1916 Words

“This place needed some air freshener,” said the offender. “Just hurry up and go.” The dim light filtering under the table vanished as the man closest to it walked away. Paul heard the strike of a match, followed by a long, crackly drag from a cigarette. The exhale filled the room with the scent of m*******a. Farther away a light appeared and then faded when a door closed, presumably to the bathroom. Remaining near the door, the man with the joint began humming an offbeat tune, which Paul found himself trying to place. Was it Lynard Skynard? Or . . . Paul bit his lower lip in exasperation. Who cared what the night watchman was singing while his friend took a crap? Paul just wanted him to hurry up and get the hell out. After several moments of failed music, the man with the joint began

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