and Charles to see what happened. “Let me in, let me in!” Sam immediately ran to the stage upon seeing what happened. “Please clear the space. Eleanor needs a space to breath.” Seeing Eleanor in Charles’ arms, he automatically felt her pulse. It’s still pulsating. Then he observed her breathing. It’s not stable. It’s going fast and slow. Then fast and slow again. Sam did his initial assessment on Eleanor. When he was certain that she was out of danger, Sam motioned Charles to carry Eleanor to a place where they will have a bigger space and more oxygen flow. Charles followed. He carried his wife to a room in the reception area. When they were inside, Charles slowly laid her on the bed. Then he put a blanket over her. Sam automatically opened the windows of the room and made sure that there is proper flow of oxygen inside. Worried, Charles looked at Sam as if he is asking what happened to her. Sam motioned that they get out of the room and talk outside. Charles threw one last gaze at Eleanor and headed to the door. When they were out of the room, Charles let out a heavy sigh. “What happened to her, Sam?” He worriedly asked. “Charles, this is what I was talking to you about. She had an initial episode of relapse.”
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