Chapter 63: A Final Plea

1929 Words

*Ciana* I didn't have a response for Theo when he said I must want to marry Warren. His cold words had taken their toll on me, and I was done. “You know what, Your Highness? It's been a long day and you're right, I should go." With that, I turned around and walked away from the three of them, even though Warren shouted my name for me to come back. I was done playing this game with Theo. He continued to baffle and confuse me at every turn, and I just couldn't take much more. I walked back to my room and my initial plan was to start packing—I needed to go check on the situation in my own pack anyway, but I found myself sitting on the edge of the bed, thinking about Theo. A sharp knock on the door got my attention. It wouldn't be Brook, because even her knock was gentle. I walked over

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