Chapter 19

582 Words
At the side of the couple is Sam grinning widely. Indeed, love conquers all. Look at how his bestfriend pursued the woman of his dreams. Regardless of his hardships, he still continued until this time came. See, all hard work pay off in time. He smiled with these things in mind. Deep inside though, he is hearing a still small voice saying, “How about you? When will you have your time?” His facial expression changed. Without looking at the mirror, he knows that his expression is unpleasant to the eyes. Damn! Why should I think like this at my bestfriend’s wedding? He was supposed to exit the stage when he noticed someone who saw the sudden change of his expression. He stared at the woman in the front row smiling at him. Gosh! She must have noticed my expression. Sam smiled back shyly. “Her name is La Carlotta, a famous designer from France. I imported her for my bride’s wedding gown,” Charles broke Sam’s awkward moment. Without him realizing it, Charles has noticed how both he and La Carlotta have been staring at each other for a long time. “Oh,” Sam responded. “Yeah…” Charles smiled. “She’ll only be here for a week, Sam,” Charles teased him. “You’ve got a week to prove your charms.” Charles winked at him. Crap! “Am I that obvious?” Sam asked. Charles laughed and focused back his attention on Eleanor. Sam looked at the woman again. Now, she is speaking with Moira, the wedding planner. Both women are stunning, but there’s something that makes La Carlotta stand out. She’s petite yes, but she has an outstanding facial features that could make any man look back at her again. Her nose are high and her eyes are big, accentuated by long eyelashes and thick eyebrows. Her skin is white and her curly hair makes her face more attractive. Sam walked towards La Carlotta and Moira. “Hi ladies,” he greeted. “Oh, hello Sam,” Moira greeted back. Moira was acquainted with Sam a month ago when Charles brought him to a social gathering. Moira noticed that Sam and La Carlotta just smiled at each other. By their looks, she guessed that they don’t know each other. “Oh, by the way, Sam meet La Carlotta. La Carlotta, meet Sam, Charles’ bestfriend,” Moira introduced them. “Nice to meet you,” both sounded almost in unison. La Carlotta’s cheeks turned red. Moira smiled as if she’s beginning to understand what is happening to the two she just introduced. “Oh, I remember that I have to give a few instructions as regards the cake later. Well, I’ll leave you guys,” Moira excused herself. “Oh, yes,” almost both answered at the same time again. When Moira left, Sam turned at La Carlotta who is still blushing. “I’m sorry for the sudden change of expression a while back,” he said at her while smiling. His white teeth showed off. “I guess you caught me at my embarrassing moment.” “Oh, no, no, no. It’s alright,” La Carlotta said with a smile. That's how it started. Then the two talked as if they are the only people in the room.
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