Chapter Three- Alexander's POV

787 Words
 I sat at my table just watching other wolves grind all over one another. Some were mates, some were not. I made sure I kept all my senses open. My wolf was telling me my mate was here this time and I was anxious to hold her in my arms. I watched as a beta approached the powerful she-wolf that entered earlier. As he spoke I saw her body go rigid as she took a deep breath to calm herself before whipping around giving him a sickeningly sweet smile. I chuckled to myself, the damn fool was going to get himself killed approaching a she-wolf that radiated the power she did. They had a small interaction before the Beta left defeated. I watched as she shrugged off the wolf's disappointment and turned back to the refreshment bar for more wine.       It was then the scent hit me, the scent of vanilla and roses. A low growl escaped my lips as I bound over to my mate grabbing her wrist and spinning her into my chest. I felt it as her body became rigid as she shoved me away but just as quickly she softened as she pulled away to look at me. I could get lost in her beautiful golden eyes. Her skin was a beautiful bronze, completely flawless. She was small, but her body was perfect. She had wide hips and a good sized waist, not like these stick figure women you see today.  Her long legs were perfect and I couldn't help but imagine those legs wrapped around me. She had waist length honey colored hair that was in curls wrapping her face in a halo.  "MATE" we both said together as I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her into me.           She breathed in my scent before pulling me into her even closer, earning her a small growl in response.    I felt her smile "Hello my mate, I'm Autumn." she said to me with her soft and gentle voice. I looked down at her "I am Alpha Alexander of the Crystal Moon pack."  I felt her surprise and then her sadness.  "I'm sorry I made you wait." she said sadly. My wolf whimpered at the sadness in her voice.  "What do you mean?"  "If I had come three years ago when I was supposed to I would've already had you, my mate, but I didn't know if I was ready so I waited until now." she said looking down at her feet. I pulled her to face me.  "You have no reason to apologize, the wait was worth the outcome." I said before pulling in to kiss her. She happily gave in to the kiss, gradually deepening it. Our kiss became more passionate and intense. We both finally pulled away gasping for air and I grabbed her wrist and pulled her to my table, setting her on my lap where she wrapped her arms around my neck and nuzzled into me. I loved the way she felt in my arms. Her body fit into me perfectly. I felt her stiffening as another wolf approached me.  "Hello Alpha Alexander." She cooed as she commenced into full blown giggles.    Autumn growled at the girl, and unlike most wolves where their eyes grow dark when angry her eyes glowed, specks of blue shining through as she stared at the poor girl who chose to approach me. The girl flinched back fear clear in her eyes. I had to admit Autumn's growl had even my wolf whimpering. She quickly got up and stood in between me and the girl. "MINE!" she growled. Autumn's powerful aurora seemed to grow with her anger. I saw as Autumn started to approach the girl, which had me on my feet and wrapping my arms around her.  "Calm, my love. You are my mate. None other shall ever catch my eye." I told her reassuringly.    I felt as some of the tension and anger had left her body. She looked up at me, her eyes back to their beautiful golden color and she smiled. She looked back at the girl and took one step forward causing the girl to bow her head in submission.  "If you ever talk or step towards my mate again I promise you, you will never get the chance to meet your true mate. Am I understood?" she commanded. Her command had all wolves within hearing distance to bow their heads in submission.  "Y-Y-yes." the girl stuttered "Leave us, NOW!" Autumn spat at the girl. The girl plus a few other wolves quickly scurried away out of fear.  “We have a powerful mate.” my wolf said proudly. "Yes we do," I responded smiling at Autumn.
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