The Lainada Kingdom

1451 Words
Talyah's Point of View: As we got closer to the Lainada Kingdom, the weather began to change. It was a lot cooler than when I had went to Gerinburg. Now, we were going to a place much bigger than where Lucis and Talyah were. We got passed the front gate and of course, we were greeted by the King Ramon and Queen Belinda of Lainada. The carriage stopped and I heard King Draco's voice from beyond. The door to the carriage opened up and Edward stood outside with his hand extended. "Let's go." He told me. I nodded my head and took his hand in the process. He helped me out of the carriage and guided me over to King Draco. "So, will Queen Caroline join us?" King Ramon asked. King Draco shook his head and he turned to me. "Queen Caroline and I are divorcing soon." King Draco admitted. "Why?" Queen Belinda asked. "Can it not be worked out?" King Draco shook his head. "We've grown apart." King Draco told them as he grabbed my hand. "I'm exploring new things now." The King and Queen looked at me and of course, they were quiet. "If you would like us to leave, I will be glad to." King Draco told them. "No, your Mistress is welcomed." King Ramon told him. "She's just..." "Young, yes?" Queen Belinda asked. "She's of age, don't worry." "What is your name, Sweetheart?" Queen Belinda asked. "Talyah, your Highness." I answered. The Queen smiled at me and extended her hand to me. "Well, let me show you around while the men go on about their day." She told me. "Shall we?" "Yes." I took her hand and we walked off. We got away from the men and she took me out of the cold. As soon as we got into the castle, a loud sigh of relief left my mouth. It was nice and warm in the Kingdom. "My goodness, this feels nice." I told her. "My body is freezing. Is it going to snow?" "Soon, my dear. We always get snow here. I'm happy my husband was able to get the hunters to gather up food before the snow comes. We would've all starved." "That was a very good idea." Queen Belinda glance behind us and sighed. "You can go." She told the guards. "Are you sure?" "Stop worrying. I will be fine." I turned my head to look at the guards. There were about five of them, right behind us. Once they left, Queen Belinda released hand and turned to me. "I hope you know what you're doing." She told me. "What do you mean?" "Being a Mistress will be hard for you. Not only will the Kingdom look down at you, but you will have to start from the bottom to gain their respect." I sighed. "I'm nervous." I explained. "I never been a Mistress and I never been with a man before." "That's understandable. Where are you from, young lady?" "Gerinburg." "Hm. If he's chosen someone from there, then there must be a reason. Gerinburg is a very small town. Best known for having the best fruits and vegetables, if I remember." "Especially the apples." She smiled and nodded. "I do have concerns." I told her. "Would you like to talk during a hot bath?" I gave her a smile. "I would. King Draco said he was going to ask you if I can use one." "Of course you can. Besides, I have some friends that you can ask about the whole 'Mistress' thing." "That'll be great." That was a perfect opportunity. I needed to know more and I wanted to be around other women, even if they were older than me. *** "Were you and Queen Caroline close?" I asked Queen Belinda. "Caroline and I weren't close." Queen Belinda confirmed. "But, she has been distant since the coming ages. She never comes to the gatherings or the parties unless they are done at her Kingdom." "I'm sorry. I know it upsets you when you put in more of the effort for someone." "It is." Queen Belinda and I stepped in front of a closed white door. Her guards opened it and we walked in. The feel of the room was humid, warming my soul, immediately. The servants came over and helped Queen Belinda and I out of our clothes. "What took you so long, Belinda?" A woman asked. There were six women in that room and they all were in the bath. Belinda walked over first and I couldn't help, but to admire her body. She was beautiful and I could see why King Ramon married her. For a woman with only four sons and 3 daughters, her body showed no signs of destruction. It was as if she didn't have any children. Queen Belinda turned to me and extended her hand out. "Come, darling." She told me. "They don't bite." Nodding, I walked over to her and grabbed her hand. She pulled me into the warm bath and I sat down, letting the warm water surround my entire body as I wanted it to. "Who is this?" A brunette woman asked. "Where are my manners?" Belinda chuckled. " Mary Anne, Amelia, Beatrice, Cecilia, Edith and Jane... I would like you to meet a new friend of mine. Her name is Talyah and she is here with King Draco as his Mistress." The women nodded their head at me. I could just feel the tension in the air. "Mistress, huh?" Cecilia asked. "How old are you?" "19, Ma'am." I answered. "Manners is very up-to-date." Jane joined in. "Can we ask, why you chose to be a Mistress to King Draco?" Queen Belinda chuckled while she extended her arms in front of her. "She's never been a Mistress. She's very new to the matter. King Draco has claimed her." "Oh sweetheart, you have a lot to learn." Mary Ann told her. "Maybe Amelia can give her some pointers since she was a Mistress." We all turned to Amelia, the brunette with big, beautiful gray eyes. "I just hope you are ready." Amelia told her. "Queen Caroline is very fiesty and very.... Dangerous once it comes to King Draco. He was her first love and everything. You are basically taking a man from his life long wife. Are you sure you want to go through with this?" "Amelia, King Draco picked her for a reason." "Wait, he came to you and picked you as a Mistress?" Mary Ann asked. I nodded my head. "Then, he highly respects you." Beatrice told me. "Are you still... Intact?" "Yes." I told her. "I've never done anything with any man." "Or woman?" Queen Belinda asked me. "No. Not even a w...woman." "Then, you're good. Word of advice, though. Don't give in too quickly." "Belinda's right." Edith added. "He's going to want to spend... Quality time with you behind close doors. Never accept it." "Wouldn't I get in trouble?" I asked her. "No." Amelia told me. "You're letting him know that you're not easy to bed. It'll drive him crazy, of course. Yes, you can kiss him, but never... Put out. Put out when you are ready to, okay?" I nodded again. "His heart must be with you before you give him a part of your body." Queen Belinda told me. "Always be a powerful woman, Talyah. Don't let any man like King Draco influence you to have s*x with him. He can wait for it." I smiled at her and nodded. Queen Belinda snapped her fingers and a female servant came over. "Give us some more champagne, Emerald." She told the servant. The woman bowed before she turned and walked away. Few minutes later she brought some glasses with two bottles of wine. "Nice and cold." Belinda smiled, then she turned to me. "Today, we will drink to you becoming a woman. Did you stay with your parents back in Gerinburg?" "Yes." I told them. "And you came alone?" Edith asked. I shook my head. "King Draco put my brother, Lucis, in as one of his men. My brother will be with me." "Lucis?" Queen Belinda questioned. "How old is he?" "He's 22." "Is his wife happy about him joining the Kingdom?" "He's not married." The women got quiet again. "Will he marry?" Beatrice asked. "Yeah, to King Draco's oldest daughter." "Hm..." Queen Belinda mumbled. I glanced at her. "Is there a problem?" I asked. "No, not at all." She told me, smiling, then she turned to her servant. "Bring me and my guest some warm clothes, please?" "Right away, your Highness." The servant rolled her eyes at me before she left to do what the Queen asked.
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