Chapter Two- Autumn's POV

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 Today was the first day of the gala and I was ready. I was dressed in my Angel costume with my white crystal beaded mask. The dress hugged my curves and the V neck plunged below my breasts revealing my cleavage. It had a slit clear up to my thigh allowing me plenty of space to fight if needed. I always wore clothes that allowed me to fight. As I walked out of my room I saw a group of girls all gathered around one another giggling and talking excitedly about the gala. "Did you hear Alpha Alexander will be here for his fifth year?" one girl said. "Yes, I'm beginning to wonder if he has a mate." Another says I walked up to them quickly and asked, "Are you talking about Alpha Alexander?"  They all turned to look at me, all their jaws dropped simultaneously as they saw me. "y-yes." one girl stuttered "I've heard of him. Other than the royal pack, he leads the largest and most feared pack in the country. How could he not have a Luna yet?"  "We don't know, all we know is he has been coming to the gala for the past five years. He just hasn't mated with anyone yet. We are all hoping he mates with one of us. We hear he is god-like in his looks and his body looks like it had been chiseled by marble." Another girl stated as they all broke out in giggles.     I furrowed my eyebrows together, these girls were just children in a woman's body, how could they hope to be a good mate if all they cared about was how handsome he was or how his body looked and couldn't even manage to speak of that without breaking out into giggles?  I just nodded in response and walked past them to descend the stairs to the ballroom.    The gala had already started and it seemed I would be making an entrance since all the other girls were upstairs giggling to one another. I stopped in the doorway trying to steady my breathing, I was so nervous.  “Calm down dear, all will be fine” my wolf assured me. She always knew how to calm me down. Her voice was soft and soothing and always seemed to calm my nerves. "Thank you" I told her with a small smile. I took a deep breath and walked into the ballroom.     My initial thought was wrong, the room was already filled with women, women my age and older. The men were 18 and older. But regardless of how many people were in the room, it seemed the whole room stopped and stared as I entered. The power that radiated off me got everyone's attention. I kept my head high and ignored all the stares and whispers as I walked to the refreshment bar, I was used to all the stares by now anyway,  "Hello beautiful" a man's voice spoke behind me. I smelled the air, he was not my mate but he was speaking to me. I turned around slightly irritated that a man who was not my mate was speaking to me, but I didn't show it. "Hello, and who may you be?" I asked as kindly as I could. the man's eyes sparkled and he looked like he melted at the sound of my voice.  "I am Sam, Beta of the Night Moon pack"  "Well it's nice to meet you Sam, I am Autumn Ross. I am sorry but I will not disclose my pack name, that is reserved for my mate to know."  Sam looked visibly disappointed at my response. His eyes dimmed and his shoulders slumped   "I understand," he said as he turned and walked away. I shrugged, not phased by his disappointment. I turned back to the refreshment bar and asked the attendant to refill my wine.      It was then I suddenly felt a large hand grab my wrist and spin me around, I felt electricity shooting through my body from that one touch. I crashed into a hard chest with a thud. Anger filled my being as I pushed myself away from the man. Then I smelt it, a smell of Sandalwood and leather, a smell so intoxicating I closed my eyes, leaned into it and breathed it in. I looked up to find a very large muscular man. I could see his crystal blue eyes through his Phantom of the opera mask. He was tanned with a squared jaw and shoulder length black hair flowing in waves around his neck. Oh, how I wanted to run my fingers through that hair. I could see how his muscles moved through his white button down shirt.  "MATE!" The man and I growled in unison  His hands shot around my waist, pulling me into him. He held onto me tightly as he deeply breathed in my scent. I wrapped my arms around him pulling him in even closer. That earned me a low growl from him. I smirked as I slightly pulled away from him and looked up into his blue eyes.  "Hello my mate, I am Autumn." I said softly.     His blue eyes pierced down at me, flecks of gold danced in them letting me know his wolf was present. His eyes were filled with compassion, love and acceptance. I felt my heart speed up as I saw the emotions in his eyes.  "I am Alpha Alexander of the Crystal moon pack" he responded huskily, never taking his arms from my waist. My eyes went wide as I heard his name. Alpha Alexander has been looking for his mate for five years and If I had just come to the gala three years ago I would've already had my mate.  "I'm sorry, I made you wait so long" I said sadly "What do you mean?" he asked looking down at me genuinely confused. "I should have come three years ago when I was supposed to, but I didn't feel like I was ready for a mate. So I waited until now." I explained looking down at my feet Alexander put his fingers under my chin and forced me to look at him.  "You have no reason to apologize, the wait was worth the outcome"     He then pressed his lips to mine and sparks erupted from my body as I happily returned his kiss. The kiss suddenly deepened and became more passionate and needing. We broke the kiss, both of us gasping for air. Alexander took my hand and led me to his table, sitting me on his lap. I wrapped my arms around his neck and nuzzled into him more content than I have ever been in my life.  “I told you he would accept us”  My wolf Amara gloated “You are always right Amara, and this time, I am so glad you were.”
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