Chapter 62 What If She Said Yes?

2003 Words

*Theo* “This is the ugliest lapel pin I've ever seen in my life," Sophia said, picking up the trinket off of the ground and turning it around and around in her hands. “Really, why would she put all of these random things on it anyway? A berry? Red moon? She's so stupid." “Shut up." I ordered, watching her cheeks turn slightly pink from embarrassment. She just couldn't help her filthy mouth. She was walking toward the wastebasket. While I wasn't certain what I wanted to do with it, I knew I wasn't going to let her throw it away. I held my hand out, knowing if I said anything at all, my emotion would show too much. Just because I didn't want Ciana hanging around the castle anymore, that didn't give Sophia or anyone else the right to insult her. Sophia dropped the pin into my hand. “Hav

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