Chapter 31: Meeting some friends unexpectedly

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We strolled into stalls and buy many things along the way. Rose and I decided to watch a movie first before lunch. We are I our usual get-up as Mera and Zam. I am wearing a simple off-shoulder blue dress with a ribbon on my waist. I am wearing light make-up and wearing the necklace dad given me and our friendship necklace. I partnered my dress with a blue wedge with gemstones designed on the straps. Mera is also wearing 3-inch pink pumps, Expensive earing and our friendship necklace, heavy makeup, gray shorts revealing her long soft legs, a pink blouse, and a green sling bag are on her shoulder. Her nerdy and simple get up as Rose is gone.   “Okay then, let’s just enjoy this day right guys? Tomorrow I have to attend somewhere like Anna. Zyrem, Clide don’t forget that if you will be with me, do not call me Milady or Zarianne. Just call me Anna and in here you are my friends, that I am not the Villaflor’s daughter but rather a farmer’s daughter. Are we clear?” I said as I grab Zyrem’s arm.   “Yes, Milady.” The two said as they hide their red faces.   “Ah! The wedding right. The one whom you bought that touch screen laptop and that big high-tech refrigerator for.” Rose said as I nod and we follow them to the cinema room.   “Yap, I hope they will like that.” I said as I follow them while I cling into Zyrem’s arm.   “Of course they will like it. Those are some expensive gifts you know. Anyway knowing your family and brother he might just say that you being there is more than enough.” Rose said making me sigh and nod.   We look for a seat to sit on. We choose the one on the end where fewer people are sitting. We don’t like being near to other people so we want our privacy on an empty aisle.   “Oh no I forgot some popcorns and snacks.” Rose utters in surprise as they sit while I and Zyrem are still standing waiting for them to sit first.   “Oh! Don’t worry I can go out and buy for us.” I said.   “We’ll come with you Milady.” Both Clide and Zyrem said.   Clide is about to stand when I signaled him to stay sitting. I look around the dark place and see that the movie is yet to start.   “You stay here Clide, protect Mera. Zyrem can go with me.” I said.   “Yes- Yes Milady.” Clide said as Rose looks at me and looks at Zyrem.   “And one more thing Clide Zyrem, stopping calling us Milady in here just call me Anna and Mera as Rose. Protect her okay.” I said still thinking of what happened when we are at Palawan.   “Yes Mi- Miss Anna.” Clide said making me nod.   “We’ll be back.” I said then we leave the darkroom.   Zyrem is following me silently. We went towards the snack store. I paid for the snacks when someone caught my eyes. I immediately face Zyrem to cover my face and take a wet wipe on my sling bag and wipe my face off of my makeup and then tie my hair up on a ponytail even if it is not well made and some hair is all over my face. I take off my expensive earrings and hide my necklace in my clothes. I look at my whole get up just to look at Zyrem who is looking at me confused.   “What is wrong Mi- Miss Anna?” Zyrem asks when I glare at him when he nearly calls me Milady.   “Some of my friends as Anna are here. They can’t see me like this as Zam. I should have dressed like Anna. Damn, why have I not thought that chances of meeting people here are next to possible?” I said grinding my teeth as my heart pound so hard.   Zyrem takes off his brown warm coat and slides it into my shoulders. He is just wearing a white shirt with a black vest. He buttons the coat hiding my dress that covers me until my knee since Zyrem is taller than me and muscularly built to his clothes will become like a dress if I wear them. I take off his white gloves and place them into his pocket.   “Anna is that you? Wow! How come you are here.” Someone said behind me faced by Zyrem.   I turn and see Mark our school mate and I smile. This can’t be right, of all people, why did I have to meet some of our schoolmates in this mall when I am in Zam’s get up but well this is a very common mall for us who are studying here. I mess my hair as I slightly cover my face.   “O- Oh hi! Mark, what brings you here?” I shyly said making sure not to be so suspicious.   “We are here to buy something for our project and we thought we will watch the movie.” Mark Troy said as he looks behind him where I see Sandrie his longtime friend and my past partner in a project before this became my friend, followed by Alfon Bray his best friend with Alfon’s girlfriend Lany coming towards us.   “Oh wow Anna, you are here to watch the movie too?” Sandrie said as she looks at what I am holding, the paper bag full of snacks and the other one with the drinks is in Zyrem’s arm.   