Chapter 138: Who Are You?

2159 Words

Warren immediately jumped up and grabbed a water glass from the table next to the bed. He put the glass to her lips and she drank. I wanted to sit beside her and hold her hand but I wasn't sure I should touch her, even with gloves on. Would she blame me for what happened? Ciana grunted and turned away from the water. Warren set it aside again. She blinked several times and then opened her big, beautiful eyes. She sat up and her eyes immediately landed on me. Forgetting my worries, I grabbed her in a fierce hug and kissed her passionately on the lips. Seeing her awake and alive was so overwhelming. “Wh—" Ciana squirmed away from me and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. “What the hell are you doing!?" “Ciana!" “Who are you?" she snarled at me. “Why are you kissing me!?"

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