Chapter 32: Preparation and the nervousness

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We head towards a shop for male clothes. Rose and I look around at the displayed items then we look at both Zyrem and Clide.   “What are we doing here?” asks Rose.   “We need to buy these two some normal and warm clothes. It’s cold in my province. Oh! Rose, you should also bring some warm clothes.” I said as we walk towards the displays to look into the displays of men’s clothes.   “Milady, it is okay there’s no need to buy us some clothes.” Zyrem said as Clide nods in approval to what he said.   “Hmnn what did I say about calling us Milady in here? And, no worries… here you go boys. Try these and also this.” I said as I shove the clothes I choose into their arms as I push them to the dressing room.   Rose is left looking into the pile of men’s jackets and t-shirts.   “Come on you guys; come out so that we can see.” Rose said as I sit beside her in the waiting area.   The two reluctantly walk out of the dressing room and we almost lost our voices as we look at them surprised. The two are more handsome when they are in simple clothes rather than their black and white butler uniform.  They are both wearing these jeans and a t-shirt I had selected.   “Me – wow.” Rose said as the two men stand there trying to avoid our eyes and awkwardly doing their best to hide their embarrassment.   I and Rose look at each other and we seem to have the same idea so Rose smiled playfully.   “Okay, try these too.” Rose said as she shoves another set of clothes into their arms.   “These two, try it all.” I said shoving another into Clide’s arms.   They silently follow as we both giggle in amusement. The two come out again and we both near gasp but we heard some whispers beside us. We look up to see the salesladies who are looking to both Clide and Zyrem and we can see that smile on their faces and if this is an anime their eyes must already be heart-shaped. We both laugh softly when we see that the salesladies seem to have a crush on the two gentlemen who are looking so out of place. We let them try on another item and for the 6th time that they came out, I can see that they seem to be tired. Zyrem is now rubbing his hair while Clide is pulling the hem of the t-shirt he is wearing.   “Okay I think that is enough now, miss we’ll take the 10 items they have tried and those they are wearing. Oh! And can you please add these lovely jackets we have chosen?”  I said as I stand to go to the dressing room.   I take both Clide and Zyrem’s uniforms and hand them to the saleslady before following her to the cashier. I am talking with the cashier lady while Rose is looking into the two men. I take my gold card from my wallet and hand it to the girl. The girl looks at me before sliding the card to the machine, I smirk when I see the girl looking at me with distaste for a moment before typing something on the screen. Rose and the two stand behind me as the girl hands me my card. Another saleslady hands me the four shopping bags, I am about to take them when both Zyrem and Clide grab them before I can take them. I look at Rose to see that she is looking so pissed. I pull her arm as we walk out of the shop.   “What’s wrong?” I ask her seeing her grumpy annoyed aura.   “The way the girls look at us seems like they don’t like us. Then I realize yah! I’m Rose now and you are Anna. People really think highly about looks. They said that we look like someone who paid Zyrem and Clide so that they will go with us. You see their nerve.” Rose said pissed as I look at the ladies from the store through the glass walls.   “So that’s why that cashier looks at me with a weird look.” I said as I shake my head.   Nowadays’ mentality is really out of the top. I really hate how people easily judge others by the way they look. People are so strange and annoying in many ways.   “We should go.” Rose said as I sigh.   “Yah we still need to go to the shop where they rented the dress. They left mine there since I’ll be late. You’re coming home with me Rose; I need someone to help me with the make-up and anything. My schedule really is mess up. After the wedding, we need to worry about school then I need to plan a project proposal presentation. Isn’t this just this great?!” I said as Rose laughs.   “Take it easy you’re not the one-man warrior. You have many people to help you. Henry can help plus I can also help. I had a project proposal before on my dad’s company but I internationally messed it.” Rose said as we walk towards the elevator while the two men are following behind us.   We come out of the elevator and walk towards the car. Clide opens the door for me and Rose before taking the shopping bags Zyrem is holding. He put the bags on the car’s trunk.   We are as silent in the car as I look out of the window while Rose is wiping the fog that covered her eyeglasses.   “Rose, what do you think of Sammantha?” I ask out of the blue and Rose looks at me.   “Frankly, I don’t like her ever since I found out how she runs away with my brother’s hard-earned money. Then I found out what happened between you two. I don’t think she has changed at all; she will just destroy my brother. If only Henry will open his eyes, he will see that she is NOT an angel but rather a demon in disguise.” Rose answers as she laid her glasses on the seat then crosses her leg and leans on her knuckle after placing her elbow on the window.   “Yeah me too, I can sense her lies. Honestly speaking I only hope Henry finds someone better than her who will be truthful and honest with him. Sammantha is… a freaking b***h anyway.” I said as I lean on my knuckles in the window.   Rose looks at me with a teasing smile on her face. I look at her with questioning eyes as I look at her teasing smile.   “Hmmnn what’s this, do I feel love in this?” Rose said and I look at her with wide eyes.   “You – NO, I don’t. It’s just that – I don’t like Sammantha at all. And Henry is your brother… that makes him my brother too.” I said as I avoid Rose’s eyes.   Rose suddenly taps me on my back as she laughs. Then she suddenly got serious then looks at the window.   “Don’t worry, like you I want my brother to be happy and to find someone he truly loves. Besides I can see that Henry feels something for someone I know out there but is still confused because of that bitchy clingy freaky greedy girlfriend of him.” Rose said and I feel my face burns even if I didn’t understand what she meant by that.   I open the window to let the fresh air cool me. I glance towards Rose to see her looking outside as she takes a deep breath.   “You- you’re crazy Rose you used too many adjectives in one sentence; bitchy, clingy, freaky, and greedy." I said a Rose laughs like crazy as she holds her stomach.   After that, we are too silent until we arrive at the rental shop where my parents and my soon-to-be sister-in-law rented the gowns for the wedding. I walk out of the door without waiting for Clide or Zyrem to open it. They follow behind me until we arrive in the rental shop.   “Oh! You must be Anna Marcelo, here is your dress, and you can try it on if it will fit.” The gay shop owner said as I take the dress from him.   I see how he looks at Clide and Zyrem. I look at Rose to see her hiding her laughter. I sign her to look after the two for me.   “Guys, I’ll just try this on if it will fit. Can you wait for me there?” I said as I point towards the chairs meant for waiting.   They all nod as the gay owner keep on talking to both Clide and Zyrem who are both just smiling and silently listening. I shake my head as I walk into the temporary dressing room that is just covered by curtains. I take off my clothes and try the gown on. It is a cotton candy-colored gown with a tiered design on the hips down to the feet. The cleavage is a Sabrina style with these curving designs like laces. I look at the pink pumps with 3 inches heels before I slide my feet into it, hmnn a perfect fit. I look at the gown and behind me to see the zipper; I tried pulling it up but to no avail. I look out of the curtain towards the others.   “Rose, can you come for a minute I need your help and see if it is okay.” I said as Rose stands and I see the two guys tried to stand but Rose stops them.   Rose walks towards where I am and shove the curtain over her head to enter. Rose gasps when she sees me. I point my back on her as she salutes and slides the zipper up before I face her again.   “So what do you think?” I ask as she looks at my reflection in the mirror.   Rose touches her bare shoulders and looks at me through the mirror.   “You look good; I bet everyone will look at you asking if you are Anna.” Rose said.   “I feel a little exposed with this off-shoulder dress. Anna doesn’t usually wear something like this in public. If I am Zam I can pull it off but…” I said as I look at my reflection.   “No, you rock girl.” Rose said as she taps both of my shoulders.   I take a deep breath before taking the dress off with Rose’s help. We take the dress and left with a burst of laughter. The owner seems to have intimidated both Clide and Zyrem that they look like ripe red tomatoes. When we arrive at where I am staying as Anna, my uncle Oliver is standing beside the gate where a wide van is parked, my brother-in-law’s van.   “Hello, uncle I thought you already went to the province for the preparation.” I ask as we all walk out of my uncle Oliver’s Toyota that we borrowed.   I hand Zyrem my house keys as we take all the shopping bags from the car’s trunk. Rose takes my gown from the car and they went ahead of me to the house after I introduced them to my uncle.   “Something came up so we all can go early in the morning. Your father said that you invited some of your friends so they sent the van here for the others to ride on. Michael can drive it for them.” my uncle Oliver said and I am surprised to find that out.   “Re- really that’s kind of him to do so. I think we can go in 2 cars. You and my friends can ride the van. I and those three will ride this car.” I said pointing to the black large minivan that we use to come here in which the back is full with the boxes of fruits and wines and my gifts to my family.     My uncle nods as I tell him that I need to go and prepare. I walk towards the house after seeing my uncle walk into their house. I see Rose fixing the gown in the chair as Clide and Zyrem are sitting on the wide rattan chair; they stand upon seeing me enter.   “Zyrem, Clide put all your clothes into the bag we bought for the both of you. If you want to stay by my side to protect me, you need to be as simple as Anna. Am I clear?” I said as I lock the door.   I need to make sure that they understand. I prefer that no one will know back in the province that I found my real family and that they are super-rich. I don’t want anyone getting in trouble because of me especially that we have a family feud in the Villaflor state matter.   “Yes, Milady.” They both said with a bow as I nod and sit on the chair looking so tired.   “Let us all rest for now. We are getting up early to prepare. Clide, Zyrem you can use the other room on the left.” I said as Zyrem and Clide nod as they place on their black bags each of the clothes we had bought for each of them.   I am awakened by Rose who told me to wake up and wash up. I get up to see Zyrem and Clide fixing the table for us. After our early breakfast, I walk into the bathroom to take my bath. I heard some voices outside the bathroom door. Since the bathroom here is just outside the mini house I am staying wherein the bathroom’s door is also just beside the house door. I slowly open the door to get out seeing Mark and the others talking to Rose who is introducing them to Michael. There are 6 who are standing there who seem to freeze upon seeing me. Then Clide and Zyrem come out of the door and block me from their view. I then realized that I am just wrapped in a towel. I immediately run inside the house embarrassed. Rose follows me with a grin and Clide and Zyrem close the door behind Rose as they stay outside to make sure no one will come in.   “Wohhh! Early in the morning, you gave the visitors a fright.” Rose said as I walk towards my room to change into the gown.   While the others are being entertained by my uncle Oliver, Rose is fixing my hair and putting some make-up on my face. After Rose finished she slides the 3 inched heels pumps on her feet before standing in front of me with a mirror. I gasp to see myself. The makeup made me pretty and also my hair’s style but not close enough for me took as Zam rather I look as Anna, simple and innocent yet changed a bit.   “Now everyone can see the true you.” Rose said as I take a deep breath.   “Yah right, now let’s go before the ceremony even starts. They’ve been calling every 5 minutes.” I said as I slowly stand and nearly fall.   “Come on, can you walk on that 3 inched heels?”   “Yes I can, it’s just that – never mind.” I said as I try to shake my numb feet.   “Wait, okay our friendship necklace and that gift from your father look good with the dress but your earing is destroying the fashion.” Rose said as she takes off my simple earrings.   Rose walks towards her own bag and pulls a lovely dangling diamond earring that complimented our snowflake diamond necklace. Rose slowly slides the earring’s hook in my ear.   “Oh! Since you are done, let’s go and see the others. I already sent Clide and Zyrem to put their bags and the gift in the car. Luckily everything that screams as Zam and Mera is easily hidden.” Rose hands me the small sling bag that contains my wallet, cellphones, and other important items.   “Okay, I think I’m ready. It’s already 7:40 the wedding will start at 10:00. Let’s hit the road.” I said as I push Rose out of the house and then lock it.   “Huh! Where are the others?” I ask as I pull my gown up to prevent myself from stepping on it.   “I think your uncle invited them for a coffee.” Rose said as we walk beside the porch of my uncle’s house.   I take a deep breath as I sigh. I look at my reflection from the window of one of the rooms just beside the porch of my Uncle Oliver’s house. I look okay as Anna; I made sure I still look fat in this dress by wearing some t-shirts and shorts inside this. Rose also made sure not to place heavy makeup but just a little compact, eyes liner, eyes shadow, blush on, lip tint, and a small touch of pink lipstick on the middle of my lips. I wonder, what the people back in our province will say about this. I am already nervous thinking of what I and Rose planned for the reception party presentation.      
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