I also look at what Sandrie is holding to see that she is holding some plastic bags of snacks while Mark is holding a plastic with bottles of water. It’s a good thing they are just looking at my face and are not looking down to my feet or they will see that I am wearing a 2 inched wedge embedded with high-priced gemstones. It will be odd when I never wore footwear with heels like Anna. And my wedge is so catchy because it is a rare brand designed by the famous shoe designer of Italy. Zyrem takes the paper bag full of snacks in my hand.   “Ah yes- yes I’m with Rose and some friends. They are inside the cinema room already. We just came here to buy some snacks. Did you just arrive?” I ask as I slowly pull my cellphone from my bag hidden inside the coat Zyrem lend me and type a message to Rose.   “Is he with you?” asks Sandrie and I turn to look at Zyrem who is just as silent as he watches as he holds the snacks that I bought as he silently stands there.   “Oh yes, this is Zyrem a friend of mine. Zy these are Mark, Alfon, Lany, and Sandrie my friends at school.” I said.   Zyrem walks closer to them making sure that the 2 paper bags he is holding is secure on his arms before he stretched his palm for a handshake. The others seem to be taken by surprise but reluctantly and shyly they reach his hand for a handshake.   “It’s nice to meet you.” Zyrem said.   “He is born in America; they are just here to visit for my brother’s wedding. Our families are both friends so they are here to visit. If you like you can come with us tomorrow to our province for my brother’s wedding.” I said as Mark and Sandrie look at each other.   “Sure- Sure we like to come. Where will we meet? What car will be used?” said Mark.   “Sandrie knows where I’m staying since she came often before when we were doing our project together. You can invite some of your friends too. We will go to my province by 8:00 am so you need to be at my boarding house at 7:00 am. A car will be waiting there.” I said as I smile.   We all enter the movie house. Sandrie used to go to my place before, for our project. That is also the reason why we became friends, I also visited her house a couple of times and meet with her warm-hearted family.   “Where are you sitting?” asks Mark.   “On the last aisle. How about you guys?” I ask as I point to where Rose and Clide are sitting.   “Right on the front. Go ahead we’ll join you there.” Mark said as he smiles at me.   I smile then nod as I hold Zyrem in his back and softly push him up the stairs.   “Okay. Transfer there quickly before the movie starts.” I said as I am still softly pushing Zyrem on his back.   “Woah thank goodness, they didn’t ask father as to why I am dress like this.” I said with a sigh of relief as I walk towards Rose who looks at me when I finally sit.   “What on earth! What are they doing here?” Rose said as I sit beside her.   “I know right, act normal. Plus, they are coming to sit with us. Clide, Zyrem act normal around them, no calling me or Mera Milady… are we clear? Rose hide your necklace and my God you’re wearing something smoking hot.” I nervously utter making Rose laughs as she takes her hair tie and tie her shoulder-length brunet hair and look into her sling bag taking out a brownish long curly wig and put it in her head.   “Relax okay, it will be okay.” Rose said winking at me.   Clide stands and takes off his trench coat and puts it on Rose’s shoulders.   “Will that do Miss Rose?” he asks as Rose looks at him and wears the jacket to hide her clothes that Rose doesn’t usually wear.   “Thank you. It is more than okay.” Rose said as she smiles at Clide who bows and returns to his seat.   I stand and walk towards Clide since he is on the other side of Rose. He is about to stand when I hold his shoulders. I take his hands and take off his white gloves then put them into his vest’s pocket. I thin look at his hair then I nod seeing he looks fine. I return to my sit, I am in between Rose and Zyrem so I have to pass Rose. Mark and the others join us as they greet Rose before sitting on the side of Zyrem and we all watch the movie together. Before the ending of the movie, Rose whispers to me.   “I need to go to the comfort room. I have to take my make-up off before they get suspicious and even change my clothes. We should have thought things through before coming here as Mera and Zam.” She said as she takes her bag.   “Bring Clide with you.” I said and Rose didn’t say no since Rose knows that I am worried after that man followed us before in the mall at Palawan.   “Excuse me I need to go to the C.R.” excused Rose to the others who just look at her but look back to the screen because it is too dark and they can’t see her anyway.   “O- Okay the movie is about to end, you’ll going to miss it.” Mark said.   “It’s okay Anna can tell me what the end was.” Rose said as she pulls Clide’s trench coat in her body as they walk to the opposite side.   When the movie ends Rose and Clide are not back yet. Everyone stands and starts to leave the darkroom.   “Rose isn’t back yet, let’s see them outside. Come, Anna.” Mark said as I stand and put my bag on my shoulder.   