Chapter 139: My Most Important Woman

2223 Words

*Ciana* I wandered through the palace trying to see if anything felt familiar. According to Brook and Warren, I'd been there almost a year. I couldn't remember anything about it. None of the rooms or decorations looked familiar. I felt like I was seeing it all for the first time. Yet, my feet knew where to take me. I didn't recognize anything I was seeing, but I wandered purposefully to the library. I suspected I could find a map there to reacquaint myself with the palace and the surrounding territory. “Good morning, My Lady," someone said, nodding their head as I walked by. “It is good to see you up and about, Miss Black," a servant said, bowing. I waved awkwardly at everyone I passed. They all seemed to hold a high amount of respect and reverence for me. That wouldn't have happ

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