Chapter 8

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Playlist - Goodnight and Go by Imogen Heap beginning of a doom... Astoria "Eat up, biscuit." Papa, my grandfather, broke me away from distorted thoughts. "Something on yer mind? Care to share it with your old man?" I brush him off with a small shake of my head. "Nothing, papa. I was just feeling bored doing nothing in my room," I lied through my teeth. I dug my spoon into the delicious biscuits and gravy my grandma had made. I got my nickname biscuit because as a child, all I wanted to eat was my gravy and biscuits. Papa shared a look with mama. I had known both of them my whole life and was well aware that they were silently communicating and had come to the conclusion that something was indeed wrong with me. "Your great-aunt Tessie needs some help with her farm this summer. If you like, I can tell Tessie you are more than happy to help her out. Of course, some of your cousins will be there." My grandmother, Pearl, although the wanted the best for me, going back to Missouri after I'd just made the big move to the city folks town, won't be adjustable. And I won't be able to be near Axel for the entire summer. That's too much. Even after our fight, I knew we'll make it up for each other soon. It was just a matter of days... "No, mama. It's not necessary. I am just fine here," I assured her. "Why do you have such a glum look on your face? Is it because of the Trent boy? Was he being mean to you?" My grandmother started. My grandfather's inquisitive eyes settled on me. He can read me better than anyone and if figured out the reason behind my gloomy state was indeed the boy he couldn't stand, then God have mercy on me. Since the beginning, papa had made it clear that I should stay far away from the Trent spawn. He had trouble written all over him. Neither one of my grandparents knew anything about Axel's initial harassment and bullying nature. And I would love it if it stayed that way. I couldn't afford to have them dislike Axel even more than they do now. "It's nothing, mama. Why do you always have to be on my case. Maybe this is just how a normal teenager behaves." "Watch your tone, girl. It's your grandmother," Papa chided. It was time to excuse myself and return to my room. I'll cause more drama than necessary if I keep my big mouth open any longer. "You will stop spending time with that boy, Astoria. He's a bad influence." The firmness in my grandfather's tone held no room for arguments. He was imposing the restriction on me. I opened my mouth to protest, but a stern look from papa had me eating my own words. "To your room. Now," he ordered. Without a word, I excused myself from the dining table. I ran my plates through the water and had them tucked inside the dishwasher. From the corner of my eyes, I saw my grandparents talking in hushed tones. Heaviness in each step, I felt drained. They officially forbade me from hanging out with Axel. I wonder how they'll react if they ever find out that we have been having sleepovers for a year, or what went down with us in the garden. I touched my lips and my thoughts traveled to Axel. He had run his fingers over my lips. The sensation was foreign and warm at the same time. He was always possessive and territorial when it came to me. This crossed a lot of the invisible boundaries. He was my best friend not my boyfriend to react with so much intensity. Not when he already had someone with whom he shared his kisses. French kisses. We had only ever kissed each other's cheeks. Although, Axel's lips did travel to my neck and shoulders on days when he was feeling incredibly territorial. Was it possible for Axel to have feelings for me... more than a friend? I shook my head, shrugged off the naive thought from my head. I didn't get enough time to compose my train of thoughts because the person responsible for it had suddenly appeared in front of me. "A penny for your thought," he said with a small laugh. "Still thinking about a french kiss?" My impulse sprang in control. I put my palm on his mouth, stopped him from letting his presence known to my grandparents and causing unnecessary havoc. "Don't say a word," I whisper-shouted. I yanked him upstairs with me and locked us in my room. Finally, withdrawing my palm from his mouth. I unleashed my frustration at him. "You're out of your mind, Axel. Do you know what might happen if Papa sees you here? I should keep my window shut at all times. You can't keep showing at my house unannounced, especially, not by using my bedroom window." He seemed completely unfazed by my hysterical rebuke. If anything, his face had donned a mask of an affable, smug next door boy. His eyes were a different story. They are two expressive orbs of ocean blue. It told me everything I needed to know. The wounded pride, hurt, the battle of love and pride. It's all there. He was still in his cashmere sweater and trousers. Arms crossed, he effortlessly leaned forward until my back was rooted to the surface of my door. His hand came down to settle right next to my head. "Nice saving my ass down in front of your mama and papa. I would've appreciated it if you'd stood up for our friendship instead of recoiling back. I don't care what your papa will do if he finds us together. You're forgetting that he's on my mom's payroll and you live in the cottage that my grandfather built. So I don't give two shits about what he does. I am only interested to know what you think about all this." "You