Chapter 49

519 Words

"But that's not the catch, Sam..." At this point, Charles' voice was broken. "I realized that everything that my dad did was all a trap, a trap to take me out of law school and away from Chastity..." "What? I thought he didn't know about her?" Sam was confused. "At least that's what I initially thought, but he has been lying to me all along. He had someone follow me to law school since day one. He never approved of me going there anyway. All he wanted is that I continue running his business which I didn't see myself doing back then. I just fought my way in, but I still lost at the end." He smiled bitterly. "So he knew everything from the very start?" "Yes..." "His illness?" "Haha! They were all staged, Sam, a part of the trick." Charles let out a mocking laugh. "The doctors, the x-

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