Zyrem follows after me as we walk out of the darkroom. I excuse myself and head towards the C.R as the others continue to walk out of the darkroom. Zyrem stands just outside the ladies' room to wait for me. I walk towards the mirror and quickly wash my face to remove my still present make-up. I look at myself in the mirror when a white towel is suddenly being handed to me. I look to see who is giving me the towel just to see Zyrem. I smile at him as I take the towel and wipe my face. Some women come in and look at Zyrem before entering the cubicles. I smile before returning the towel to Zyrem who folds it and returns it into his pocket. I grab his arm as we leave the C.R. We walk out to see the others waiting for us so I let go of Zyrem’s arm. I smile seeing Rose and Clide standing there with Mark and the others. Rose is now wearing simple jeans and a t-shirt. Her high heels are changed into rubber shoes. Her thick eyeglasses are back and her hair is in a messy bun.   “Yow Anna, we planned to go to the park after strolling the mall. Are you coming?” asks Mark.   “Oh! No, no I’m sorry we need to leave now. I need to pick up the dress rented by my parents for the day tomorrow. I’m one of the bridesmaids actually. Rose is coming with me because we need help tomorrow morning. We’ll see you at 7 am tomorrow at my place? I hope you can make it.” I said after looking at my watch.   Everyone looks at each other. I don’t know what they are thinking but I don’t care this time. So… everyone can change right.  Styles and fashion also change.   “Sure, we will be there. So, see you then. We still have things to buy here.” Alfon said.   Alfon is Mark’s best friend and like Mark, they are close with me and Rose.   “Okay bye. I’ll see you tomorrow.” I said as they walk away. Rose follows by Clide come closer to us.   “Woh! That was close. Luckily the room is too dark that they can’t see me.” Rose said as we follow after them.   “I know right, you changed huh!” I said as I look at her new get-up.   “Yap better be ready next time though.” Rose said. Making us both giggle   I casually tag my hair so some strands now cover my face as we walk. We enter first to this cloth section where I completely change myself into Anna. I am wearing loose jogging pants, a loose black t-shirt, and rubber shoes. I look like a maid who went for a run. My hair is messy and loose on my back which I mess intentionally a while ago before coming out of the changing room. I cover the t-shirt with a gray-white varsity jacket so I really look like a nerdy loser student who is usually bullied in school that is roaming the mall after P.E subject. I have taken off my expensive earrings, bracelet and hide my necklaces on my t-shirt. I even take a blue ball cup and wear it on top of my messy hair. When the others see me they look so surprised and Rose starts laughing as hard. When I pay for the clothes the cashier is looking like she is pissed when she has to punch the items while I am wearing them.   “Ma’am this is not supposed to be done like this. You should have paid first before you wear them, you could have worn them in the CR. You are just making this job harder for me.” The lady said making me look at her surprised.   I am so pissed at the way she looks at me and at what she said as if she is so angry when she has to step out of the counter to take the tags off of the items.   “It’s 6, 450 ma’am.” She said sounding so angry making me look at Rose who is also looking at me pissed.   I open my wallet and take 7, 000 then place it on her table. I then take 3, 000 and take her hand placing the paper bill in it. She looks at me confused.   “Oh you can keep the change and THAT is your service tip. One piece of advice dear, if you can’t tolerate your job BETTER QUIT.” I said as I look at her with a cold glare.   “What an unpleasant service this store has. Be thankful we are not calling the manager on you. And another piece of advice lady, don’t judge people on how they look. You don’t know what if you are stepping into a piece of gum with a hidden nail.” Rose said crossing her arms on her chest as she to look at the lady with a cold scary glare.   The cashier lady looks as embarrassed as the other sales lady looks at us as they look at her with judging stares. We see the manager slowly walking towards us.   “I am so sorry.” The cashier immediately said before I shake my head and pull Rose.   We walk out of the store while Zyrem is holding my bag and Clide is holding one shopping bag where Rose put her previous clothes.   “Gosh, that lady is something.” Rose said.   “Got some attitude.” I said as I take a deep breath.   “Are you okay, Milady.” Clide asks making me look at him.   “Don’t call Rose or me Milady starting from now, you should look at us if we are like this don’t say anything that can give our identity as Mera and Zam away. It can get us in trouble.” I said making the two butlers nod.   I take a deep breath as I look at the two. Can they be able to stop themselves from calling us milady? I wonder… what will my parents say once they see these two?              
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