have some nerve to throw the payroll s**t in my face. Let me remind you once again, we are people with feelings just like you. And I care about my papa," I whispered-yelled, once again. "I shouldn't be the one sticking up for our friendship when you can't seem to respect it in the first place." I threw a finger at his face. "My lips feel raw from your rough rubbing at it." He chuckled, a mean and arrogant sound to it. I pushed at his chest and he backed away. For a boy his age, his body definitely had definitions to it. Had he not wanted to move from his spot when pushed at his chest, I wouldn't have been able to put some distance between us. In a sense, he had all the control of situation. "You're hypocritical too," I threw the words at him. "Its okay for you to parade your girls around me, hog their faces, but no, I can't even mention my first kiss, No, I have to bloody provide an explanation to you." Axel stiffened which amped me up to dig my grave further. "It's every time with you. I can't hang out with my friends without informing you, can't laugh at Peter' joke, because it's 'disrespectful' to you," I used air quotation to signify my frustration. It's funny how you have an opinion on each and every aspect of my life, but I am not even allowed to be around your elite friends." "Vent it all out," he said. The casualness of his tone irked the bananas out of me. He was atop my studying table with his head dangling on the floor. It appeared as if he was enjoying the weather instead of being the target of my attacks. I fell on the edge of my bed, exhausted. It was no use of explaining anything to him when he couldn't see past his own personal bias. "I am putting a stop to it. There needs to be distance between us. It's not healthy and it's affecting both of us." "Say that again." "We need to grow separately from now onwards. Or else this." I pointed my finger to him and back at me. "Will cultivate into a toxic friendship where you'll get jealous of my boyfriends and beat the s**t out of them, and I'll be in my room resenting your girlfriends." I ignored his drilling gaze and tossed my braid to the side. I knew he was up from his position and closed the short gap between us. Aware of his unmistakable presence, I chose to ignore it. I shared down at my socks clad feets instead of focusing on the figure that loomed above me. His Jordans and my Walmart socks were match made in hell. They didn't go together and should be separated far away from each other. My eyes caught the small rabbits peeking from his Jordans. My heart immediately swelled when I recognised he had worn my gifted socks. Still, it shook my resolve. I was still staring at our feets. "What if I suggest an alternative where you won't resent any of my girlfriends and I won't have to beat your hypothetical boyfriends?" His fingers traveled to my hair, tugged on the loose strands of my braid before finally chucking me under the chin. "Look at me, toots." It was an involuntary action. It was the gentle tone of his voice that compelled me to look up at him. His other hand combed through my hair before letting my hair flow freely. He righted my glasses. "Imagine how much easier it would be for both of us if such a scenario was possible." His thumb came soft rub circles on my lips. Next thing I knew, Axel leaned down until our mouths were mere distance apart. "Can you feel my heart racing?" He held my hand up to his chest, letting me feel the erratic beating of his heart. "Yes," I breathed out. My own heart matched the rhythm of his. "I want to kiss you for hours, days, months, years, only if you let me." "Charlotte got to hear this one too?" I tried not to sound bitter, but I did. I also tried not to stare at his plum lower lip, but I did that too. His eyes glittered with an icy tone to it. "Not this one, because I don't love her. I love you, and have loved you since we met. I want to kiss you. There's no one better than me for you." "That's bullshit." "I love it when you curse." "It's because of you." I jabbed at his chest. "Why did you have to be so territorial of me all the time?" I stood up and wrapped my arms around his waist. "I can get territorial too. You're my best friend." "I want to be your boyfriend. Will you be my girlfriend?" His fingers gripped hair. "Answer me." "What happens if I say yes?" "Your papa will finally get a reason to plot my sudden disappearance," he joked. "And it's just us. We have this entire estate all to ourselves for the summer. It's just you and me against the world." "What if it ruins our friendship?" "Do you think it's possible?" He stared deeply into my eyes. Our eyes never once blinked. "Nah! I don't think that's possible." I giggled. "You're my boyfriend." I grabbed his face. "Not Charlotte's, not Rebecca's and definitely not Jenna's who constantly stares at you with stars in her eyes." I made a face of annoyance. "I don't even know who that last girl is and I most definitely only belong to my tootsie Astoria." "We belong together, not to each other," I corrected him. "Now shut up and kiss me." He bent his head down to meet my lips. The moment his lips met mine, I lost control of myself. If it was possible, I felt like I was swept inside a Disney movie where the princess is finally kissed by her charming prince. Axel took my breath away. Everything about it was perfect. I felt complete and happy. It was perfect and it was mine. Our beginning. ***
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