Chapter 5: Aunt Carla Xanders and 2nd morning As Zam

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An expensive black car arrives and my mom asks me to go with her to the town to visit her best friend. We stop into a shop and ‘Fabulous X’ is the name of the shop, when my mom pulls me in excitedly; I see that it is a designer’s shop. Many dresses are hanged and displayed. I am amazed and beyond awed as I look into the dresses while my mom talks to the owner who keeps on glancing in my direction with a smile. After a few minutes, they came near me as my mom looks at me with her eyes shining in happiness.   “Za- Anna dear, this is Mrs. Carla Xanders my best friend and the owner of this famous shop. Carla this is the daughter we have been looking for all those years.” my mom said as her eyes sparkle with joy, then the woman suddenly grabs hold both my hands into hers taking me by surprise, and then smile at me with her teary eyes.   “I-It’s nice to meet you, Aunt Carla.” I shyly said since I feel so awkward and uneasy about all of these new things and new people for me.   “Finally we get to see you. You were just a cute 1-year-old baby the last time I saw you. Oh! Look at you; you’ve grown into such a lovely lady. Your lovely eyes are the same just like your dad’s lovely brown eyes that charm many ladies long ago. Your hairs are so like your mom, wavy black. There is no denying that you are the long-lost Zam. This is so exciting; all of our friends will love to see her. Leliana we need to give her a very big welcome party; we need to invite the media also. Oh! This is so promising.” Carla said happily as she touches my face and touches my cheeks then she surprises me by kissing my forehead.   Carla Xanders as my mom introduced her to me looks as happy as tears start to drop from her beautiful angelic face. By the look into her face and my mom’s, I think that she and my real mom are really close since she said that Carla is her best friend. She has this lovely curly blonde that is until shoulders, 5’5 height, ivory skin, elongated nose, reddish lips, and light bluish eyes. I am surprised and confused about how she acted but I never reacted or push her away and just let her be. She even hugged me so tightly while my mother watches with amusement.   “Carla you haven’t changed at all. The party will happen but, now is not the perfect time for her. Zam needs to know how is life like with us before we can show her the real messy world of the family. But Carla, where’s your son? I was hoping Zam can meet him so she can have some friends in here.” my mother said as she sits on the sofa that is used for waiting.   “Zam will be just fine, by the looks of her she must be a strong girl but.... you’re right. It needs time. My Jake went out, he and his friend I supposed went to the falls again. Oh! This is so perfect, sit down dear and I will get my measuring tools. I will make you my gifts. After all, I never got the chance to make one for when you were younger. Oh! Leliana, this is so perfect.” Carla said again and kisses my cheeks before walking towards a curtain and left us there. That lady is really bubbly, she somehow made me feel relaxed and at ease.   I look around the shop to see glamorous dresses and many more. When my Aunt Carla return she starts to take my measurements and listed them down in her journal. My mom gives Aunt Carla some sketches she had picked from Aunt Carla’s collection designs place in these 3 clear books before we said our goodbyes and head back home. Before I return back to my now new room, I am told that Henry will teach me everything I need to know about the family’s history, business cycle, and how I should act as a Villaflor. I feel uneasy about that…… not because I need to learn so I can change from a rug girl into a golden one, BUT to the fact that my teacher will be the ever so cold Henry. They told me that he will guide me until I will learn to live as Zarianne Andrea Marlile Villaflor. They are not forcing me to change but they want me to be confident when things get hectic for me.   “This is going to be one hell of a change.” I said with a depressing sigh.   I sit on my so soft bed and try to calm myself for a minute. My bedroom screams luxury, the bed is designed like those typical princess beds we see in movies and dramas. I look through my bags to look for my cellphone. I thought of calling Rose but decided not to. I might tell her what happened... I have to think things through before I act hastily. In the end, I decided to just go to sleep wishing and hoping that I will wake up and will be back to being the simple imaginative Anna Marie Marcelo.   ‘I hope everything will be alright. I just don’t want to get used to this life and wake up one day and find out it is all a lie… that I am not the daughter they are logging for.’ I mutter to myself as I look at the ceiling.   I am awakened by a ring; I immediately get up and run towards my bag to look for my cellphone. Damn, I need to change my ever so loud and scary ringtone, which frightened me. I furrow my forehead seeing the time on my cellphone.   “Shocks, it’s so early.”   I see the time on my cellphone screen. It is still 4:30, who is calling me early in the morning? I look into the caller’s name to see my mother, Anna’s mother, Mrs. Mary Marcelo. The mother I grown up with, I feel calmed and finally feel excited as I answer her call. We talked for an hour, I told mama all my experiences and how I missed them even if it’s just 2 nights and a day. After that, I suddenly feel so hot and sweats are dropping from my face so I decided to bathe. When I check my personal bathroom I am beyond amazed. The bathroom is so clean white, tiled and glamorous with that wide bathtub, shower area, toilet space, sink with a wide mirror, and those cabinets full of clean towels.   “This is not really happening. Everything is just a dream.... right.” I said with a sigh of disbelief and overwhelm.   I just decided to shower with lukewarm water. Of course, I know how to use such facilities and things... I am not an ignorant province girl like those in the dramas and movies. I was also educated by my adopted parents and I studied in the city so I am not so ignorant. When I get out covered by only just a towel, I look at the time on my cellphone.   “Okay, that takes less time. I wonder.... what would I be doing now if I am back in the province with my parents? Probably, planting some vegetables and helping with the harvestings.” I said then smile at the idea of it but eventually shake my head to clear my thoughts. I need to face the fact that I am here now.   It is already 5:35 am and I know I can’t go back to sleep again. I walk towards the closet to check what does it look like in there, come to think of it this will be the first time I will open that door. I slowly open that door the same size as my room's door and bathroom door, I found myself awed and stunned as I look at the wide room looking like a princess closet we usually watch in Barbie princess movies.   “Oh- my- gosh! This is so... like a dream.” I utter in shock as I look around the room.   I am like inside a store, glamorous clothes, dresses, and others are hanging on each side while shoes with different colors, styles, and glimmering stones are properly lined on a shelf. I am like looking at a display seen in a shoe store. I also look into another drawer and open it just to be awed seeing much jewelry properly arranged and placed in boxes covered with see-through glass.   “Nope, this is not something I can own and wear. It will just destroy my style as Anna.” I said displeased as I close the wide drawer and look at the clothes.   With a sigh, I just look for something thinner to wear from my previous clothes hanging in a separate space from those expensive-looking ones. I am starting to get displeased about the idea of wearing all those luxurious items inside this closet. If I show people that I am happy and wear those people might think that I give in so easily and come to live with the Villaflors because they are rich, that is the worst gossip I hated the most to hear, so... I just wear one of my comfortable thin clothes and come out of the closet. I walk towards the study table beside the bed and sit on the chair; I take a notebook from my bag and I start to write. Write something to amuse me and fill my time. I am sort of a self-proclaimed writer too, like any other person who writes stories for fun I usually write mine in a notebook when I am killing time.   “Good morning Milady, you’re up so early?” I am stunned when someone speaks behind me while I emerge in writing.   I am so concentrated on my writings that I haven’t notice that someone entered the room, thus surprising me. I look at the time on my cellphone to see that it is just 6:23 am.   “Good- good morning too, you’re also up so early. What- what are you doing here?” I ask.   I turn to look at the maid who bows at me with her hand interlaced in front of her stomach who is standing just a few feet behind me. Why does everything in this place screams luxury and always make me realize how different here from what I am used to?   “I’m here to fix you a warm bath before you could wake up Milady.” The maid said making me smile and look at the girl.   She is young, about my age. Her long Havana brown hair is tied in a ponytail and is covered by a frilly white headband matching her black in white maid uniform like those usual uniforms of western countries that are colored black and white with frills.    “Oh! It is fine now I already bathe, you don’t need to bother. What’s your name by the way?” I ask out of curiosity.   I feel really weird with their formality in here, even how they keep on calling me Milady, the bowing, those careful attitudes, and this place itself. All are making me feel so uncomfortable. It makes me feel like I am in a major fairy tale. What is only missing is a witch to make it a perfect fairy tale.   “My name is Beth, Beth Casamero Milady.” She said still bowed and look so scared to look at me.   She looks so humble and shy. She is also the same height as me even with those heels of her black shoes. She has a sand skin tone and her nose is slightly elongated. I can’t see her eyes and face clearly since she is bowed.   “I see and please stop calling me Milady. Just call me A- I mean just- just call me Zam.” I said. Using the name really needs getting used to, I am okay hearing them call me Zam but calling my own self as Zam is a little bit ere.   “Oh no Milady we can’t, it is the rule of the house. Forgive me.” Beth said and her eyebrows furrow a she looks up at me looking so frightened.   “Hou- house rules? Who made it?” I ask trying to be normal but the intensity of my shocked voice is heard.   I really can’t believe there are house rules. I am not really good at listening and obeying rules. I am a bit of a rebel when it comes to rules. That made me uneasy... I might disappoint my parents here.   “Your Grandfather, Milady.” Beth said.   What?! I have a grandfather? That is a shock to me because I don’t know how I will face him if ever. I am so worried.   “Grandfather? Who is he and where is he?” I ask out of curiosity.   Why I haven’t met him ever since I came yesterday made me worried. He might not care about me or he might be a difficult person to deal with. Is he a good person or.... is he like those usual grandparents in dramas that are cunning, strict, and purely think only of inheritance and family name.   “He is your father’s father, his name is Don Victorio Alvares Villaflor III and he is the 3rd richest man in the business world. He is living in one of his mansions in Canada, in the main mansion. He visits once a week and checks everything here in Sky Mansion. He- He is an authoritarian but he is a loving person Milady.” Beth said as I gasp. Seriously, how rich are the Villaflors really?   “Oh! I see, I- I’m a little nervous of meeting him then.” I said.   “Don’t be Milady; he is also hoping to see you. I bet he will come upon hearing that you have been found. You will love him.” Beth said but I am not still sure if he will like me or if I will like him. Well as long as he is not a person who dictates how I will live then I will be fine with him.   “Oh! I’m not nervous about seeing him. I don’t follow rules, that is. I think he will be troubled by it.” I just said and smile trying to act cool.   “No Milady, if it is about his family he is fine with everything. He is only strict with the employees and with how works are done. You will get along Milady, don’t worry.” Beth said as she smiles at me like trying to assure me.   “I’m okay now, you can go- go and do something else thank you.” I said and Beth bows before she left to the door.   I take a deep breath and stand as I walk back in forth in the room. I sigh then pick my cellphone on the table to see that it is already 6:47 am; I turn towards the door and stop on my track when I heard a voice outside my door. I am now nervous and wondering who is it this time? Why do I feel chills coming up to every part of my body? It is as if something ominous is about to happen.   “Is she still asleep? Wake her up. I don’t have much time to spend all day just by teaching her.” I crease my forehead upon hearing such a jerky comment; I snort hearing the cold voice of Henry.   How dare him. I feel really insulted by the way he said those. It is official; this guy is a major A (asshole), HE will definitely make my stay here complicated and a great nightmare. I take a deep breath to calm myself so I can still control myself once I will see that Henry jerk. I wonder.... is this the start of my sufferings under this people’s hands? Will I really be like Snow White, or Cinderella, or Belle in Beauty and the Beast? I know it... this is why I hated fairy tales. Nothing always goes smoothly in life. I did find my golden apple but when I bite the apple it turns out that a worm is hidden inside (figuratively speaking). Do you get what I mean? I did become a rich girl but starting now... I know this will be the reason for my misfortunes.   “At least I still have a family to return if things go sour.” I sigh now very depressed and worried.  
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